blob: 15cfba2d99ce764a38cca01be9664ea594fc753a [file] [log] [blame]
use std::{
fmt::{Debug, Formatter},
use crate::{
config::tree::{Key, Link, Note, Section, SubSectionRequirement},
/// Implements a value without any constraints, i.e. a any value.
pub struct Any<T: Validate = validate::All> {
/// The key of the value in the git configuration.
pub name: &'static str,
/// The parent section of the key.
pub section: &'static dyn Section,
/// The subsection requirement to use.
pub subsection_requirement: Option<SubSectionRequirement>,
/// A link to other resources that might be eligible as value.
pub link: Option<Link>,
/// A note about this key.
pub note: Option<Note>,
/// The way validation and transformation should happen.
validate: T,
/// Init
impl Any<validate::All> {
/// Create a new instance from `name` and `section`
pub const fn new(name: &'static str, section: &'static dyn Section) -> Self {
Any::new_with_validate(name, section, validate::All)
/// Init other validate implementations
impl<T: Validate> Any<T> {
/// Create a new instance from `name` and `section`
pub const fn new_with_validate(name: &'static str, section: &'static dyn Section, validate: T) -> Self {
Any {
subsection_requirement: Some(SubSectionRequirement::Never),
link: None,
note: None,
/// Builder
impl<T: Validate> Any<T> {
/// Set the subsection requirement to non-default values.
pub const fn with_subsection_requirement(mut self, requirement: Option<SubSectionRequirement>) -> Self {
self.subsection_requirement = requirement;
/// Associate an environment variable with this key.
/// This is mainly useful for enriching error messages.
pub const fn with_environment_override(mut self, var: &'static str) -> Self { = Some(Link::EnvironmentOverride(var));
/// Set a link to another key which serves as fallback to provide a value if this key is not set.
pub const fn with_fallback(mut self, key: &'static dyn Key) -> Self { = Some(Link::FallbackKey(key));
/// Attach an informative message to this key.
pub const fn with_note(mut self, message: &'static str) -> Self {
self.note = Some(Note::Informative(message));
/// Inform about a deviation in how this key is interpreted.
pub const fn with_deviation(mut self, message: &'static str) -> Self {
self.note = Some(Note::Deviation(message));
/// Conversion
impl<T: Validate> Any<T> {
/// Try to convert `value` into a refspec suitable for the `op` operation.
pub fn try_into_refspec(
&'static self,
value: std::borrow::Cow<'_, BStr>,
op: gix_refspec::parse::Operation,
) -> Result<gix_refspec::RefSpec, config::refspec::Error> {
gix_refspec::parse(value.as_ref(), op)
.map(|spec| spec.to_owned())
.map_err(|err| config::refspec::Error::from_value(self, value.into_owned()).with_source(err))
/// Try to interpret `value` as UTF-8 encoded string.
pub fn try_into_string(&'static self, value: Cow<'_, BStr>) -> Result<std::string::String, config::string::Error> {
use crate::bstr::ByteVec;
Vec::from(value.into_owned()).into_string().map_err(|err| {
let utf8_err = err.utf8_error().clone();
config::string::Error::from_value(self, err.into_vec().into()).with_source(utf8_err)
impl<T: Validate> Debug for Any<T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
impl<T: Validate> std::fmt::Display for Any<T> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
impl<T: Validate> Key for Any<T> {
fn name(&self) -> &str {
fn validate(&self, value: &BStr) -> Result<(), config::tree::key::validate::Error> {
fn section(&self) -> &dyn Section {
fn subsection_requirement(&self) -> Option<&SubSectionRequirement> {
fn link(&self) -> Option<&Link> {
fn note(&self) -> Option<&Note> {
/// A key which represents a date.
pub type Time = Any<validate::Time>;
/// The `core.(filesRefLockTimeout|packedRefsTimeout)` keys, or any other lock timeout for that matter.
pub type LockTimeout = Any<validate::LockTimeout>;
/// Keys specifying durations in milliseconds.
pub type DurationInMilliseconds = Any<validate::DurationInMilliseconds>;
/// A key which represents any unsigned integer.
pub type UnsignedInteger = Any<validate::UnsignedInteger>;
/// A key that represents a remote name, either as url or symbolic name.
pub type RemoteName = Any<validate::RemoteName>;
/// A key that represents a boolean value.
pub type Boolean = Any<validate::Boolean>;
/// A key that represents an executable program, shell script or shell commands.
pub type Program = Any<validate::Program>;
/// A key that represents an executable program as identified by name or path.
pub type Executable = Any<validate::Executable>;
/// A key that represents a path (to a resource).
pub type Path = Any<validate::Path>;
/// A key that represents a URL.
pub type Url = Any<validate::Url>;
/// A key that represents a UTF-8 string.
pub type String = Any<validate::String>;
/// A key that represents a `RefSpec` for pushing.
pub type PushRefSpec = Any<validate::PushRefSpec>;
/// A key that represents a `RefSpec` for fetching.
pub type FetchRefSpec = Any<validate::FetchRefSpec>;
mod duration {
use std::time::Duration;
use crate::{
config::tree::{keys::DurationInMilliseconds, Section},
impl DurationInMilliseconds {
/// Create a new instance.
pub const fn new_duration(name: &'static str, section: &'static dyn Section) -> Self {
Self::new_with_validate(name, section, super::validate::DurationInMilliseconds)
/// Return a valid duration as parsed from an integer that is interpreted as milliseconds.
pub fn try_into_duration(
&'static self,
value: Result<i64, gix_config::value::Error>,
) -> Result<std::time::Duration, config::duration::Error> {
let value = value.map_err(|err| config::duration::Error::from(self).with_source(err))?;
Ok(match value {
val if val < 0 => Duration::from_secs(u64::MAX),
val => Duration::from_millis(val.try_into().expect("i64 to u64 always works if positive")),
mod lock_timeout {
use std::time::Duration;
use gix_lock::acquire::Fail;
use crate::{
config::tree::{keys::LockTimeout, Section},
impl LockTimeout {
/// Create a new instance.
pub const fn new_lock_timeout(name: &'static str, section: &'static dyn Section) -> Self {
Self::new_with_validate(name, section, super::validate::LockTimeout)
/// Return information on how long to wait for locked files.
pub fn try_into_lock_timeout(
&'static self,
value: Result<i64, gix_config::value::Error>,
) -> Result<gix_lock::acquire::Fail, config::lock_timeout::Error> {
let value = value.map_err(|err| config::lock_timeout::Error::from(self).with_source(err))?;
Ok(match value {
val if val < 0 => Fail::AfterDurationWithBackoff(Duration::from_secs(u64::MAX)),
0 => Fail::Immediately,
val => Fail::AfterDurationWithBackoff(Duration::from_millis(
val.try_into().expect("i64 to u64 always works if positive"),
mod refspecs {
use crate::config::tree::{
keys::{validate, FetchRefSpec, PushRefSpec},
impl PushRefSpec {
/// Create a new instance.
pub const fn new_push_refspec(name: &'static str, section: &'static dyn Section) -> Self {
Self::new_with_validate(name, section, validate::PushRefSpec)
impl FetchRefSpec {
/// Create a new instance.
pub const fn new_fetch_refspec(name: &'static str, section: &'static dyn Section) -> Self {
Self::new_with_validate(name, section, validate::FetchRefSpec)
mod url {
use std::borrow::Cow;
use crate::{
keys::{validate, Url},
impl Url {
/// Create a new instance.
pub const fn new_url(name: &'static str, section: &'static dyn Section) -> Self {
Self::new_with_validate(name, section, validate::Url)
/// Try to parse `value` as URL.
pub fn try_into_url(&'static self, value: Cow<'_, BStr>) -> Result<gix_url::Url, config::url::Error> {
.map_err(|err| config::url::Error::from_value(self, value.into_owned()).with_source(err))
impl String {
/// Create a new instance.
pub const fn new_string(name: &'static str, section: &'static dyn Section) -> Self {
Self::new_with_validate(name, section, validate::String)
impl Program {
/// Create a new instance.
pub const fn new_program(name: &'static str, section: &'static dyn Section) -> Self {
Self::new_with_validate(name, section, validate::Program)
impl Executable {
/// Create a new instance.
pub const fn new_executable(name: &'static str, section: &'static dyn Section) -> Self {
Self::new_with_validate(name, section, validate::Executable)
impl Path {
/// Create a new instance.
pub const fn new_path(name: &'static str, section: &'static dyn Section) -> Self {
Self::new_with_validate(name, section, validate::Path)
mod workers {
use crate::config::tree::{keys::UnsignedInteger, Section};
impl UnsignedInteger {
/// Create a new instance.
pub const fn new_unsigned_integer(name: &'static str, section: &'static dyn Section) -> Self {
Self::new_with_validate(name, section, super::validate::UnsignedInteger)
/// Convert `value` into a `usize` or wrap it into a specialized error.
pub fn try_into_usize(
&'static self,
value: Result<i64, gix_config::value::Error>,
) -> Result<usize, crate::config::unsigned_integer::Error> {
.map_err(|err| crate::config::unsigned_integer::Error::from(self).with_source(err))
.and_then(|value| {
.map_err(|_| crate::config::unsigned_integer::Error::from(self))
/// Convert `value` into a `u64` or wrap it into a specialized error.
pub fn try_into_u64(
&'static self,
value: Result<i64, gix_config::value::Error>,
) -> Result<u64, crate::config::unsigned_integer::Error> {
.map_err(|err| crate::config::unsigned_integer::Error::from(self).with_source(err))
.and_then(|value| {
.map_err(|_| crate::config::unsigned_integer::Error::from(self))
/// Convert `value` into a `u32` or wrap it into a specialized error.
pub fn try_into_u32(
&'static self,
value: Result<i64, gix_config::value::Error>,
) -> Result<u32, crate::config::unsigned_integer::Error> {
.map_err(|err| crate::config::unsigned_integer::Error::from(self).with_source(err))
.and_then(|value| {
.map_err(|_| crate::config::unsigned_integer::Error::from(self))
mod time {
use std::borrow::Cow;
use crate::{
bstr::{BStr, ByteSlice},
keys::{validate, Time},
impl Time {
/// Create a new instance.
pub const fn new_time(name: &'static str, section: &'static dyn Section) -> Self {
Self::new_with_validate(name, section, validate::Time)
/// Convert the `value` into a date if possible, with `now` as reference time for relative dates.
pub fn try_into_time(
value: Cow<'_, BStr>,
now: Option<std::time::SystemTime>,
) -> Result<gix_date::Time, gix_date::parse::Error> {
.map_err(|_| gix_date::parse::Error::InvalidDateString {
input: value.to_string(),
mod boolean {
use crate::{
keys::{validate, Boolean},
impl Boolean {
/// Create a new instance.
pub const fn new_boolean(name: &'static str, section: &'static dyn Section) -> Self {
Self::new_with_validate(name, section, validate::Boolean)
/// Process the `value` into a result with an improved error message.
/// `value` is expected to be provided by [`gix_config::File::boolean()`].
pub fn enrich_error(
&'static self,
value: Result<bool, gix_config::value::Error>,
) -> Result<bool, config::boolean::Error> {
value.map_err(|err| config::boolean::Error::from(self).with_source(err))
mod remote_name {
use std::borrow::Cow;
use crate::{
bstr::{BStr, BString},
config::tree::{keys::RemoteName, Section},
impl RemoteName {
/// Create a new instance.
pub const fn new_remote_name(name: &'static str, section: &'static dyn Section) -> Self {
Self::new_with_validate(name, section, super::validate::RemoteName)
/// Try to validate `name` as symbolic remote name and return it.
pub fn try_into_symbolic_name(
&'static self,
name: Cow<'_, BStr>,
) -> Result<BString, config::remote::symbolic_name::Error> {
.map_err(|err| config::remote::symbolic_name::Error::from(self).with_source(err))
/// Provide a way to validate a value, or decode a value from `git-config`.
pub trait Validate {
/// Validate `value` or return an error.
fn validate(&self, value: &BStr) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync + 'static>>;
/// various implementations of the `Validate` trait.
pub mod validate {
use std::{borrow::Cow, error::Error};
use crate::{
bstr::{BStr, ByteSlice},
/// Everything is valid.
pub struct All;
impl Validate for All {
fn validate(&self, _value: &BStr) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
/// Assure that values that parse as git dates are valid.
pub struct Time;
impl Validate for Time {
fn validate(&self, value: &BStr) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
gix_date::parse(value.to_str()?, std::time::SystemTime::now().into())?;
/// Assure that values that parse as unsigned integers are valid.
pub struct UnsignedInteger;
impl Validate for UnsignedInteger {
fn validate(&self, value: &BStr) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
.ok_or_else(|| format!("integer {value} cannot be represented as `usize`"))?,
.map_err(|_| "cannot use sign for unsigned integer")?;
/// Assure that values that parse as git booleans are valid.
pub struct Boolean;
impl Validate for Boolean {
fn validate(&self, value: &BStr) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
/// Values that are git remotes, symbolic or urls
pub struct RemoteName;
impl Validate for RemoteName {
fn validate(&self, value: &BStr) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
.map_err(|_| format!("Illformed UTF-8 in remote name: \"{}\"", value.to_str_lossy()))?;
/// Values that are programs - everything is allowed.
pub struct Program;
impl Validate for Program {
fn validate(&self, _value: &BStr) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
/// Values that are programs executables, everything is allowed.
pub struct Executable;
impl Validate for Executable {
fn validate(&self, _value: &BStr) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
/// Values that parse as URLs.
pub struct Url;
impl Validate for Url {
fn validate(&self, value: &BStr) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
/// Values that parse as ref-specs for pushing.
pub struct PushRefSpec;
impl Validate for PushRefSpec {
fn validate(&self, value: &BStr) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
gix_refspec::parse(value, gix_refspec::parse::Operation::Push)?;
/// Values that parse as ref-specs for pushing.
pub struct FetchRefSpec;
impl Validate for FetchRefSpec {
fn validate(&self, value: &BStr) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
gix_refspec::parse(value, gix_refspec::parse::Operation::Fetch)?;
/// Timeouts used for file locks.
pub struct LockTimeout;
impl Validate for LockTimeout {
fn validate(&self, value: &BStr) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
let value = gix_config::Integer::try_from(value)?
.ok_or_else(|| format!("integer {value} cannot be represented as integer"));
/// Durations in milliseconds.
pub struct DurationInMilliseconds;
impl Validate for DurationInMilliseconds {
fn validate(&self, value: &BStr) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
let value = gix_config::Integer::try_from(value)?
.ok_or_else(|| format!("integer {value} cannot be represented as integer"));
/// A UTF-8 string.
pub struct String;
impl Validate for String {
fn validate(&self, value: &BStr) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {
/// Any path - everything is allowed.
pub struct Path;
impl Validate for Path {
fn validate(&self, _value: &BStr) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>> {