blob: 30e3c609f1bfb1749dcfe8ca3a9346c36f84e7bb [file] [log] [blame]
use bstr::{BString, ByteSlice};
use gix_glob::pattern::Case;
use crate::{stack::State, PathIdMapping};
#[cfg(feature = "attributes")]
type AttributeMatchGroup = gix_attributes::Search;
type IgnoreMatchGroup = gix_ignore::Search;
/// State related to attributes associated with files in the repository.
#[derive(Default, Clone)]
#[cfg(feature = "attributes")]
pub struct Attributes {
/// Attribute patterns which aren't tied to the repository root, hence are global, they contribute first.
globals: AttributeMatchGroup,
/// Attribute patterns that match the currently set directory (in the stack).
/// Note that the root-level file is always loaded, if present, followed by, the `$GIT_DIR/info/attributes`, if present, based
/// on the location of the `info_attributes` file.
stack: AttributeMatchGroup,
/// The first time we push the root, we have to load additional information from this file if it exists along with the root attributes
/// file if possible, and keep them there throughout.
info_attributes: Option<std::path::PathBuf>,
/// A lookup table to accelerate searches.
collection: gix_attributes::search::MetadataCollection,
/// Where to read `.gitattributes` data from.
source: attributes::Source,
/// State related to the exclusion of files, supporting static overrides and globals, along with a stack of dynamically read
/// ignore files from disk or from the index each time the directory changes.
#[derive(Default, Clone)]
pub struct Ignore {
/// Ignore patterns passed as overrides to everything else, typically passed on the command-line and the first patterns to
/// be consulted.
overrides: IgnoreMatchGroup,
/// Ignore patterns that match the currently set director (in the stack), which is pushed and popped as needed.
stack: IgnoreMatchGroup,
/// Ignore patterns which aren't tied to the repository root, hence are global. They are consulted last.
globals: IgnoreMatchGroup,
/// A matching stack of pattern indices which is empty if we have just been initialized to indicate that the
/// currently set directory had a pattern matched. Note that this one could be negated.
/// (index into match groups, index into list of pattern lists, index into pattern list)
matched_directory_patterns_stack: Vec<Option<(usize, usize, usize)>>,
/// The name of the file to look for in directories.
pub(crate) exclude_file_name_for_directories: BString,
/// Where to read ignore files from
source: ignore::Source,
#[cfg(feature = "attributes")]
pub mod attributes;
pub mod ignore;
/// Initialization
impl State {
/// Configure a state to be suitable for checking out files, which only needs access to attribute files read from the index.
#[cfg(feature = "attributes")]
pub fn for_checkout(unlink_on_collision: bool, attributes: Attributes) -> Self {
State::CreateDirectoryAndAttributesStack {
/// Configure a state for adding files, with support for ignore files and attribute files.
#[cfg(feature = "attributes")]
pub fn for_add(attributes: Attributes, ignore: Ignore) -> Self {
State::AttributesAndIgnoreStack { attributes, ignore }
/// Utilities
impl State {
/// Returns a vec of tuples of relative index paths along with the best usable blob OID for
/// either *ignore* or *attribute* files or both. This allows files to be accessed directly from
/// the object database without the need for a worktree checkout.
/// Note that this method…
/// - ignores entries which aren't blobs.
/// - ignores ignore entries which are not skip-worktree.
/// - within merges, picks 'our' stage both for *ignore* and *attribute* files.
/// * `index` is where we look for suitable files by path in order to obtain their blob hash.
/// * `paths` is the indices storage backend for paths.
/// * `case` determines if the search for files should be case-sensitive or not.
pub fn id_mappings_from_index(
index: &gix_index::State,
paths: &gix_index::PathStorageRef,
case: Case,
) -> Vec<PathIdMapping> {
let a1_backing;
#[cfg(feature = "attributes")]
let a2_backing;
let names = match self {
State::IgnoreStack(ignore) => {
a1_backing = [(
#[cfg(feature = "attributes")]
State::AttributesAndIgnoreStack { ignore, .. } => {
a2_backing = [
(".gitattributes".into(), None),
#[cfg(feature = "attributes")]
State::CreateDirectoryAndAttributesStack { .. } | State::AttributesStack(_) => {
a1_backing = [(".gitattributes".into(), None)];
.filter_map(move |entry| {
let path = entry.path_in(paths);
// Stage 0 means there is no merge going on, stage 2 means it's 'our' side of the merge, but then
// there won't be a stage 0.
if entry.mode == gix_index::entry::Mode::FILE && (entry.stage() == 0 || entry.stage() == 2) {
let basename = path.rfind_byte(b'/').map_or(path, |pos| path[pos + 1..].as_bstr());
let ignore_source = names.iter().find_map(|t| {
match case {
Case::Sensitive => basename == t.0,
Case::Fold => basename.eq_ignore_ascii_case(t.0),
if let Some(source) = ignore_source {
match source {
ignore::Source::IdMapping => {}
ignore::Source::WorktreeThenIdMappingIfNotSkipped => {
// See
if !entry.flags.contains(gix_index::entry::Flags::SKIP_WORKTREE) {
return None;
} else {
pub(crate) fn ignore_or_panic(&self) -> &Ignore {
match self {
State::IgnoreStack(v) => v,
#[cfg(feature = "attributes")]
State::AttributesAndIgnoreStack { ignore, .. } => ignore,
#[cfg(feature = "attributes")]
State::AttributesStack(_) | State::CreateDirectoryAndAttributesStack { .. } => {
unreachable!("BUG: must not try to check excludes without it being setup")
#[cfg(feature = "attributes")]
pub(crate) fn attributes_or_panic(&self) -> &Attributes {
match self {
| State::AttributesAndIgnoreStack { attributes, .. }
| State::CreateDirectoryAndAttributesStack { attributes, .. } => attributes,
State::IgnoreStack(_) => {
unreachable!("BUG: must not try to check excludes without it being setup")