blob: 228467f5bee2c235fc2d41a62746f9936fbe4120 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use bstr::{BStr, ByteSlice};
use gix_hash::oid;
use super::Stack;
use crate::PathIdMapping;
/// Various aggregate numbers collected from when the corresponding [`Stack`] was instantiated.
#[derive(Default, Clone, Copy, Debug)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "serde", derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize))]
pub struct Statistics {
/// The amount of platforms created to do further matching.
pub platforms: usize,
/// Information about the stack delegate.
pub delegate: delegate::Statistics,
/// Information about attributes
#[cfg(feature = "attributes")]
pub attributes: state::attributes::Statistics,
/// Information about the ignore stack
pub ignore: state::ignore::Statistics,
pub enum State {
/// Useful for checkout where directories need creation, but we need to access attributes as well.
#[cfg(feature = "attributes")]
CreateDirectoryAndAttributesStack {
/// If there is a symlink or a file in our path, try to unlink it before creating the directory.
unlink_on_collision: bool,
/// State to handle attribute information
attributes: state::Attributes,
/// Used when adding files, requiring access to both attributes and ignore information, for example during add operations.
#[cfg(feature = "attributes")]
AttributesAndIgnoreStack {
/// State to handle attribute information
attributes: state::Attributes,
/// State to handle exclusion information
ignore: state::Ignore,
/// Used when only attributes are required, typically with fully virtual worktrees.
#[cfg(feature = "attributes")]
/// Used when providing worktree status information.
pub struct Platform<'a> {
parent: &'a Stack,
is_dir: Option<bool>,
/// Initialization
impl Stack {
/// Create a new instance with `worktree_root` being the base for all future paths we match.
/// `state` defines the capabilities of the cache.
/// The `case` configures attribute and exclusion case sensitivity at *query time*, which should match the case that
/// `state` might be configured with.
/// `buf` is used when reading files, and `id_mappings` should have been created with [`State::id_mappings_from_index()`].
pub fn new(
worktree_root: impl Into<PathBuf>,
state: State,
case: gix_glob::pattern::Case,
buf: Vec<u8>,
id_mappings: Vec<PathIdMapping>,
) -> Self {
let root = worktree_root.into();
Stack {
stack: gix_fs::Stack::new(root),
statistics: Statistics::default(),
/// Create a new stack that takes into consideration the `ignore_case` result of a filesystem probe in `root`. It takes a configured
/// `state` to control what it can do, while initializing attribute or ignore files that are to be queried from the ODB using
/// `index` and `path_backing`.
/// This is the easiest way to correctly setup a stack.
pub fn from_state_and_ignore_case(
root: impl Into<PathBuf>,
ignore_case: bool,
state: State,
index: &gix_index::State,
path_backing: &gix_index::PathStorageRef,
) -> Self {
let case = if ignore_case {
} else {
let attribute_files = state.id_mappings_from_index(index, path_backing, case);
Stack::new(root, state, case, Vec::with_capacity(512), attribute_files)
/// Entry points for attribute query
impl Stack {
/// Append the `relative` path to the root directory of the cache and efficiently create leading directories, while assuring that no
/// symlinks are in that path.
/// Unless `is_dir` is known with `Some(…)`, then `relative` points to a directory itself in which case the entire resulting
/// path is created as directory. If it's not known it is assumed to be a file.
/// `find` maybe used to lookup objects from an [id mapping][crate::stack::State::id_mappings_from_index()], with mappnigs
/// Provide access to cached information for that `relative` path via the returned platform.
pub fn at_path<Find, E>(
&mut self,
relative: impl AsRef<Path>,
is_dir: Option<bool>,
mut find: Find,
) -> std::io::Result<Platform<'_>>
Find: for<'a> FnMut(&oid, &'a mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<gix_object::BlobRef<'a>, E>,
E: std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static,
self.statistics.platforms += 1;
let mut delegate = StackDelegate {
state: &mut self.state,
buf: &mut self.buf,
is_dir: is_dir.unwrap_or(false),
id_mappings: &self.id_mappings,
find: &mut |oid, buf| Ok(find(oid, buf).map_err(Box::new)?),
statistics: &mut self.statistics,
.make_relative_path_current(relative.as_ref(), &mut delegate)?;
Ok(Platform { parent: self, is_dir })
/// Obtain a platform for lookups from a repo-`relative` path, typically obtained from an index entry. `is_dir` should reflect
/// whether it's a directory or not, or left at `None` if unknown.
/// `find` maybe used to lookup objects from an [id mapping][crate::stack::State::id_mappings_from_index()].
/// All effects are similar to [`at_path()`][Self::at_path()].
/// If `relative` ends with `/` and `is_dir` is `None`, it is automatically assumed to be a directory.
/// ### Panics
/// on illformed UTF8 in `relative`
pub fn at_entry<'r, Find, E>(
&mut self,
relative: impl Into<&'r BStr>,
is_dir: Option<bool>,
find: Find,
) -> std::io::Result<Platform<'_>>
Find: for<'a> FnMut(&oid, &'a mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<gix_object::BlobRef<'a>, E>,
E: std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static,
let relative = relative.into();
let relative_path = gix_path::from_bstr(relative);
is_dir.or_else(|| relative.ends_with_str("/").then_some(true)),
/// Mutation
impl Stack {
/// Reset the statistics after returning them.
pub fn take_statistics(&mut self) -> Statistics {
std::mem::take(&mut self.statistics)
/// Return our state for applying changes.
pub fn state_mut(&mut self) -> &mut State {
&mut self.state
/// Change the `case` of the next match to the given one.
pub fn set_case(&mut self, case: gix_glob::pattern::Case) -> &mut Self { = case;
/// Access
impl Stack {
/// Return the statistics we gathered thus far.
pub fn statistics(&self) -> &Statistics {
/// Return the state for introspection.
pub fn state(&self) -> &State {
/// Return the base path against which all entries or paths should be relative to when querying.
/// Note that this path _may_ not be canonicalized.
pub fn base(&self) -> &Path {
pub mod delegate;
use delegate::StackDelegate;
mod platform;
pub mod state;