blob: a255f6c4b58275f62cf9a38edd7c23550f396bcb [file] [log] [blame]
use std::{
collections::{BTreeMap, VecDeque},
path::{Path, PathBuf},
atomic::{AtomicU16, AtomicUsize, Ordering},
use crate::store::{handle, types, RefreshMode};
pub(crate) struct Snapshot {
/// Indices ready for object lookup or contains checks, ordered usually by modification data, recent ones first.
pub(crate) indices: Vec<handle::IndexLookup>,
/// A set of loose objects dbs to search once packed objects weren't found.
pub(crate) loose_dbs: Arc<Vec<crate::loose::Store>>,
/// remember what this state represents and to compare to other states.
pub(crate) marker: types::SlotIndexMarker,
mod error {
use std::path::PathBuf;
use gix_pack::multi_index::PackIndex;
/// Returned by [`crate::at_opts()`]
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
pub enum Error {
#[error("The objects directory at '{0}' is not an accessible directory")]
Io(#[from] std::io::Error),
Alternate(#[from] crate::alternate::Error),
#[error("The slotmap turned out to be too small with {} entries, would need {} more", .current, .needed)]
InsufficientSlots { current: usize, needed: usize },
/// The problem here is that some logic assumes that more recent generations are higher than previous ones. If we would overflow,
/// we would break that invariant which can lead to the wrong object from being returned. It would probably be super rare, but…
/// let's not risk it.
"Would have overflown amount of max possible generations of {}",
#[error("Cannot numerically handle more than {limit} packs in a single multi-pack index, got {actual} in file {index_path:?}")]
TooManyPacksInMultiIndex {
actual: PackIndex,
limit: PackIndex,
index_path: PathBuf,
pub use error::Error;
use crate::store::types::{Generation, IndexAndPacks, MutableIndexAndPack, PackId, SlotMapIndex};
impl super::Store {
/// Load all indices, refreshing from disk only if needed.
pub(crate) fn load_all_indices(&self) -> Result<Snapshot, Error> {
let mut snapshot = self.collect_snapshot();
while let Some(new_snapshot) = self.load_one_index(RefreshMode::Never, snapshot.marker)? {
snapshot = new_snapshot
/// If `None` is returned, there is new indices and the caller should give up. This is a possibility even if it's allowed to refresh
/// as here might be no change to pick up.
pub(crate) fn load_one_index(
refresh_mode: RefreshMode,
marker: types::SlotIndexMarker,
) -> Result<Option<Snapshot>, Error> {
let index = self.index.load();
if !index.is_initialized() {
return self.consolidate_with_disk_state(true /* needs_init */, false /*load one new index*/);
if marker.generation != index.generation || marker.state_id != index.state_id() {
// We have a more recent state already, provide it.
} else {
// always compare to the latest state
// Nothing changed in the mean time, try to load another index…
if self.load_next_index(index) {
} else {
// …and if that didn't yield anything new consider refreshing our disk state.
match refresh_mode {
RefreshMode::Never => Ok(None),
RefreshMode::AfterAllIndicesLoaded => {
self.consolidate_with_disk_state(false /* needs init */, true /*load one new index*/)
/// load a new index (if not yet loaded), and return true if one was indeed loaded (leading to a `state_id()` change) of the current index.
/// Note that interacting with the slot-map is inherently racy and we have to deal with it, being conservative in what we even try to load
/// as our index might already be out-of-date as we try to use it to learn what's next.
fn load_next_index(&self, mut index: arc_swap::Guard<Arc<SlotMapIndex>>) -> bool {
'retry_with_changed_index: loop {
let previous_state_id = index.state_id();
'retry_with_next_slot_index: loop {
match index
.fetch_update(Ordering::SeqCst, Ordering::SeqCst, |current| {
(current != index.slot_indices.len()).then_some(current + 1)
}) {
Ok(slot_map_index) => {
// This slot-map index is in bounds and was only given to us.
let _ongoing_operation = IncOnNewAndDecOnDrop::new(&index.num_indices_currently_being_loaded);
let slot = &self.files[index.slot_indices[slot_map_index]];
let _lock = slot.write.lock();
if slot.generation.load(Ordering::SeqCst) > index.generation {
// There is a disk consolidation in progress which just overwrote a slot that cold be disposed with some other
// index, one we didn't intend to load.
// Continue with the next slot index in the hope there is something else we can do…
continue 'retry_with_next_slot_index;
let mut bundle = slot.files.load_full();
let bundle_mut = Arc::make_mut(&mut bundle);
if let Some(files) = bundle_mut.as_mut() {
// these are always expected to be set, unless somebody raced us. We handle this later by retrying.
let _loaded_count = IncOnDrop(&index.loaded_indices);
match files.load_index(self.object_hash) {
Ok(_) => {;
break 'retry_with_next_slot_index;
Err(_) => {;
continue 'retry_with_next_slot_index;
Err(_nothing_more_to_load) => {
// There can be contention as many threads start working at the same time and take all the
// slots to load indices for. Some threads might just be left-over and have to wait for something
// to change.
let num_load_operations = index.num_indices_currently_being_loaded.deref();
// TODO: potentially hot loop - could this be a condition variable?
while num_load_operations.load(Ordering::Relaxed) != 0 {
break 'retry_with_next_slot_index;
if previous_state_id == index.state_id() {
let potentially_new_index = self.index.load();
if Arc::as_ptr(&potentially_new_index) == Arc::as_ptr(&index) {
// There isn't a new index with which to retry the whole ordeal, so nothing could be done here.
return false;
} else {
// the index changed, worth trying again
index = potentially_new_index;
continue 'retry_with_changed_index;
} else {
// something inarguably changed, probably an index was loaded. 'probably' because we consider failed loads valid attempts,
// even they don't change anything for the caller which would then do a round for nothing.
return true;
/// refresh and possibly clear out our existing data structures, causing all pack ids to be invalidated.
/// `load_new_index` is an optimization to at least provide one newly loaded pack after refreshing the slot map.
pub(crate) fn consolidate_with_disk_state(
needs_init: bool,
load_new_index: bool,
) -> Result<Option<Snapshot>, Error> {
let index = self.index.load();
let previous_index_state = Arc::as_ptr(&index) as usize;
// IMPORTANT: get a lock after we recorded the previous state.
let write = self.write.lock();
let objects_directory = &self.path;
// Now we know the index isn't going to change anymore, even though threads might still load indices in the meantime.
let index = self.index.load();
if previous_index_state != Arc::as_ptr(&index) as usize {
// Someone else took the look before and changed the index. Return it without doing any additional work.
return Ok(Some(self.collect_snapshot()));
let was_uninitialized = !index.is_initialized();
// We might not be able to detect by pointer if the state changed, as this itself is racy. So we keep track of double-initialization
// using a flag, which means that if `needs_init` was true we saw the index uninitialized once, but now that we are here it's
// initialized meaning that somebody was faster and we couldn't detect it by comparisons to the index.
// If so, make sure we collect the snapshot instead of returning None in case nothing actually changed, which is likely with a
// race like this.
if !was_uninitialized && needs_init {
return Ok(Some(self.collect_snapshot()));
self.num_disk_state_consolidation.fetch_add(1, Ordering::Relaxed);
let db_paths: Vec<_> = std::iter::once(objects_directory.to_owned())
.chain(crate::alternate::resolve(objects_directory.clone(), &self.current_dir)?)
// turn db paths into loose object databases. Reuse what's there, but only if it is in the right order.
let loose_dbs = if was_uninitialized
|| db_paths.len() != index.loose_dbs.len()
|| db_paths
.zip(index.loose_dbs.iter().map(|ldb| &ldb.path))
.any(|(lhs, rhs)| lhs != rhs)
.map(|path| crate::loose::Store::at(path, self.object_hash))
} else {
let indices_by_modification_time = Self::collect_indices_and_mtime_sorted_by_size(
let mut idx_by_index_path: BTreeMap<_, _> = index
.filter_map(|&idx| {
let f = &self.files[idx];
Option::as_ref(&f.files.load()).map(|f| (f.index_path().to_owned(), idx))
let mut new_slot_map_indices = Vec::new(); // these indices into the slot map still exist there/didn't change
let mut index_paths_to_add = was_uninitialized
.then(|| VecDeque::with_capacity(indices_by_modification_time.len()))
// Figure out this number based on what we see while handling the existing indices
let mut num_loaded_indices = 0;
for (index_info, mtime) in indices_by_modification_time.into_iter().map(|(a, b, _)| (a, b)) {
match idx_by_index_path.remove(index_info.path()) {
Some(slot_idx) => {
let slot = &self.files[slot_idx];
let files_guard = slot.files.load();
let files =
Option::as_ref(&files_guard).expect("slot is set or we wouldn't know it points to this file");
if index_info.is_multi_index() && files.mtime() != mtime {
// we have a changed multi-pack index. We can't just change the existing slot as it may alter slot indices
// that are currently available. Instead we have to move what's there into a new slot, along with the changes,
// and later free the slot or dispose of the index in the slot (like we do for removed/missing files).
index_paths_to_add.push_back((index_info, mtime, Some(slot_idx)));
// If the current slot is loaded, the soon-to-be copied multi-index path will be loaded as well.
if files.index_is_loaded() {
num_loaded_indices += 1;
} else {
// packs and indices are immutable, so no need to check modification times. Unchanged multi-pack indices also
// are handled like this just to be sure they are in the desired state. For these, the only way this could happen
// is if somebody deletes and then puts back
if Self::assure_slot_matches_index(&write, slot, index_info, mtime, index.generation) {
num_loaded_indices += 1;
None => index_paths_to_add.push_back((index_info, mtime, None)),
let needs_stable_indices = self.maintain_stable_indices(&write);
let mut next_possibly_free_index = index
.map_or(0, |idx| (idx + 1) % self.files.len());
let mut num_indices_checked = 0;
let mut needs_generation_change = false;
let mut slot_indices_to_remove: Vec<_> = idx_by_index_path.into_values().collect();
while let Some((mut index_info, mtime, move_from_slot_idx)) = index_paths_to_add.pop_front() {
'increment_slot_index: loop {
if num_indices_checked == self.files.len() {
return Err(Error::InsufficientSlots {
current: self.files.len(),
needed: index_paths_to_add.len() + 1, /*the one currently popped off*/
let slot_index = next_possibly_free_index;
let slot = &self.files[slot_index];
next_possibly_free_index = (next_possibly_free_index + 1) % self.files.len();
num_indices_checked += 1;
match move_from_slot_idx {
Some(move_from_slot_idx) => {
debug_assert!(index_info.is_multi_index(), "only set for multi-pack indices");
if slot_index == move_from_slot_idx {
// don't try to move onto ourselves
continue 'increment_slot_index;
match Self::try_set_index_slot(
) {
Ok(dest_was_empty) => {
// To avoid handling out the wrong pack (due to reassigned pack ids), declare this a new generation.
if !dest_was_empty {
needs_generation_change = true;
break 'increment_slot_index;
Err(unused_index_info) => index_info = unused_index_info,
None => {
match Self::try_set_index_slot(
) {
Ok(dest_was_empty) => {
if !dest_was_empty {
needs_generation_change = true;
break 'increment_slot_index;
Err(unused_index_info) => index_info = unused_index_info,
// This isn't racy as it's only us who can change the Option::Some/None state of a slot.
"By this time we have assigned all new files to slots"
let generation = if needs_generation_change {
} else {
let index_unchanged = index.slot_indices == new_slot_map_indices;
if generation != index.generation {
"if the generation changed, the slot index must have changed for sure"
if !index_unchanged || loose_dbs != index.loose_dbs {
let new_index = Arc::new(SlotMapIndex {
slot_indices: new_slot_map_indices,
// if there was a prior generation, some indices might already be loaded. But we deal with it by trying to load the next index then,
// until we find one.
next_index_to_load: index_unchanged
.then(|| Arc::clone(&index.next_index_to_load))
loaded_indices: index_unchanged
.then(|| Arc::clone(&index.loaded_indices))
.unwrap_or_else(|| Arc::new(num_loaded_indices.into())),
num_indices_currently_being_loaded: Default::default(),
// deleted items - remove their slots AFTER we have set the new index if we may alter indices, otherwise we only declare them garbage.
// removing slots may cause pack loading to fail, and they will then reload their indices.
for slot in slot_indices_to_remove.into_iter().map(|idx| &self.files[idx]) {
let _lock = slot.write.lock();
let mut files = slot.files.load_full();
let files_mut = Arc::make_mut(&mut files);
if needs_stable_indices {
if let Some(files) = files_mut.as_mut() {
// generation stays the same, as it's the same value still but scheduled for eventual removal.
} else {
*files_mut = None;
if !needs_stable_indices {
// Not racy due to lock, generation must be set after unsetting the slot value AND storing it., Ordering::SeqCst);
let new_index = self.index.load();
Ok(if index.state_id() == new_index.state_id() {
// there was no change, and nothing was loaded in the meantime, reflect that in the return value to not get into loops
} else {
if load_new_index {
pub(crate) fn collect_indices_and_mtime_sorted_by_size(
db_paths: Vec<PathBuf>,
initial_capacity: Option<usize>,
multi_pack_index_object_hash: Option<gix_hash::Kind>,
) -> Result<Vec<(Either, SystemTime, u64)>, Error> {
let mut indices_by_modification_time = Vec::with_capacity(initial_capacity.unwrap_or_default());
for db_path in db_paths {
let packs = db_path.join("pack");
let entries = match std::fs::read_dir(packs) {
Ok(e) => e,
Err(err) if err.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound => continue,
Err(err) => return Err(err.into()),
let indices = entries
.filter_map(|e| e.metadata().map(|md| (e.path(), md)).ok())
.filter(|(_, md)| md.file_type().is_file())
.filter(|(p, _)| {
let ext = p.extension();
(ext == Some(OsStr::new("idx")) && p.with_extension("pack").is_file())
|| (multi_pack_index_object_hash.is_some() && ext.is_none() && is_multipack_index(p))
.map(|(p, md)| md.modified().map_err(Error::from).map(|mtime| (p, mtime, md.len())))
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;
let multi_index_info = multi_pack_index_object_hash
.and_then(|hash| {
indices.iter().find_map(|(p, a, b)| {
.then(|| {
// we always open the multi-pack here to be able to remove indices
.filter(|midx| midx.object_hash() == hash)
.map(|midx| (midx, *a, *b))
.map(|t| {
if t.0.num_indices() > PackId::max_packs_in_multi_index() {
Err(Error::TooManyPacksInMultiIndex {
index_path: p.to_owned(),
actual: t.0.num_indices(),
limit: PackId::max_packs_in_multi_index(),
} else {
if let Some((multi_index, mtime, flen)) = multi_index_info {
let index_names_in_multi_index: Vec<_> = multi_index.index_names().iter().map(AsRef::as_ref).collect();
let mut indices_not_in_multi_index: Vec<(Either, _, _)> = indices
.filter_map(|(path, a, b)| {
(path != multi_index.path()
&& !index_names_in_multi_index
.contains(&Path::new(path.file_name().expect("file name present"))))
.then_some((Either::IndexPath(path), a, b))
indices_not_in_multi_index.insert(0, (Either::MultiIndexFile(Arc::new(multi_index)), mtime, flen));
} else {
.filter_map(|(p, a, b)| (!is_multipack_index(&p)).then_some((Either::IndexPath(p), a, b))),
// Unlike libgit2, do not sort by modification date, but by size and put the biggest indices first. That way
// the chance to hit an object should be higher. We leave it to the handle to sort by LRU.
// Git itself doesn't change the order which may safe time, but we want it to be stable which also helps some tests.
// NOTE: this will work well for well-packed repos or those using geometric repacking, but force us to open a lot
// of files when dealing with new objects, as there is no notion of recency here as would be with unmaintained
// repositories. Different algorithms should be provided, like newest packs first, and possibly a mix of both
// with big packs first, then sorting by recency for smaller packs.
// We also want to implement `fetch.unpackLimit` to alleviate this issue a little.
indices_by_modification_time.sort_by(|l, r| l.2.cmp(&r.2).reverse());
/// returns Ok<dest slot was empty> if the copy could happen because dest-slot was actually free or disposable , and Some(true) if it was empty
fn try_set_index_slot(
lock: &parking_lot::MutexGuard<'_, ()>,
dest_slot: &MutableIndexAndPack,
index_info: Either,
mtime: SystemTime,
current_generation: Generation,
needs_stable_indices: bool,
) -> Result<bool, Either> {
let (dest_slot_was_empty, generation) = match &**dest_slot.files.load() {
Some(bundle) => {
if bundle.index_path() == index_info.path() || (bundle.is_disposable() && needs_stable_indices) {
// it might be possible to see ourselves in case all slots are taken, but there are still a few more destination
// slots to look for.
return Err(index_info);
// Since we overwrite an existing slot, we have to increment the generation to prevent anyone from trying to use it while
// before we are replacing it with a different value.
// In detail:
// We need to declare this to be the future to avoid anything in that slot to be returned to people who
// last saw the old state. They will then try to get a new index which by that time, might be happening
// in time so they get the latest one. If not, they will probably get into the same situation again until
// it finally succeeds. Alternatively, the object will be reported unobtainable, but at least it won't return
// some other object.
(false, current_generation + 1)
None => {
// For multi-pack indices:
// Do NOT copy the packs over, they need to be reopened to get the correct pack id matching the new slot map index.
// If we are allowed to delete the original, and nobody has the pack referenced, it is closed which is preferred.
// Thus we simply always start new with packs in multi-pack indices.
// In the worst case this could mean duplicate file handle usage though as the old and the new index can't share
// packs due to the intrinsic id.
// Note that the ID is used for cache access, too, so it must be unique. It must also be mappable from pack-id to slotmap id.
(true, current_generation)
Self::set_slot_to_index(lock, dest_slot, index_info, mtime, generation);
fn set_slot_to_index(
_lock: &parking_lot::MutexGuard<'_, ()>,
slot: &MutableIndexAndPack,
index_info: Either,
mtime: SystemTime,
generation: Generation,
) {
let _lock = slot.write.lock();
let mut files = slot.files.load_full();
let files_mut = Arc::make_mut(&mut files);
// set the generation before we actually change the value, otherwise readers of old generations could observe the new one.
// We rather want them to turn around here and update their index, which, by that time, might actually already be available.
// If not, they would fail unable to load a pack or index they need, but that's preferred over returning wrong objects.
// Safety: can't race as we hold the lock, have to set the generation beforehand to help avoid others to observe the value., Ordering::SeqCst);
*files_mut = Some(index_info.into_index_and_packs(mtime));;
/// Returns true if the index was left in a loaded state.
fn assure_slot_matches_index(
_lock: &parking_lot::MutexGuard<'_, ()>,
slot: &MutableIndexAndPack,
index_info: Either,
mtime: SystemTime,
current_generation: Generation,
) -> bool {
match Option::as_ref(&slot.files.load()) {
Some(bundle) => {
"Parallel writers cannot change the file the slot points to."
if bundle.is_disposable() {
// put it into the correct mode, it's now available for sure so should not be missing or garbage.
// The latter can happen if files are removed and put back for some reason, but we should definitely
// have them in a decent state now that we know/think they are there.
let _lock = slot.write.lock();
let mut files = slot.files.load_full();
let files_mut = Arc::make_mut(&mut files)
.expect("BUG: cannot change from something to nothing, would be race");
"BUG: we can only put back files that didn't obviously change"
// Safety: can't race as we hold the lock, must be set before replacing the data.
// NOTE that we don't change the generation as it's still the very same index we talk about, it doesn't change
// identity., Ordering::SeqCst);;
} else {
// it's already in the correct state, either loaded or unloaded.
None => {
unreachable!("BUG: a slot can never be deleted if we have it recorded in the index WHILE changing said index. There shouldn't be a race")
/// Stability means that indices returned by this API will remain valid.
/// Without that constraint, we may unload unused packs and indices, and may rebuild the slotmap index.
/// Note that this must be called with a lock to the relevant state held to assure these values don't change while
/// we are working on said index.
fn maintain_stable_indices(&self, _guard: &parking_lot::MutexGuard<'_, ()>) -> bool {
self.num_handles_stable.load(Ordering::SeqCst) > 0
pub(crate) fn collect_snapshot(&self) -> Snapshot {
let index = self.index.load();
let indices = if index.is_initialized() {
.map(|idx| (*idx, &self.files[*idx]))
.filter_map(|(id, file)| {
let lookup = match (**file.files.load()).as_ref()? {
types::IndexAndPacks::Index(bundle) => handle::SingleOrMultiIndex::Single {
index: bundle.index.loaded()?.clone(),
types::IndexAndPacks::MultiIndex(multi) => handle::SingleOrMultiIndex::Multi {
index: multi.multi_index.loaded()?.clone(),
data:|f| f.loaded().cloned()).collect(),
handle::IndexLookup { file: lookup, id }.into()
} else {
Snapshot {
loose_dbs: Arc::clone(&index.loose_dbs),
marker: index.marker(),
// Outside of this method we will never assign new slot indices.
fn is_multipack_index(path: &Path) -> bool {
path.file_name() == Some(OsStr::new("multi-pack-index"))
struct IncOnNewAndDecOnDrop<'a>(&'a AtomicU16);
impl<'a> IncOnNewAndDecOnDrop<'a> {
pub fn new(v: &'a AtomicU16) -> Self {
v.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
impl<'a> Drop for IncOnNewAndDecOnDrop<'a> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
self.0.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
struct IncOnDrop<'a>(&'a AtomicUsize);
impl<'a> Drop for IncOnDrop<'a> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
self.0.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
pub(crate) enum Either {
impl Either {
fn path(&self) -> &Path {
match self {
Either::IndexPath(p) => p,
Either::MultiIndexFile(f) => f.path(),
fn into_index_and_packs(self, mtime: SystemTime) -> IndexAndPacks {
match self {
Either::IndexPath(path) => IndexAndPacks::new_single(path, mtime),
Either::MultiIndexFile(file) => IndexAndPacks::new_multi_from_open_file(file, mtime),
fn is_multi_index(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, Either::MultiIndexFile(_))
impl Eq for Either {}
impl PartialEq<Self> for Either {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
impl PartialOrd<Self> for Either {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
impl Ord for Either {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> std::cmp::Ordering {