blob: 2a3e85f1120845c675d1c11dde3b7056b35c1a46 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::ops::Range;
use bstr::{BStr, ByteSlice, ByteVec};
use filetime::FileTime;
use crate::{entry, extension, Entry, PathStorage, PathStorageRef, State, Version};
// TODO: integrate this somehow, somewhere, depending on later usage.
mod sparse;
/// General information and entries
impl State {
/// Return the version used to store this state's information on disk.
pub fn version(&self) -> Version {
/// Returns time at which the state was created, indicating its freshness compared to other files on disk.
pub fn timestamp(&self) -> FileTime {
/// Updates the timestamp of this state, indicating its freshness compared to other files on disk.
/// Be careful about using this as setting a timestamp without correctly updating the index
/// **will cause (file system) race conditions** see racy-git.txt in the git documentation
/// for more details.
pub fn set_timestamp(&mut self, timestamp: FileTime) {
self.timestamp = timestamp
/// Return the kind of hashes used in this instance.
pub fn object_hash(&self) -> gix_hash::Kind {
/// Return our entries
pub fn entries(&self) -> &[Entry] {
/// Return our path backing, the place which keeps all paths one after another, with entries storing only the range to access them.
pub fn path_backing(&self) -> &PathStorageRef {
/// Runs `filter_map` on all entries, returning an iterator over all paths along with the result of `filter_map`.
pub fn entries_with_paths_by_filter_map<'a, T>(
&'a self,
mut filter_map: impl FnMut(&'a BStr, &Entry) -> Option<T> + 'a,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&'a BStr, T)> + 'a {
self.entries.iter().filter_map(move |e| {
let p = e.path(self);
filter_map(p, e).map(|t| (p, t))
/// Return mutable entries along with their path, as obtained from `backing`.
pub fn entries_mut_with_paths_in<'state, 'backing>(
&'state mut self,
backing: &'backing PathStorageRef,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&'state mut Entry, &'backing BStr)> {
self.entries.iter_mut().map(move |e| {
let path = backing[e.path.clone()].as_bstr();
(e, path)
/// Find the entry index in [`entries()`][State::entries()] matching the given repository-relative
/// `path` and `stage`, or `None`.
/// Use the index for accessing multiple stages if they exists, but at least the single matching entry.
pub fn entry_index_by_path_and_stage(&self, path: &BStr, stage: entry::Stage) -> Option<usize> {
let mut stage_cmp = Ordering::Equal;
let idx = self
.binary_search_by(|e| {
let res = e.path(self).cmp(path);
if res.is_eq() {
stage_cmp = e.stage().cmp(&stage);
self.entry_index_by_idx_and_stage(path, idx, stage, stage_cmp)
/// Walk as far in `direction` as possible, with [`Ordering::Greater`] towards higher stages, and [`Ordering::Less`]
/// towards lower stages, and return the lowest or highest seen stage.
/// Return `None` if there is no greater or smaller stage.
fn walk_entry_stages(&self, path: &BStr, base: usize, direction: Ordering) -> Option<usize> {
match direction {
Ordering::Greater => self
.get(base + 1..)?
.take_while(|(_, e)| e.path(self) == path)
.map(|(idx, _)| base + 1 + idx),
Ordering::Equal => Some(base),
Ordering::Less => self.entries[..base]
.take_while(|(_, e)| e.path(self) == path)
.map(|(idx, _)| idx),
fn entry_index_by_idx_and_stage(
path: &BStr,
idx: usize,
wanted_stage: entry::Stage,
stage_cmp: Ordering,
) -> Option<usize> {
match stage_cmp {
Ordering::Greater => self.entries[..idx]
.take_while(|(_, e)| e.path(self) == path)
.find_map(|(idx, e)| (e.stage() == wanted_stage).then_some(idx)),
Ordering::Equal => Some(idx),
Ordering::Less => self
.get(idx + 1..)?
.take_while(|(_, e)| e.path(self) == path)
.find_map(|(ofs, e)| (e.stage() == wanted_stage).then_some(idx + ofs + 1)),
/// Find the entry index in [`entries()[..upper_bound]`][State::entries()] matching the given repository-relative
/// `path` and `stage`, or `None`.
/// Use the index for accessing multiple stages if they exists, but at least the single matching entry.
/// # Panics
/// If `upper_bound` is out of bounds of our entries array.
pub fn entry_index_by_path_and_stage_bounded(
path: &BStr,
stage: entry::Stage,
upper_bound: usize,
) -> Option<usize> {
.binary_search_by(|e| e.path(self).cmp(path).then_with(|| e.stage().cmp(&stage)))
/// Like [`entry_index_by_path_and_stage()`][State::entry_index_by_path_and_stage()],
/// but returns the entry instead of the index.
pub fn entry_by_path_and_stage(&self, path: &BStr, stage: entry::Stage) -> Option<&Entry> {
self.entry_index_by_path_and_stage(path, stage)
.map(|idx| &self.entries[idx])
/// Return the entry at `path` that is either at stage 0, or at stage 2 (ours) in case of a merge conflict.
/// Using this method is more efficient in comparison to doing two searches, one for stage 0 and one for stage 2.
pub fn entry_by_path(&self, path: &BStr) -> Option<&Entry> {
let mut stage_at_index = 0;
let idx = self
.binary_search_by(|e| {
let res = e.path(self).cmp(path);
if res.is_eq() {
stage_at_index = e.stage();
let idx = if stage_at_index == 0 || stage_at_index == 2 {
} else {
self.entry_index_by_idx_and_stage(path, idx, 2, stage_at_index.cmp(&2))?
/// Return the slice of entries which all share the same `prefix`, or `None` if there isn't a single such entry.
/// If `prefix` is empty, all entries are returned.
pub fn prefixed_entries(&self, prefix: &BStr) -> Option<&[Entry]> {
self.prefixed_entries_range(prefix).map(|range| &self.entries[range])
/// Return the range of entries which all share the same `prefix`, or `None` if there isn't a single such entry.
/// If `prefix` is empty, the range will include all entries.
pub fn prefixed_entries_range(&self, prefix: &BStr) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
if prefix.is_empty() {
return Some(0..self.entries.len());
let prefix_len = prefix.len();
let mut low = self.entries.partition_point(|e| {
.map_or_else(|| e.path(self) <= &prefix[..e.path.len()], |p| p < prefix)
let mut high = low
+ self.entries[low..].partition_point(|e| e.path(self).get(..prefix_len).map_or(false, |p| p <= prefix));
let low_entry = &self.entries.get(low)?;
if low_entry.stage() != 0 {
low = self
.walk_entry_stages(low_entry.path(self), low, Ordering::Less)
if let Some(high_entry) = self.entries.get(high) {
if high_entry.stage() != 0 {
high = self
.walk_entry_stages(high_entry.path(self), high, Ordering::Less)
(low != high).then_some(low..high)
/// Return the entry at `idx` or _panic_ if the index is out of bounds.
/// The `idx` is typically returned by [`entry_by_path_and_stage()`][State::entry_by_path_and_stage()].
pub fn entry(&self, idx: usize) -> &Entry {
/// Returns a boolean value indicating whether the index is sparse or not.
/// An index is sparse if it contains at least one [`Mode::DIR`][entry::Mode::DIR] entry.
pub fn is_sparse(&self) -> bool {
/// Return the range of entries that exactly match the given `path`, in all available stages, or `None` if no entry with such
/// path exists.
/// The range can be used to access the respective entries via [`entries()`](Self::entries()) or [`entries_mut()](Self::entries_mut()).
pub fn entry_range(&self, path: &BStr) -> Option<Range<usize>> {
let mut stage_at_index = 0;
let idx = self
.binary_search_by(|e| {
let res = e.path(self).cmp(path);
if res.is_eq() {
stage_at_index = e.stage();
let (start, end) = (
self.walk_entry_stages(path, idx, Ordering::Less).unwrap_or(idx),
self.walk_entry_stages(path, idx, Ordering::Greater).unwrap_or(idx) + 1,
/// Mutation
impl State {
/// After usage of the storage obtained by [`take_path_backing()`][Self::take_path_backing()], return it here.
/// Note that it must not be empty.
pub fn return_path_backing(&mut self, backing: PathStorage) {
"BUG: return path backing only after taking it, once"
self.path_backing = backing;
/// Return mutable entries in a slice.
pub fn entries_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [Entry] {
&mut self.entries
/// Return a writable slice to entries and read-access to their path storage at the same time.
pub fn entries_mut_and_pathbacking(&mut self) -> (&mut [Entry], &PathStorageRef) {
(&mut self.entries, &self.path_backing)
/// Return mutable entries along with their paths in an iterator.
pub fn entries_mut_with_paths(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&mut Entry, &BStr)> {
let paths = &self.path_backing;
self.entries.iter_mut().map(move |e| {
let path = paths[e.path.clone()].as_bstr();
(e, path)
/// Return all parts that relate to entries, which includes path storage.
/// This can be useful for obtaining a standalone, boxable iterator
pub fn into_entries(self) -> (Vec<Entry>, PathStorage) {
(self.entries, self.path_backing)
/// Sometimes it's needed to remove the path backing to allow certain mutation to happen in the state while supporting reading the entry's
/// path.
pub fn take_path_backing(&mut self) -> PathStorage {
"BUG: cannot take out backing multiple times"
std::mem::take(&mut self.path_backing)
/// Like [`entry_index_by_path_and_stage()`][State::entry_index_by_path_and_stage()],
/// but returns the mutable entry instead of the index.
pub fn entry_mut_by_path_and_stage(&mut self, path: &BStr, stage: entry::Stage) -> Option<&mut Entry> {
self.entry_index_by_path_and_stage(path, stage)
.map(|idx| &mut self.entries[idx])
/// Push a new entry containing `stat`, `id`, `flags` and `mode` and `path` to the end of our storage, without performing
/// any sanity checks. This means it's possible to push a new entry to the same path on the same stage and even after sorting
/// the entries lookups may still return the wrong one of them unless the correct binary search criteria is chosen.
/// Note that this *is likely* to break invariants that will prevent further lookups by path unless
/// [`entry_index_by_path_and_stage_bounded()`][State::entry_index_by_path_and_stage_bounded()] is used with
/// the `upper_bound` being the amount of entries before the first call to this method.
/// Alternatively, make sure to call [`sort_entries()`][State::sort_entries()] before entry lookup by path to restore
/// the invariant.
pub fn dangerously_push_entry(
&mut self,
stat: entry::Stat,
id: gix_hash::ObjectId,
flags: entry::Flags,
mode: entry::Mode,
path: &BStr,
) {
let path = {
let path_start = self.path_backing.len();
self.entries.push(Entry {
/// Unconditionally sort entries as needed to perform lookups quickly.
pub fn sort_entries(&mut self) {
let path_backing = &self.path_backing;
self.entries.sort_by(|a, b| {
Entry::cmp_filepaths(a.path_in(path_backing), b.path_in(path_backing))
.then_with(|| a.stage().cmp(&b.stage()))
/// Similar to [`sort_entries()`][State::sort_entries()], but applies `compare` after comparing
/// by path and stage as a third criteria.
pub fn sort_entries_by(&mut self, mut compare: impl FnMut(&Entry, &Entry) -> Ordering) {
let path_backing = &self.path_backing;
self.entries.sort_by(|a, b| {
Entry::cmp_filepaths(a.path_in(path_backing), b.path_in(path_backing))
.then_with(|| a.stage().cmp(&b.stage()))
.then_with(|| compare(a, b))
/// Physically remove all entries for which `should_remove(idx, path, entry)` returns `true`, traversing them from first to last.
/// Note that the memory used for the removed entries paths is not freed, as it's append-only.
/// ### Performance
/// To implement this operation typically, one would rather add [entry::Flags::REMOVE] to each entry to remove
/// them when [writing the index](Self::write_to()).
pub fn remove_entries(&mut self, mut should_remove: impl FnMut(usize, &BStr, &mut Entry) -> bool) {
let mut index = 0;
let paths = &self.path_backing;
self.entries.retain_mut(|e| {
let path = e.path_in(paths);
let res = !should_remove(index, path, e);
index += 1;
/// Extensions
impl State {
/// Access the `tree` extension.
pub fn tree(&self) -> Option<&extension::Tree> {
/// Access the `link` extension.
pub fn link(&self) -> Option<&extension::Link> {
/// Obtain the resolve-undo extension.
pub fn resolve_undo(&self) -> Option<&extension::resolve_undo::Paths> {
/// Obtain the untracked extension.
pub fn untracked(&self) -> Option<&extension::UntrackedCache> {
/// Obtain the fsmonitor extension.
pub fn fs_monitor(&self) -> Option<&extension::FsMonitor> {
mod tests {
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
fn entry_by_path_with_conflicting_file() {
let file = PathBuf::from("tests")
let file = crate::File::at(file, gix_hash::Kind::Sha1, false, Default::default()).expect("valid file");
"we have a set of conflict entries for a single file"
for idx in 0..3 {
for wanted_stage in 1..=3 {
let actual_idx = file
(idx + 1).cmp(&(wanted_stage as usize)),
actual_idx + 1,
wanted_stage as usize,
"the index and stage have a relation, and that is upheld if we search correctly"