blob: 11dc928001980584ac6b594075415540f786afe7 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::{io, io::BufRead};
use flate2::{Decompress, FlushDecompress, Status};
/// Read bytes from `rd` and decompress them using `state` into a pre-allocated fitting buffer `dst`, returning the amount of bytes written.
pub fn read(rd: &mut impl BufRead, state: &mut Decompress, mut dst: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
let mut total_written = 0;
loop {
let (written, consumed, ret, eof);
let input = rd.fill_buf()?;
eof = input.is_empty();
let before_out = state.total_out();
let before_in = state.total_in();
let flush = if eof {
} else {
ret = state.decompress(input, dst, flush);
written = (state.total_out() - before_out) as usize;
total_written += written;
dst = &mut dst[written..];
consumed = (state.total_in() - before_in) as usize;
match ret {
// The stream has officially ended, nothing more to do here.
Ok(Status::StreamEnd) => return Ok(total_written),
// Either input our output are depleted even though the stream is not depleted yet.
Ok(Status::Ok | Status::BufError) if eof || dst.is_empty() => return Ok(total_written),
// Some progress was made in both the input and the output, it must continue to reach the end.
Ok(Status::Ok | Status::BufError) if consumed != 0 || written != 0 => continue,
// A strange state, where zlib makes no progress but isn't done either. Call it out.
Ok(Status::Ok | Status::BufError) => unreachable!("Definitely a bug somewhere"),
Err(..) => return Err(io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput, "corrupt deflate stream")),