blob: fae2f929c795e5e289eaee801bd72d8e344b047b [file] [log] [blame]
//! Contains the RISC-V instruction encoding logic.
//! These formats are specified in the RISC-V specification in section 2.2.
//! See:
//! Some instructions especially in extensions have slight variations from
//! the base RISC-V specification.
use super::*;
use crate::isa::riscv64::inst::reg_to_gpr_num;
use crate::isa::riscv64::lower::isle::generated_code::{
COpcodeSpace, CaOp, CbOp, CiOp, CiwOp, CjOp, ClOp, CrOp, CsOp, CssOp, CsznOp, VecAluOpRImm5,
VecAluOpRR, VecAluOpRRImm5, VecAluOpRRR, VecAluOpRRRImm5, VecAluOpRRRR, VecElementWidth,
VecOpCategory, VecOpMasking, ZcbMemOp,
use crate::machinst::isle::WritableReg;
use crate::Reg;
fn unsigned_field_width(value: u32, width: u8) -> u32 {
debug_assert_eq!(value & (!0 << width), 0);
/// Layout:
/// 0-------6-7-------11-12------14-15------19-20------24-25-------31
/// | Opcode | rd | funct3 | rs1 | rs2 | funct7 |
fn encode_r_type_bits(opcode: u32, rd: u32, funct3: u32, rs1: u32, rs2: u32, funct7: u32) -> u32 {
let mut bits = 0;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(opcode, 7);
bits |= unsigned_field_width(rd, 5) << 7;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(funct3, 3) << 12;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(rs1, 5) << 15;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(rs2, 5) << 20;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(funct7, 7) << 25;
/// Encode an R-type instruction.
pub fn encode_r_type(
opcode: u32,
rd: WritableReg,
funct3: u32,
rs1: Reg,
rs2: Reg,
funct7: u32,
) -> u32 {
/// Layout:
/// 0-------6-7-------11-12------14-15------19-20------------------31
/// | Opcode | rd | width | rs1 | Offset[11:0] |
fn encode_i_type_bits(opcode: u32, rd: u32, funct3: u32, rs1: u32, offset: u32) -> u32 {
let mut bits = 0;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(opcode, 7);
bits |= unsigned_field_width(rd, 5) << 7;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(funct3, 3) << 12;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(rs1, 5) << 15;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(offset, 12) << 20;
/// Encode an I-type instruction.
pub fn encode_i_type(opcode: u32, rd: WritableReg, width: u32, rs1: Reg, offset: Imm12) -> u32 {
/// Encode an S-type instruction.
/// Layout:
/// 0-------6-7-------11-12------14-15------19-20---24-25-------------31
/// | Opcode | imm[4:0] | width | base | src | imm[11:5] |
pub fn encode_s_type(opcode: u32, width: u32, base: Reg, src: Reg, offset: Imm12) -> u32 {
let mut bits = 0;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(opcode, 7);
bits |= (offset.bits() & 0b11111) << 7;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(width, 3) << 12;
bits |= reg_to_gpr_num(base) << 15;
bits |= reg_to_gpr_num(src) << 20;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(offset.bits() >> 5, 7) << 25;
/// Encodes a Vector ALU instruction.
/// Fields:
/// - opcode (7 bits)
/// - vd (5 bits)
/// - funct3 (3 bits)
/// - vs1 (5 bits)
/// - vs2 (5 bits)
/// - vm (1 bit)
/// - funct6 (6 bits)
/// See:
pub fn encode_valu(
op: VecAluOpRRR,
vd: WritableReg,
vs1: Reg,
vs2: Reg,
masking: VecOpMasking,
) -> u32 {
let funct7 = (op.funct6() << 1) | masking.encode();
/// Encodes a Vector ALU+Imm instruction.
/// This is just a Vector ALU instruction with an immediate in the VS1 field.
/// Fields:
/// - opcode (7 bits)
/// - vd (5 bits)
/// - funct3 (3 bits)
/// - imm (5 bits)
/// - vs2 (5 bits)
/// - vm (1 bit)
/// - funct6 (6 bits)
/// See:
pub fn encode_valu_rr_imm(
op: VecAluOpRRImm5,
vd: WritableReg,
imm: Imm5,
vs2: Reg,
masking: VecOpMasking,
) -> u32 {
let funct7 = (op.funct6() << 1) | masking.encode();
let imm = imm.bits() as u32;
pub fn encode_valu_rrrr(
op: VecAluOpRRRR,
vd: WritableReg,
vs2: Reg,
vs1: Reg,
masking: VecOpMasking,
) -> u32 {
let funct7 = (op.funct6() << 1) | masking.encode();
pub fn encode_valu_rrr_imm(
op: VecAluOpRRRImm5,
vd: WritableReg,
imm: Imm5,
vs2: Reg,
masking: VecOpMasking,
) -> u32 {
let funct7 = (op.funct6() << 1) | masking.encode();
let imm = imm.bits() as u32;
pub fn encode_valu_rr(op: VecAluOpRR, vd: WritableReg, vs: Reg, masking: VecOpMasking) -> u32 {
let funct7 = (op.funct6() << 1) | masking.encode();
let (vs1, vs2) = if op.vs_is_vs2_encoded() {
(op.aux_encoding(), reg_to_gpr_num(vs))
} else {
(reg_to_gpr_num(vs), op.aux_encoding())
pub fn encode_valu_r_imm(
op: VecAluOpRImm5,
vd: WritableReg,
imm: Imm5,
masking: VecOpMasking,
) -> u32 {
let funct7 = (op.funct6() << 1) | masking.encode();
// This is true for this opcode, not sure if there are any other ones.
debug_assert_eq!(op, VecAluOpRImm5::VmvVI);
let vs1 = imm.bits() as u32;
let vs2 = op.aux_encoding();
/// Encodes a Vector CFG Imm instruction.
/// See:
// TODO: Check if this is any of the known instruction types in the spec.
pub fn encode_vcfg_imm(opcode: u32, rd: Reg, imm: UImm5, vtype: &VType) -> u32 {
let mut bits = 0;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(opcode, 7);
bits |= reg_to_gpr_num(rd) << 7;
bits |= VecOpCategory::OPCFG.encode() << 12;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(imm.bits(), 5) << 15;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(vtype.encode(), 10) << 20;
bits |= 0b11 << 30;
/// Encodes a Vector Mem Unit Stride Load instruction.
/// See:
/// TODO: These instructions share opcode space with LOAD-FP and STORE-FP
pub fn encode_vmem_load(
opcode: u32,
vd: Reg,
width: VecElementWidth,
rs1: Reg,
lumop: u32,
masking: VecOpMasking,
mop: u32,
nf: u32,
) -> u32 {
// Width is encoded differently to avoid a clash with the FP load/store sizes.
let width = match width {
VecElementWidth::E8 => 0b000,
VecElementWidth::E16 => 0b101,
VecElementWidth::E32 => 0b110,
VecElementWidth::E64 => 0b111,
let mut bits = 0;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(opcode, 7);
bits |= reg_to_gpr_num(vd) << 7;
bits |= width << 12;
bits |= reg_to_gpr_num(rs1) << 15;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(lumop, 5) << 20;
bits |= masking.encode() << 25;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(mop, 2) << 26;
// The mew bit (inst[28]) when set is expected to be used to encode expanded
// memory sizes of 128 bits and above, but these encodings are currently reserved.
bits |= 0b0 << 28;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(nf, 3) << 29;
/// Encodes a Vector Mem Unit Stride Load instruction.
/// See:
/// TODO: These instructions share opcode space with LOAD-FP and STORE-FP
pub fn encode_vmem_store(
opcode: u32,
vs3: Reg,
width: VecElementWidth,
rs1: Reg,
sumop: u32,
masking: VecOpMasking,
mop: u32,
nf: u32,
) -> u32 {
// This is pretty much the same as the load instruction, just
// with different names on the fields.
encode_vmem_load(opcode, vs3, width, rs1, sumop, masking, mop, nf)
// The CSR Reg instruction is really just an I type instruction with the CSR in
// the immediate field.
pub fn encode_csr_reg(op: CsrRegOP, rd: WritableReg, rs: Reg, csr: CSR) -> u32 {
encode_i_type(op.opcode(), rd, op.funct3(), rs, csr.bits())
// The CSR Imm instruction is an I type instruction with the CSR in
// the immediate field and the value to be set in the `rs1` field.
pub fn encode_csr_imm(op: CsrImmOP, rd: WritableReg, csr: CSR, imm: UImm5) -> u32 {
// Encode a CR type instruction.
// 0--1-2-----6-7-------11-12-------15
// |op | rs2 | rd/rs1 | funct4 |
pub fn encode_cr_type(op: CrOp, rd: WritableReg, rs2: Reg) -> u16 {
let mut bits = 0;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(op.op().bits(), 2);
bits |= reg_to_gpr_num(rs2) << 2;
bits |= reg_to_gpr_num(rd.to_reg()) << 7;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(op.funct4(), 4) << 12;
// This isn't technically a instruction format that exists. It's just a CR type
// where the source is rs1, rs2 is zero. rs1 is never written to.
// Used for C.JR and C.JALR
pub fn encode_cr2_type(op: CrOp, rs1: Reg) -> u16 {
encode_cr_type(op, WritableReg::from_reg(rs1), zero_reg())
// Encode a CA type instruction.
// 0--1-2-----4-5--------6-7--------9-10------15
// |op | rs2 | funct2 | rd/rs1 | funct6 |
pub fn encode_ca_type(op: CaOp, rd: WritableReg, rs2: Reg) -> u16 {
let mut bits = 0;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(op.op().bits(), 2);
bits |= reg_to_compressed_gpr_num(rs2) << 2;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(op.funct2(), 2) << 5;
bits |= reg_to_compressed_gpr_num(rd.to_reg()) << 7;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(op.funct6(), 6) << 10;
// Encode a CJ type instruction.
// The imm field is a 11 bit signed immediate that is shifted left by 1.
// 0--1-2-----12-13--------15
// |op | imm | funct3 |
pub fn encode_cj_type(op: CjOp, imm: Imm12) -> u16 {
let imm = imm.bits();
debug_assert!(imm & 1 == 0);
// The offset bits are in rather weird positions.
// [11|4|9:8|10|6|7|3:1|5]
let mut imm_field = 0;
imm_field |= ((imm >> 11) & 1) << 10;
imm_field |= ((imm >> 4) & 1) << 9;
imm_field |= ((imm >> 8) & 3) << 7;
imm_field |= ((imm >> 10) & 1) << 6;
imm_field |= ((imm >> 6) & 1) << 5;
imm_field |= ((imm >> 7) & 1) << 4;
imm_field |= ((imm >> 1) & 7) << 1;
imm_field |= ((imm >> 5) & 1) << 0;
let mut bits = 0;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(op.op().bits(), 2);
bits |= unsigned_field_width(imm_field, 11) << 2;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(op.funct3(), 3) << 13;
// Encode a CI type instruction.
// The imm field is a 6 bit signed immediate.
// 0--1-2-------6-7-------11-12-----12-13-----15
// |op | imm[4:0] | src | imm[5] | funct3 |
pub fn encode_ci_type(op: CiOp, rd: WritableReg, imm: Imm6) -> u16 {
let imm = imm.bits();
let mut bits = 0;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(op.op().bits(), 2);
bits |= unsigned_field_width((imm & 0x1f) as u32, 5) << 2;
bits |= reg_to_gpr_num(rd.to_reg()) << 7;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(((imm >> 5) & 1) as u32, 1) << 12;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(op.funct3(), 3) << 13;
// Stack-Pointer relative loads are regular CI instructions, but, the immediate
// is zero extended, and with a slightly different immediate field encoding.
pub fn encode_ci_sp_load(op: CiOp, rd: WritableReg, imm: Uimm6) -> u16 {
let imm = imm.bits();
// These are the spec encoded offsets.
// LWSP: [5|4:2|7:6]
// LDSP: [5|4:3|8:6]
// FLDSP: [5|4:3|8:6]
// We don't recieve the entire offset in `imm`, just a multiple of the load-size.
// Number of bits in the lowest position of imm. 3 for lwsp, 2 for {f,}ldsp.
let low_bits = match op {
CiOp::CLwsp => 3, // [4:2]
CiOp::CLdsp | CiOp::CFldsp => 2, // [4:3]
_ => unreachable!(),
let high_bits = 6 - 1 - low_bits;
let mut enc_imm = 0;
// Encode [7:6] at the bottom of imm
enc_imm |= imm >> (6 - high_bits);
// Next place [4:2] in the middle
enc_imm |= (imm & ((1 << low_bits) - 1)) << high_bits;
// Finally place [5] at the top
enc_imm |= ((imm >> low_bits) & 1) << 5;
let enc_imm = Imm6::maybe_from_i16((enc_imm as i16) << 10 >> 10).unwrap();
encode_ci_type(op, rd, enc_imm)
/// c.addi16sp is a regular CI op, but the immediate field is encoded in a weird way
pub fn encode_c_addi16sp(imm: Imm6) -> u16 {
let imm = imm.bits();
// [6|1|3|5:4|2]
let mut enc_imm = 0;
enc_imm |= ((imm >> 5) & 1) << 5;
enc_imm |= ((imm >> 0) & 1) << 4;
enc_imm |= ((imm >> 2) & 1) << 3;
enc_imm |= ((imm >> 3) & 3) << 1;
enc_imm |= ((imm >> 1) & 1) << 0;
let enc_imm = Imm6::maybe_from_i16((enc_imm as i16) << 10 >> 10).unwrap();
encode_ci_type(CiOp::CAddi16sp, writable_stack_reg(), enc_imm)
// Encode a CIW type instruction.
// 0--1-2------4-5------12-13--------15
// |op | rd | imm | funct3 |
pub fn encode_ciw_type(op: CiwOp, rd: WritableReg, imm: u8) -> u16 {
// [3:2|7:4|0|1]
let mut imm_field = 0;
imm_field |= ((imm >> 1) & 1) << 0;
imm_field |= ((imm >> 0) & 1) << 1;
imm_field |= ((imm >> 4) & 7) << 2;
imm_field |= ((imm >> 2) & 3) << 6;
let mut bits = 0;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(op.op().bits(), 2);
bits |= reg_to_compressed_gpr_num(rd.to_reg()) << 2;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(imm_field as u32, 8) << 5;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(op.funct3(), 3) << 13;
// Encode a CB type instruction.
// The imm field is a 6 bit signed immediate.
// 0--1-2-------6-7-------9-10-------11-12-------13--------15
// |op | imm[4:0] | dst | funct2 | imm[5] | funct3 |
pub fn encode_cb_type(op: CbOp, rd: WritableReg, imm: Imm6) -> u16 {
let imm = imm.bits();
let mut bits = 0;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(op.op().bits(), 2);
bits |= unsigned_field_width((imm & 0x1f) as u32, 5) << 2;
bits |= reg_to_compressed_gpr_num(rd.to_reg()) << 7;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(op.funct2(), 2) << 10;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(((imm >> 5) & 1) as u32, 1) << 12;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(op.funct3(), 3) << 13;
// Encode a CSS type instruction.
// The imm field is a 6 bit unsigned immediate.
// 0--1-2-------6-7--------12-13-------15
// |op | src | imm | funct3 |
pub fn encode_css_type(op: CssOp, src: Reg, imm: Uimm6) -> u16 {
let imm = imm.bits();
// These are the spec encoded offsets.
// c.swsp: [5:2|7:6]
// c.sdsp: [5:3|8:6]
// c.fsdsp: [5:3|8:6]
// We don't recieve the entire offset in `imm`, just a multiple of the load-size.
// Number of bits in the lowest position of imm. 4 for c.swsp, 3 for c.{f,}sdsp.
let low_bits = match op {
CssOp::CSwsp => 4, // [5:2]
CssOp::CSdsp | CssOp::CFsdsp => 3, // [5:3]
let high_bits = 6 - low_bits;
let mut enc_imm = 0;
enc_imm |= (imm & ((1 << low_bits) - 1)) << high_bits;
enc_imm |= imm >> low_bits;
let mut bits = 0;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(op.op().bits(), 2);
bits |= reg_to_gpr_num(src) << 2;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(enc_imm as u32, 6) << 7;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(op.funct3(), 3) << 13;
// Encode a CS type instruction.
// The imm field is a 5 bit unsigned immediate.
// 0--1-2-----4-5----------6-7---------9-10----------12-13-----15
// |op | src | imm(2-bit) | base | imm(3-bit) | funct3 |
pub fn encode_cs_type(op: CsOp, src: Reg, base: Reg, imm: Uimm5) -> u16 {
let size = match op {
CsOp::CFsd | CsOp::CSd => 8,
CsOp::CSw => 4,
encode_cs_cl_type_bits(op.op(), op.funct3(), size, src, base, imm)
// Encode a CL type instruction.
// The imm field is a 5 bit unsigned immediate.
// 0--1-2------4-5----------6-7---------9-10----------12-13-----15
// |op | dest | imm(2-bit) | base | imm(3-bit) | funct3 |
pub fn encode_cl_type(op: ClOp, dest: WritableReg, base: Reg, imm: Uimm5) -> u16 {
let size = match op {
ClOp::CFld | ClOp::CLd => 8,
ClOp::CLw => 4,
encode_cs_cl_type_bits(op.op(), op.funct3(), size, dest.to_reg(), base, imm)
// CL and CS type instructions have the same physical layout.
// 0--1-2----------4-5----------6-7---------9-10----------12-13-----15
// |op | dest/src | imm(2-bit) | base | imm(3-bit) | funct3 |
fn encode_cs_cl_type_bits(
op: COpcodeSpace,
funct3: u32,
size: u32,
dest_src: Reg,
base: Reg,
imm: Uimm5,
) -> u16 {
let imm = imm.bits();
// c.sw / c.lw: [2|6]
// / c.ld: [7:6]
// c.fsd / c.fld: [7:6]
// We differentiate these based on the operation size
let imm2 = match size {
4 => ((imm >> 4) & 1) | ((imm & 1) << 1),
8 => (imm >> 3) & 0b11,
_ => unreachable!(),
// [5:3] on all opcodes
let imm3 = match size {
4 => (imm >> 1) & 0b111,
8 => (imm >> 0) & 0b111,
_ => unreachable!(),
let mut bits = 0;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(op.bits(), 2);
bits |= reg_to_compressed_gpr_num(dest_src) << 2;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(imm2 as u32, 2) << 5;
bits |= reg_to_compressed_gpr_num(base) << 7;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(imm3 as u32, 3) << 10;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(funct3, 3) << 13;
// Encode a CSZN type instruction.
// This is an additional encoding format that is introduced in the Zcb extension.
// 0--1-2---------6-7--------9-10------15
// |op | funct5 | rd/rs1 | funct6 |
pub fn encode_cszn_type(op: CsznOp, rd: WritableReg) -> u16 {
let mut bits = 0;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(op.op().bits(), 2);
bits |= unsigned_field_width(op.funct5(), 5) << 2;
bits |= reg_to_compressed_gpr_num(rd.to_reg()) << 7;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(op.funct6(), 6) << 10;
// Encodes the various memory operations in the Zcb extension.
// 0--1-2----------4-5----------6-7---------9-10-------15
// |op | dest/src | imm(2-bit) | base | funct6 |
fn encode_zcbmem_bits(op: ZcbMemOp, dest_src: Reg, base: Reg, imm: Uimm2) -> u16 {
let imm = imm.bits();
// For these ops, bit 6 is part of the opcode, and bit 5 encodes the imm offset.
let imm = match op {
ZcbMemOp::CLh | ZcbMemOp::CLhu | ZcbMemOp::CSh => {
debug_assert_eq!(imm & !1, 0);
// Only c.lh has this bit as 1
let opcode_bit = (op == ZcbMemOp::CLh) as u8;
imm | (opcode_bit << 1)
// In the rest of the ops the imm is reversed.
_ => ((imm & 1) << 1) | ((imm >> 1) & 1),
let mut bits = 0;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(op.op().bits(), 2);
bits |= reg_to_compressed_gpr_num(dest_src) << 2;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(imm as u32, 2) << 5;
bits |= reg_to_compressed_gpr_num(base) << 7;
bits |= unsigned_field_width(op.funct6(), 6) << 10;
pub fn encode_zcbmem_load(op: ZcbMemOp, rd: WritableReg, base: Reg, imm: Uimm2) -> u16 {
encode_zcbmem_bits(op, rd.to_reg(), base, imm)
pub fn encode_zcbmem_store(op: ZcbMemOp, src: Reg, base: Reg, imm: Uimm2) -> u16 {
encode_zcbmem_bits(op, src, base, imm)