blob: f33e198c0936e739effb2e121445594a4b9b966f [file] [log] [blame]
//! Cranelift IR entity references.
//! Instructions in Cranelift IR need to reference other entities in the function. This can be other
//! parts of the function like basic blocks or stack slots, or it can be external entities
//! that are declared in the function preamble in the text format.
//! These entity references in instruction operands are not implemented as Rust references both
//! because Rust's ownership and mutability rules make it difficult, and because 64-bit pointers
//! take up a lot of space, and we want a compact in-memory representation. Instead, entity
//! references are structs wrapping a `u32` index into a table in the `Function` main data
//! structure. There is a separate index type for each entity type, so we don't lose type safety.
//! The `entities` module defines public types for the entity references along with constants
//! representing an invalid reference. We prefer to use `Option<EntityRef>` whenever possible, but
//! unfortunately that type is twice as large as the 32-bit index type on its own. Thus, compact
//! data structures use the `PackedOption<EntityRef>` representation, while function arguments and
//! return values prefer the more Rust-like `Option<EntityRef>` variant.
//! The entity references all implement the `Display` trait in a way that matches the textual IR
//! format.
use crate::entity::entity_impl;
use core::fmt;
use core::u32;
#[cfg(feature = "enable-serde")]
use serde_derive::{Deserialize, Serialize};
/// An opaque reference to a [basic block]( in a
/// [`Function`](super::function::Function).
/// You can get a `Block` using
/// [`FunctionBuilder::create_block`](*/cranelift_frontend/struct.FunctionBuilder.html#method.create_block)
/// While the order is stable, it is arbitrary and does not necessarily resemble the layout order.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "enable-serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct Block(u32);
entity_impl!(Block, "block");
impl Block {
/// Create a new block reference from its number. This corresponds to the `blockNN` representation.
/// This method is for use by the parser.
pub fn with_number(n: u32) -> Option<Self> {
if n < u32::MAX {
} else {
/// An opaque reference to an SSA value.
/// You can get a constant `Value` from the following
/// [`InstBuilder`](super::InstBuilder) instructions:
/// - [`iconst`](super::InstBuilder::iconst) for integer constants
/// - [`f32const`](super::InstBuilder::f32const) for 32-bit float constants
/// - [`f64const`](super::InstBuilder::f64const) for 64-bit float constants
/// - [`vconst`](super::InstBuilder::vconst) for vector constants
/// - [`null`](super::InstBuilder::null) for null reference constants
/// Any `InstBuilder` instruction that has an output will also return a `Value`.
/// While the order is stable, it is arbitrary.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "enable-serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct Value(u32);
entity_impl!(Value, "v");
impl Value {
/// Create a value from its number representation.
/// This is the number in the `vNN` notation.
/// This method is for use by the parser.
pub fn with_number(n: u32) -> Option<Self> {
if n < u32::MAX / 2 {
} else {
/// An opaque reference to an instruction in a [`Function`](super::Function).
/// Most usage of `Inst` is internal. `Inst`ructions are returned by
/// [`InstBuilder`](super::InstBuilder) instructions that do not return a
/// [`Value`], such as control flow and trap instructions, as well as instructions that return a
/// variable (potentially zero!) number of values, like call or call-indirect instructions. To get
/// the `Value` of such instructions, use [`inst_results`](super::DataFlowGraph::inst_results) or
/// its analogue in `cranelift_frontend::FuncBuilder`.
/// [inst_comment]:
/// While the order is stable, it is arbitrary and does not necessarily resemble the layout order.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "enable-serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct Inst(u32);
entity_impl!(Inst, "inst");
/// An opaque reference to a stack slot.
/// Stack slots represent an address on the
/// [call stack](
/// `StackSlot`s can be created with
/// [`FunctionBuilder::create_sized_stack_slot`](*/cranelift_frontend/struct.FunctionBuilder.html#method.create_sized_stack_slot)
/// or
/// [`FunctionBuilder::create_dynamic_stack_slot`](*/cranelift_frontend/struct.FunctionBuilder.html#method.create_dynamic_stack_slot).
/// `StackSlot`s are most often used with
/// [`stack_addr`](super::InstBuilder::stack_addr),
/// [`stack_load`](super::InstBuilder::stack_load), and
/// [`stack_store`](super::InstBuilder::stack_store).
/// While the order is stable, it is arbitrary and does not necessarily resemble the stack order.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "enable-serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct StackSlot(u32);
entity_impl!(StackSlot, "ss");
impl StackSlot {
/// Create a new stack slot reference from its number.
/// This method is for use by the parser.
pub fn with_number(n: u32) -> Option<Self> {
if n < u32::MAX {
} else {
/// An opaque reference to a dynamic stack slot.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "enable-serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct DynamicStackSlot(u32);
entity_impl!(DynamicStackSlot, "dss");
impl DynamicStackSlot {
/// Create a new stack slot reference from its number.
/// This method is for use by the parser.
pub fn with_number(n: u32) -> Option<Self> {
if n < u32::MAX {
} else {
/// An opaque reference to a dynamic type.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "enable-serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct DynamicType(u32);
entity_impl!(DynamicType, "dt");
impl DynamicType {
/// Create a new dynamic type reference from its number.
/// This method is for use by the parser.
pub fn with_number(n: u32) -> Option<Self> {
if n < u32::MAX {
} else {
/// An opaque reference to a global value.
/// A `GlobalValue` is a [`Value`](Value) that will be live across the entire
/// function lifetime. It can be preloaded from other global values.
/// You can create a `GlobalValue` in the following ways:
/// - When compiling to WASM, you can use it to load values from a
/// [`VmContext`](super::GlobalValueData::VMContext) using
/// [`FuncEnvironment::make_global`](*/cranelift_wasm/trait.FuncEnvironment.html#tymethod.make_global).
/// - When compiling to native code, you can use it for objects in static memory with
/// [`Module::declare_data_in_func`](*/cranelift_module/trait.Module.html#method.declare_data_in_func).
/// - For any compilation target, it can be registered with
/// [`FunctionBuilder::create_global_value`](*/cranelift_frontend/struct.FunctionBuilder.html#method.create_global_value).
/// `GlobalValue`s can be retrieved with
/// [`InstBuilder:global_value`](super::InstBuilder::global_value).
/// While the order is stable, it is arbitrary.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "enable-serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct GlobalValue(u32);
entity_impl!(GlobalValue, "gv");
impl GlobalValue {
/// Create a new global value reference from its number.
/// This method is for use by the parser.
pub fn with_number(n: u32) -> Option<Self> {
if n < u32::MAX {
} else {
/// An opaque reference to a constant.
/// You can store [`ConstantData`](super::ConstantData) in a
/// [`ConstantPool`](super::ConstantPool) for efficient storage and retrieval.
/// See [`ConstantPool::insert`](super::ConstantPool::insert).
/// While the order is stable, it is arbitrary and does not necessarily resemble the order in which
/// the constants are written in the constant pool.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Ord, PartialOrd)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "enable-serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct Constant(u32);
entity_impl!(Constant, "const");
impl Constant {
/// Create a const reference from its number.
/// This method is for use by the parser.
pub fn with_number(n: u32) -> Option<Self> {
if n < u32::MAX {
} else {
/// An opaque reference to an immediate.
/// Some immediates (e.g. SIMD shuffle masks) are too large to store in the
/// [`InstructionData`](super::instructions::InstructionData) struct and therefore must be
/// tracked separately in [`DataFlowGraph::immediates`](super::dfg::DataFlowGraph). `Immediate`
/// provides a way to reference values stored there.
/// While the order is stable, it is arbitrary.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "enable-serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct Immediate(u32);
entity_impl!(Immediate, "imm");
impl Immediate {
/// Create an immediate reference from its number.
/// This method is for use by the parser.
pub fn with_number(n: u32) -> Option<Self> {
if n < u32::MAX {
} else {
/// An opaque reference to a [jump table](
/// `JumpTable`s are used for indirect branching and are specialized for dense,
/// 0-based jump offsets. If you want a jump table which doesn't start at 0,
/// or is not contiguous, consider using a [`Switch`](*/cranelift_frontend/struct.Switch.html) instead.
/// `JumpTable` are used with [`br_table`](super::InstBuilder::br_table).
/// `JumpTable`s can be created with
/// [`create_jump_table`](*/cranelift_frontend/struct.FunctionBuilder.html#method.create_jump_table).
/// While the order is stable, it is arbitrary.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "enable-serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct JumpTable(u32);
entity_impl!(JumpTable, "jt");
impl JumpTable {
/// Create a new jump table reference from its number.
/// This method is for use by the parser.
pub fn with_number(n: u32) -> Option<Self> {
if n < u32::MAX {
} else {
/// An opaque reference to another [`Function`](super::Function).
/// `FuncRef`s are used for [direct](super::InstBuilder::call) function calls
/// and by [`func_addr`](super::InstBuilder::func_addr) for use in
/// [indirect](super::InstBuilder::call_indirect) function calls.
/// `FuncRef`s can be created with
/// - [`FunctionBuilder::import_function`](*/cranelift_frontend/struct.FunctionBuilder.html#method.import_function)
/// for external functions
/// - [`Module::declare_func_in_func`](*/cranelift_module/trait.Module.html#method.declare_func_in_func)
/// for functions declared elsewhere in the same native
/// [`Module`](*/cranelift_module/trait.Module.html)
/// - [`FuncEnvironment::make_direct_func`](*/cranelift_wasm/trait.FuncEnvironment.html#tymethod.make_direct_func)
/// for functions declared in the same WebAssembly
/// [`FuncEnvironment`](*/cranelift_wasm/trait.FuncEnvironment.html#tymethod.make_direct_func)
/// While the order is stable, it is arbitrary.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "enable-serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct FuncRef(u32);
entity_impl!(FuncRef, "fn");
impl FuncRef {
/// Create a new external function reference from its number.
/// This method is for use by the parser.
pub fn with_number(n: u32) -> Option<Self> {
if n < u32::MAX {
} else {
/// A reference to an `UserExternalName`, declared with `Function::declare_imported_user_function`.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord, Default)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "enable-serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct UserExternalNameRef(u32);
entity_impl!(UserExternalNameRef, "userextname");
/// An opaque reference to a function [`Signature`](super::Signature).
/// `SigRef`s are used to declare a function with
/// [`FunctionBuilder::import_function`](*/cranelift_frontend/struct.FunctionBuilder.html#method.import_function)
/// as well as to make an [indirect function call](super::InstBuilder::call_indirect).
/// `SigRef`s can be created with
/// [`FunctionBuilder::import_signature`](*/cranelift_frontend/struct.FunctionBuilder.html#method.import_signature).
/// You can retrieve the [`Signature`](super::Signature) that was used to create a `SigRef` with
/// [`FunctionBuilder::signature`](*/cranelift_frontend/struct.FunctionBuilder.html#method.signature) or
/// [`func.dfg.signatures`](super::dfg::DataFlowGraph::signatures).
/// While the order is stable, it is arbitrary.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "enable-serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct SigRef(u32);
entity_impl!(SigRef, "sig");
impl SigRef {
/// Create a new function signature reference from its number.
/// This method is for use by the parser.
pub fn with_number(n: u32) -> Option<Self> {
if n < u32::MAX {
} else {
/// An opaque reference to a [WebAssembly
/// table](
/// `Table`s are used to store a list of function references.
/// They can be created with [`FuncEnvironment::make_table`](*/cranelift_wasm/trait.FuncEnvironment.html#tymethod.make_table).
/// They can be used with
/// [`FuncEnvironment::translate_call_indirect`](*/cranelift_wasm/trait.FuncEnvironment.html#tymethod.translate_call_indirect).
/// While the order is stable, it is arbitrary.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "enable-serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub struct Table(u32);
entity_impl!(Table, "table");
impl Table {
/// Create a new table reference from its number.
/// This method is for use by the parser.
pub fn with_number(n: u32) -> Option<Self> {
if n < u32::MAX {
} else {
/// An opaque reference to any of the entities defined in this module that can appear in CLIF IR.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, PartialOrd, Ord)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "enable-serde", derive(Serialize, Deserialize))]
pub enum AnyEntity {
/// The whole function.
/// a basic block.
/// An instruction.
/// An SSA value.
/// A stack slot.
/// A dynamic stack slot.
/// A dynamic type
/// A Global value.
/// A jump table.
/// A constant.
/// An external function.
/// A function call signature.
/// A table.
/// A function's stack limit
impl fmt::Display for AnyEntity {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match *self {
Self::Function => write!(f, "function"),
Self::Block(r) => r.fmt(f),
Self::Inst(r) => r.fmt(f),
Self::Value(r) => r.fmt(f),
Self::StackSlot(r) => r.fmt(f),
Self::DynamicStackSlot(r) => r.fmt(f),
Self::DynamicType(r) => r.fmt(f),
Self::GlobalValue(r) => r.fmt(f),
Self::JumpTable(r) => r.fmt(f),
Self::Constant(r) => r.fmt(f),
Self::FuncRef(r) => r.fmt(f),
Self::SigRef(r) => r.fmt(f),
Self::Table(r) => r.fmt(f),
Self::StackLimit => write!(f, "stack_limit"),
impl fmt::Debug for AnyEntity {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
(self as &dyn fmt::Display).fmt(f)
impl From<Block> for AnyEntity {
fn from(r: Block) -> Self {
impl From<Inst> for AnyEntity {
fn from(r: Inst) -> Self {
impl From<Value> for AnyEntity {
fn from(r: Value) -> Self {
impl From<StackSlot> for AnyEntity {
fn from(r: StackSlot) -> Self {
impl From<DynamicStackSlot> for AnyEntity {
fn from(r: DynamicStackSlot) -> Self {
impl From<DynamicType> for AnyEntity {
fn from(r: DynamicType) -> Self {
impl From<GlobalValue> for AnyEntity {
fn from(r: GlobalValue) -> Self {
impl From<JumpTable> for AnyEntity {
fn from(r: JumpTable) -> Self {
impl From<Constant> for AnyEntity {
fn from(r: Constant) -> Self {
impl From<FuncRef> for AnyEntity {
fn from(r: FuncRef) -> Self {
impl From<SigRef> for AnyEntity {
fn from(r: SigRef) -> Self {
impl From<Table> for AnyEntity {
fn from(r: Table) -> Self {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use alloc::string::ToString;
use core::u32;
fn value_with_number() {
assert_eq!(Value::with_number(0).unwrap().to_string(), "v0");
assert_eq!(Value::with_number(1).unwrap().to_string(), "v1");
assert_eq!(Value::with_number(u32::MAX / 2), None);
assert!(Value::with_number(u32::MAX / 2 - 1).is_some());
fn memory() {
use crate::packed_option::PackedOption;
use core::mem;
// This is the whole point of `PackedOption`.
fn memory_option() {
use core::mem;
// PackedOption is used because Option<EntityRef> is twice as large
// as EntityRef. If this ever fails to be the case, this test will fail.
assert_eq!(mem::size_of::<Value>() * 2, mem::size_of::<Option<Value>>());
fn constant_with_number() {
assert_eq!(Constant::with_number(0).unwrap().to_string(), "const0");
assert_eq!(Constant::with_number(1).unwrap().to_string(), "const1");