blob: 2a5c1d14a38ddd6ca5c58a27fd9ec636c15ad098 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Colorize and stylize strings for terminal at compile-time, by using an HTML-like syntax.
//! This library provides the following macros:
//! - `cformat!(<FORMAT_STRING> [, ARGS...])`
//! - `cprint!(<FORMAT_STRING> [, ARGS...])`
//! - `cprintln!(<FORMAT_STRING> [, ARGS...])`
//! - `cstr!(<FORMAT_STRING>)`
//! - `untagged!(<FORMAT_STRING>)`
//! [`cformat!()`], [`cprint!()`], and [`cprintln!()`] have the same syntax as `format!()`,
//! `print!()` and `println!()` respectively, but they accept an additional syntax inside the
//! format string: HTML-like tags which add ANSI colors/styles at compile-time.
//! [`cstr!()`] only transforms the given string literal into another string literal, without
//! formatting anything else than the colors tag.
//! [`untagged!()`] removes all the tags found in the given string literal.
//! ## What does it do ?
//! By default, the provided macros will replace the tags found in the format string by ANSI
//! hexadecimal escape codes. E.g.:
//! ```
//! # use color_print::cprintln;
//! # fn main() {
//! cprintln!("HELLO <green>WORLD</green>");
//! cprintln!("HELLO <green>WORLD</>"); // Alternative, shorter syntax
//! # }
//! ```
//! will be replaced by:
//! ```
//! # use color_print::cprintln;
//! # fn main() {
//! println!("HELLO \u{1b}[31mWORLD\u{1b}[39m")
//! # }
//! ```
//! *Note*: it is possible to change this behaviour by activating the feature `terminfo`. Then it
//! will question the `terminfo` database at runtime in order to know which sequence to write for
//! each kind of styling/colorizing (see below for more detail).
//! # Pros/cons of this crate
//! ## Pros
//! * Styling is processed at compile-time, so the runtime payload is inexistant (unless the
//! feature `terminfo` is activated);
//! * Nested tags are well handled, e.g. `"<green>...<blue>...</blue>...</green>"`;
//! * Some optimizations are performed to avoid redundant ANSI sequences, because these
//! optimizations can be done at compile-time without impacting the runtime;
//! * Almost every tag has a short name, so colorizing can be done quickly: `"my <b>blue</> word"`;
//! * Each provided macro can be used exactly in the same way as the standard `format!`-like
//! macros; e.g., positional arguments and named arguments can be used as usual;
//! * Supports 16, 256 and 16M colors;
//! * Fine-grained error handling (errors will be given at compile-time).
//! ## Cons
//! * Not compatible with non-ANSI terminals.
//! # Introduction
//! ## Basic example
//! ```
//! use color_print::cprintln;
//! cprintln!("Hello <green>world</green>!");
//! ```
//! ## Closing a tag more simply: the `</>` tag
//! Basically, tags must be closed by giving *exactly* the same colors/styles as their matching
//! open tag (with a slash `/` at the beginning), e.g: `<blue,bold>...</blue,bold>`. But it can be
//! tedious!
//! So, it is also possible to close the last open tag simply with `</>`:
//! ```
//! # use color_print::cprintln;
//! # fn main() {
//! cprintln!("Hello <green>world</>!");
//! # }
//! ```
//! ## Combining colors and styles
//! Multiple styles and colors can be combined into a single tag by separating them with the `,`
//! comma character:
//! ```
//! # use color_print::cprintln;
//! # fn main() {
//! cprintln!("This a <green,bold>green and bold text</green,bold>.");
//! // The same, but closing with the </> tag:
//! cprintln!("This a <green,bold>green and bold text</>.");
//! # }
//! ```
//! ## Nesting tags
//! Any tag can be nested with any other.
//! *Note*: The closing tags must match correctly (following the basic rules of nesting for HTML
//! tags), but it can always be simplified by using the tag `</>`.
//! Example of nested tags:
//! ```
//! # use color_print::cprintln;
//! # fn main() {
//! cprintln!("<green>This is green, <bold>then green and bold</bold>, then green again</green>");
//! cprintln!("<green>This is green, <bold>then green and bold</>, then green again</>");
//! // Colors can be nested as well:
//! cprintln!("<green>This is green, <blue>then blue</blue>, then green again</green>");
//! cprintln!("<green>This is green, <blue>then blue</>, then green again</>");
//! # }
//! ```
//! ## Unclosed tags are automatically closed at the end of the format string
//! Tags which have not been closed manually will be closed automatically, which means that the
//! ANSI sequences needed to go back to the original state will be added:
//! ```
//! # use color_print::cprintln;
//! # fn main() {
//! // The two following lines are strictly equivalent:
//! cprintln!("<green><bold>Hello");
//! cprintln!("<green><bold>Hello</></>");
//! # }
//! ```
//! ## How to display the chars `<` and `>` verbatim
//! As for `{` and `}` in standard format strings, the chars `<` and `>` have to be doubled in
//! order to display them verbatim:
//! ```
//! # use color_print::cprintln;
//! # fn main() {
//! cprintln!("This is an angle bracket character: <<, and here is another one: >>");
//! # }
//! ```
//! # Optimization: no redundant ANSI codes
//! The expanded format string will only contain the *needed* ANSI codes. This is done by making a
//! diff of the different style attributes, each time a tag is encountered, instead of mechanically
//! adding the ANSI codes.
//! E.g., several nested `<bold>` tags will only produce one bold ANSI sequence:
//! ```
//! # use color_print::cprintln;
//! # fn main() {
//! cprintln!("<bold><bold> A <bold,blue> B </> C </></>")
//! # }
//! ```
//! will be replaced by:
//! ```
//! # use color_print::cprintln;
//! # fn main() {
//! println!("\u{1b}[1m A \u{1b}[34m B \u{1b}[39m C \u{1b}[22m")
//! // ^-------^ ^--------^ ^--------^ ^--------^
//! // bold blue color bold
//! // reset reset
//! # }
//! ```
//! # The feature `terminfo`
//! Instead of inserting ANSI sequences directly into the format string, it is possible to activate
//! the feature `terminfo`: this will add the format sequences at runtime, by consulting the
//! `terminfo` database.
//! This has one pro and several cons:
//! #### Pros
//! * This adds a level of compatibility for some terminals.
//! #### Cons
//! * This adds a little runtime payload;
//! * This adds two dependencies: [`lazy_static`] and [`terminfo`];
//! * The styles `<strike>` and `<conceal>` are not handled;
//! * With `terminfo`, many styles are not resettable individually, which implies longer format
//! sequences for the same result;
//! * For now, the provided macros can only be used in one thread.
//! [`lazy_static`]:
//! [`terminfo`]:
//! # Naming rules of the tags:
//! Each tag has at least a **long name**, like `<magenta>` or `<underline>`.
//! The tags directly relative to *colors* (like `<red>`, `<bg:blue>`, `<bg:bright-green>`..., as
//! opposed to *style* tags like `<bold>`, `<italics>`...) have some common naming rules:
//! * Each tag has four variants:
//! - `<mycolor>`: the normal, foreground color;
//! - `<bright-mycolor>` or `<mycolor!>`: the bright, foreground color;
//! - `<bg:mycolor>`, `<MYCOLOR>`: the normal, background color;
//! - `<bg:bright-mycolor>`, `<bg:mycolor!>`, `<BRIGHT-MYCOLOR>` or `<MYCOLOR!>`: the bright,
//! background color;
//! * Each tag has a *shortcut*, with a base letter for each color; example with the `x` letter:
//! - `<x>`: the normal, foreground color;
//! - `<x!>`: the bright, foreground color;
//! - `<bg:x>`, `<X>`: the normal, background color;
//! - `<bg:x!>`, `<X!>`: the bright, background color;
//! * Each color's shortcut letter is simply the **first letter of its name** (excepted for `<k>`
//! which is the shortcut for `<black>`), e.g. `<y>` is the shortcut for `<yellow>`;
//! * Each color's tag which is uppercase is a **background color**;
//! * Each tag which has a trailing exclamation point `!` is a **bright color**;
//! # List of accepted tags:
//! The two first columns show which styles are supported, respectively with the default crate
//! features (ANSI column), and with the feature `terminfo` being activated.
//! | ANSI | Terminfo | Shortcuts | Long names | Aliases |
//! | ---- | -------- | --------- | ----------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
//! | X | X | `<s>` | `<strong>` | `<em>` `<bold>` |
//! | X | X | | `<dim>` | |
//! | X | X | `<u>` | `<underline>` | |
//! | X | | | `<strike>` | |
//! | X | X | | `<reverse>` | `<rev>` |
//! | X | | | `<conceal>` | `<hide>` |
//! | X | X | `<i>` | `<italics>` | `<italic>` |
//! | X | X | | `<blink>` | |
//! | X | X | `<k>` | `<black>` | |
//! | X | X | `<r>` | `<red>` | |
//! | X | X | `<g>` | `<green>` | |
//! | X | X | `<y>` | `<yellow>` | |
//! | X | X | `<b>` | `<blue>` | |
//! | X | X | `<m>` | `<magenta>` | |
//! | X | X | `<c>` | `<cyan>` | |
//! | X | X | `<w>` | `<white>` | |
//! | X | X | `<k!>` | `<bright-black>` | `<black!>` |
//! | X | X | `<r!>` | `<bright-red>` | `<red!>` |
//! | X | X | `<g!>` | `<bright-green>` | `<green!>` |
//! | X | X | `<y!>` | `<bright-yellow>` | `<yellow!>` |
//! | X | X | `<b!>` | `<bright-blue>` | `<blue!>` |
//! | X | X | `<m!>` | `<bright-magenta>` | `<magenta!>` |
//! | X | X | `<c!>` | `<bright-cyan>` | `<cyan!>` |
//! | X | X | `<w!>` | `<bright-white>` | `<white!>` |
//! | X | X | `<K>` | `<bg:black>` | `<BLACK>` |
//! | X | X | `<R>` | `<bg:red>` | `<RED>` |
//! | X | X | `<G>` | `<bg:green>` | `<GREEN>` |
//! | X | X | `<Y>` | `<bg:yellow>` | `<YELLOW>` |
//! | X | X | `<B>` | `<bg:blue>` | `<BLUE>` |
//! | X | X | `<M>` | `<bg:magenta>` | `<MAGENTA>` |
//! | X | X | `<C>` | `<bg:cyan>` | `<CYAN>` |
//! | X | X | `<W>` | `<bg:white>` | `<WHITE>` |
//! | X | X | `<K!>` | `<bg:bright-black>` | `<BLACK!>` `<bg:black!>` `<BRIGHT-BLACK>` |
//! | X | X | `<R!>` | `<bg:bright-red>` | `<RED!>` `<bg:red!>` `<BRIGHT-RED>` |
//! | X | X | `<G!>` | `<bg:bright-green>` | `<GREEN!>` `<bg:green!>` `<BRIGHT-GREEN>` |
//! | X | X | `<Y!>` | `<bg:bright-yellow>` | `<YELLOW!>` `<bg:yellow!>` `<BRIGHT-YELLOW>` |
//! | X | X | `<B!>` | `<bg:bright-blue>` | `<BLUE!>` `<bg:blue!>` `<BRIGHT-BLUE>` |
//! | X | X | `<M!>` | `<bg:bright-magenta>` | `<MAGENTA!>` `<bg:magenta!>` `<BRIGHT-MAGENTA>` |
//! | X | X | `<C!>` | `<bg:bright-cyan>` | `<CYAN!>` `<bg:cyan!>` `<BRIGHT-CYAN>` |
//! | X | X | `<W!>` | `<bg:bright-white>` | `<WHITE!>` `<bg:white!>` `<BRIGHT-WHITE>` |
//! | X | | | `<rgb(r,g,b)>` | `<#RRGGBB>` |
//! | X | | | `<bg:rgb(r,g,b)>` | `<bg:#RRGGBB>` `<RGB(r,g,b)>` |
//! | X | | `<0>`...`<255>` | `<palette(...)>` | `<p(...)>` `<pal(...)>` |
//! | X | | `<P(...)>` | `<bg:palette(...)>` | `<PALETTE(...)>` `<PAL(...)>` `<bg:p(...)>` `<bg:pal(...)>` |
pub use color_print_proc_macro::{cformat, cprint, cprintln, cstr, untagged};
#[cfg(feature = "terminfo")]
mod terminfo;
#[cfg(feature = "terminfo")]
pub use terminfo::*;
mod tests {
use super::*;
pub mod color_print {
pub use super::*;
fn format_no_arg() {
assert_eq!(cformat!(), "");
fn format_no_color() {
assert_eq!(cformat!(""), "");
assert_eq!(cformat!("Hi"), "Hi");
assert_eq!(cformat!("Hi {}", 12), "Hi 12");
assert_eq!(cformat!("Hi {n} {}", 12, n = 24), "Hi 24 12");
#[cfg(not(feature = "terminfo"))]
fn format_basic() {
assert_eq!(cformat!("<red>Hi</red>"), "\u{1b}[31mHi\u{1b}[39m");
assert_eq!(cformat!("<red>Hi</r>"), "\u{1b}[31mHi\u{1b}[39m");
assert_eq!(cformat!("<red>Hi</>"), "\u{1b}[31mHi\u{1b}[39m");
assert_eq!(cformat!("<bg:red>Hi</bg:red>"), "\u{1b}[41mHi\u{1b}[49m");
assert_eq!(cformat!("<bg:red>Hi</R>"), "\u{1b}[41mHi\u{1b}[49m");
assert_eq!(cformat!("<bg:red>Hi</>"), "\u{1b}[41mHi\u{1b}[49m");
cformat!("Hi <bold>word</bold> !"),
"Hi \u{1b}[1mword\u{1b}[22m !"
assert_eq!(cformat!("Hi <em>word</em> !"), "Hi \u{1b}[1mword\u{1b}[22m !");
assert_eq!(cformat!("Hi <em>word</> !"), "Hi \u{1b}[1mword\u{1b}[22m !");
#[cfg(not(feature = "terminfo"))]
fn bold_and_dim_should_be_optimized() {
#[cfg(not(feature = "terminfo"))]
fn format_multiple() {
cformat!("Hi <bold>word</bold> <red>red</red> !"),
"Hi \u{1b}[1mword\u{1b}[22m \u{1b}[31mred\u{1b}[39m !"
#[cfg(not(feature = "terminfo"))]
fn format_optimization() {
assert_eq!(cformat!("<red></>Text"), "Text");
#[cfg(not(feature = "terminfo"))]
fn format_auto_close_tag() {
cformat!("<red>RED<em>BOLD") == "\u{1b}[31mRED\u{1b}[1mBOLD\u{1b}[22m\u{1b}[39m"
cformat!("<red>RED<em>BOLD") == "\u{1b}[31mRED\u{1b}[1mBOLD\u{1b}[39m\u{1b}[22m"
#[cfg(feature = "terminfo")]
fn terminfo_format_basic() {
assert_eq!(cformat!("<red>Hi</red>"), format!("{}Hi{}", *RED, *CLEAR));
cformat!("Hi <bold>word</bold> !"),
format!("Hi {}word{} !", *BOLD, *CLEAR)
#[cfg(feature = "terminfo")]
fn terminfo_format_multiple() {
cformat!("Hi <bold>word</bold> <red>red</red> !"),
format!("Hi {}word{} {}red{} !", *BOLD, *CLEAR, *RED, *CLEAR)
#[cfg(feature = "terminfo")]
fn terminfo_format_auto_close_tag() {
format!("{}RED{}BLUE{}", *RED, *BLUE, *CLEAR)
format!("{}RED{}BOLD{}", *RED, *BOLD, *CLEAR)
fn untagged() {
assert_eq!(untagged!(""), "");
assert_eq!(untagged!("hi"), "hi");
assert_eq!(untagged!("<red>hi"), "hi");
assert_eq!(untagged!("<red>hi</>"), "hi");
assert_eq!(untagged!("<red>hi <em,blue>all"), "hi all");
assert_eq!(untagged!("<red>hi <em>all</></>"), "hi all");