blob: eee1f211aa760d50f72bf5e0a80c8b62fc4e7c87 [file] [log] [blame]
use super::{arch::*, utils::*};
use crate::{Block, Block8};
use cipher::inout::InOut;
use core::{mem, ptr};
/// AES-192 round keys
pub(super) type RoundKeys = [__m128i; 13];
#[target_feature(enable = "aes")]
pub(super) unsafe fn encrypt1(keys: &RoundKeys, block: InOut<'_, '_, Block>) {
let (in_ptr, out_ptr) = block.into_raw();
let mut b = _mm_loadu_si128(in_ptr as *const __m128i);
b = _mm_xor_si128(b, keys[0]);
b = _mm_aesenc_si128(b, keys[1]);
b = _mm_aesenc_si128(b, keys[2]);
b = _mm_aesenc_si128(b, keys[3]);
b = _mm_aesenc_si128(b, keys[4]);
b = _mm_aesenc_si128(b, keys[5]);
b = _mm_aesenc_si128(b, keys[6]);
b = _mm_aesenc_si128(b, keys[7]);
b = _mm_aesenc_si128(b, keys[8]);
b = _mm_aesenc_si128(b, keys[9]);
b = _mm_aesenc_si128(b, keys[10]);
b = _mm_aesenc_si128(b, keys[11]);
b = _mm_aesenclast_si128(b, keys[12]);
_mm_storeu_si128(out_ptr as *mut __m128i, b);
#[target_feature(enable = "aes")]
pub(super) unsafe fn encrypt8(keys: &RoundKeys, blocks: InOut<'_, '_, Block8>) {
let (in_ptr, out_ptr) = blocks.into_raw();
let mut b = load8(in_ptr);
xor8(&mut b, keys[0]);
aesenc8(&mut b, keys[1]);
aesenc8(&mut b, keys[2]);
aesenc8(&mut b, keys[3]);
aesenc8(&mut b, keys[4]);
aesenc8(&mut b, keys[5]);
aesenc8(&mut b, keys[6]);
aesenc8(&mut b, keys[7]);
aesenc8(&mut b, keys[8]);
aesenc8(&mut b, keys[9]);
aesenc8(&mut b, keys[10]);
aesenc8(&mut b, keys[11]);
aesenclast8(&mut b, keys[12]);
store8(out_ptr, b);
#[target_feature(enable = "aes")]
pub(super) unsafe fn decrypt1(keys: &RoundKeys, block: InOut<'_, '_, Block>) {
let (in_ptr, out_ptr) = block.into_raw();
let mut b = _mm_loadu_si128(in_ptr as *const __m128i);
b = _mm_xor_si128(b, keys[12]);
b = _mm_aesdec_si128(b, keys[11]);
b = _mm_aesdec_si128(b, keys[10]);
b = _mm_aesdec_si128(b, keys[9]);
b = _mm_aesdec_si128(b, keys[8]);
b = _mm_aesdec_si128(b, keys[7]);
b = _mm_aesdec_si128(b, keys[6]);
b = _mm_aesdec_si128(b, keys[5]);
b = _mm_aesdec_si128(b, keys[4]);
b = _mm_aesdec_si128(b, keys[3]);
b = _mm_aesdec_si128(b, keys[2]);
b = _mm_aesdec_si128(b, keys[1]);
b = _mm_aesdeclast_si128(b, keys[0]);
_mm_storeu_si128(out_ptr as *mut __m128i, b);
#[target_feature(enable = "aes")]
pub(super) unsafe fn decrypt8(keys: &RoundKeys, blocks: InOut<'_, '_, Block8>) {
let (in_ptr, out_ptr) = blocks.into_raw();
let mut b = load8(in_ptr);
xor8(&mut b, keys[12]);
aesdec8(&mut b, keys[11]);
aesdec8(&mut b, keys[10]);
aesdec8(&mut b, keys[9]);
aesdec8(&mut b, keys[8]);
aesdec8(&mut b, keys[7]);
aesdec8(&mut b, keys[6]);
aesdec8(&mut b, keys[5]);
aesdec8(&mut b, keys[4]);
aesdec8(&mut b, keys[3]);
aesdec8(&mut b, keys[2]);
aesdec8(&mut b, keys[1]);
aesdeclast8(&mut b, keys[0]);
store8(out_ptr, b);
macro_rules! expand_round {
($t1:expr, $t3:expr, $round:expr) => {{
let mut t1 = $t1;
let mut t2;
let mut t3 = $t3;
let mut t4;
t2 = _mm_aeskeygenassist_si128(t3, $round);
t2 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(t2, 0x55);
t4 = _mm_slli_si128(t1, 0x4);
t1 = _mm_xor_si128(t1, t4);
t4 = _mm_slli_si128(t4, 0x4);
t1 = _mm_xor_si128(t1, t4);
t4 = _mm_slli_si128(t4, 0x4);
t1 = _mm_xor_si128(t1, t4);
t1 = _mm_xor_si128(t1, t2);
t2 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(t1, 0xff);
t4 = _mm_slli_si128(t3, 0x4);
t3 = _mm_xor_si128(t3, t4);
t3 = _mm_xor_si128(t3, t2);
(t1, t3)
macro_rules! shuffle {
($a:expr, $b:expr, $imm:expr) => {
mem::transmute::<_, __m128i>(_mm_shuffle_pd(mem::transmute($a), mem::transmute($b), $imm))
#[target_feature(enable = "aes")]
pub(super) unsafe fn expand_key(key: &[u8; 24]) -> RoundKeys {
// SAFETY: `RoundKeys` is a `[__m128i; 13]` which can be initialized
// with all zeroes.
let mut keys: RoundKeys = mem::zeroed();
// we are being extra pedantic here to remove out-of-bound access.
// this should be optimized out into movups, movsd sequence
// note that unaligned load MUST be used here, even though we read
// from the array (compiler missoptimizes aligned load)
let (k0, k1l) = {
let mut t = [0u8; 32];
ptr::write(t.as_mut_ptr() as *mut [u8; 24], *key);
_mm_loadu_si128(t.as_ptr() as *const __m128i),
_mm_loadu_si128(t.as_ptr().offset(16) as *const __m128i),
keys[0] = k0;
let (k1_2, k2r) = expand_round!(k0, k1l, 0x01);
keys[1] = shuffle!(k1l, k1_2, 0);
keys[2] = shuffle!(k1_2, k2r, 1);
let (k3, k4l) = expand_round!(k1_2, k2r, 0x02);
keys[3] = k3;
let (k4_5, k5r) = expand_round!(k3, k4l, 0x04);
let k4 = shuffle!(k4l, k4_5, 0);
let k5 = shuffle!(k4_5, k5r, 1);
keys[4] = k4;
keys[5] = k5;
let (k6, k7l) = expand_round!(k4_5, k5r, 0x08);
keys[6] = k6;
let (k7_8, k8r) = expand_round!(k6, k7l, 0x10);
keys[7] = shuffle!(k7l, k7_8, 0);
keys[8] = shuffle!(k7_8, k8r, 1);
let (k9, k10l) = expand_round!(k7_8, k8r, 0x20);
keys[9] = k9;
let (k10_11, k11r) = expand_round!(k9, k10l, 0x40);
keys[10] = shuffle!(k10l, k10_11, 0);
keys[11] = shuffle!(k10_11, k11r, 1);
let (k12, _) = expand_round!(k10_11, k11r, 0x80);
keys[12] = k12;
#[target_feature(enable = "aes")]
pub(super) unsafe fn inv_expanded_keys(keys: &RoundKeys) -> RoundKeys {