blob: 711ccf1b6682c67e801cbe7ddfd06e2efb613a32 [file] [log] [blame]
error[E0107]: trait takes 1 generic argument but 2 generic arguments were supplied
--> $DIR/
LL | impl<T, S> Trait<T, S> for () {}
| ^^^^^ expected 1 generic argument
note: trait defined here, with 1 generic parameter: `T`
--> $DIR/
LL | pub trait Trait<T> {
| ^^^^^ -
error[E0107]: trait takes 1 generic argument but 2 generic arguments were supplied
--> $DIR/
LL | fn func<T: Trait<u32, String>>(t: T) -> impl Trait<(), i32> {
| ^^^^^ expected 1 generic argument
note: trait defined here, with 1 generic parameter: `T`
--> $DIR/
LL | pub trait Trait<T> {
| ^^^^^ -
help: replace the generic bound with the associated type
LL | fn func<T: Trait<u32, Assoc = String>>(t: T) -> impl Trait<(), i32> {
| +++++++
error[E0107]: trait takes 1 generic argument but 2 generic arguments were supplied
--> $DIR/
LL | fn func<T: Trait<u32, String>>(t: T) -> impl Trait<(), i32> {
| ^^^^^ expected 1 generic argument
note: trait defined here, with 1 generic parameter: `T`
--> $DIR/
LL | pub trait Trait<T> {
| ^^^^^ -
help: replace the generic bound with the associated type
LL | fn func<T: Trait<u32, String>>(t: T) -> impl Trait<(), Assoc = i32> {
| +++++++
error[E0107]: trait takes 1 generic argument but 2 generic arguments were supplied
--> $DIR/
LL | struct Struct<T: Trait<u32, String>> {
| ^^^^^ expected 1 generic argument
note: trait defined here, with 1 generic parameter: `T`
--> $DIR/
LL | pub trait Trait<T> {
| ^^^^^ -
help: replace the generic bound with the associated type
LL | struct Struct<T: Trait<u32, Assoc = String>> {
| +++++++
error[E0107]: trait takes 1 generic argument but 2 generic arguments were supplied
--> $DIR/
LL | trait AnotherTrait<T: Trait<T, i32>> {}
| ^^^^^ expected 1 generic argument
note: trait defined here, with 1 generic parameter: `T`
--> $DIR/
LL | pub trait Trait<T> {
| ^^^^^ -
help: replace the generic bound with the associated type
LL | trait AnotherTrait<T: Trait<T, Assoc = i32>> {}
| +++++++
error[E0107]: trait takes 1 generic argument but 2 generic arguments were supplied
--> $DIR/
LL | impl<T: Trait<u32, String>> Struct<T> {}
| ^^^^^ expected 1 generic argument
note: trait defined here, with 1 generic parameter: `T`
--> $DIR/
LL | pub trait Trait<T> {
| ^^^^^ -
help: replace the generic bound with the associated type
LL | impl<T: Trait<u32, Assoc = String>> Struct<T> {}
| +++++++
error[E0107]: struct takes 1 generic argument but 2 generic arguments were supplied
--> $DIR/
LL | impl<T: Trait<u32, Assoc=String>, U> YetAnotherTrait for Struct<T, U> {}
| ^^^^^^ - help: remove this generic argument
| |
| expected 1 generic argument
note: struct defined here, with 1 generic parameter: `T`
--> $DIR/
LL | struct Struct<T: Trait<u32, String>> {
| ^^^^^^ -
error: aborting due to 7 previous errors
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0107`.