blob: e30c556457e5398ab323d8a71ced1e4a666402b0 [file] [log] [blame]
// We want to suggest a bound `T: 'a` but `'a` is elided,
// run-rustfix
// edition: 2018
struct Inv<'a>(Option<*mut &'a u8>);
fn check_bound<'a, A: 'a>(_: A, _: Inv<'a>) {}
struct Elided<'a, T = ()>(Inv<'a>, T);
struct MyTy<X>(X);
impl<'a, X> MyTy<Elided<'a, X>> {
async fn foo<A: 'a>(self, arg: A, _: &str) -> &str {
check_bound(arg, self.0 .0);
//~^ ERROR parameter type `A` may not live long enough
// Make sure the new lifetime name doesn't conflict with
// other early- or late-bound lifetimes in-scope.
impl<'a, A> MyTy<(A, &'a ())> {
async fn foo2<'b>(
arg: A,
lt: Inv<'b>,
) -> (
impl Into<&'b str> + Into<&'b str> + 'b,
impl Into<Option<Elided<'b>>> + 'b,
impl Into<Option<Elided<'b, ()>>>,
) where A: 'b {
check_bound(arg, lt);
//~^ ERROR parameter type `A` may not live long enough
("", None, None)
// same as above but there is a late-bound lifetime named `'b`.
async fn bar2<'c, 'b>(_dummy: &'a u8, arg: A, lt: Inv<'c>) where A: 'c {
check_bound(arg, lt);
//~^ ERROR parameter type `A` may not live long enough
impl<'a, A: 'a> MyTy<Elided<'a, A>> {
async fn foo3(self) {
check_bound(self.0 .1, self.0 .0);
//~^ ERROR parameter type `A` may not live long enough
fn main() {}