blob: 96d24715edb1074b0d07b87c484d964f7053c398 [file] [log] [blame]
mod foo {
struct Self;
//~^ ERROR expected identifier, found keyword `Self`
struct Bar<'Self>;
//~^ ERROR lifetimes cannot use keyword names
//~| ERROR parameter `'Self` is never used
struct Foo;
pub fn main() {
match 15 {
ref Self => (),
//~^ ERROR expected identifier, found keyword `Self`
mut Self => (),
//~^ ERROR `mut` must be followed by a named binding
//~| ERROR cannot find unit struct, unit variant or constant `Self`
ref mut Self => (),
//~^ ERROR expected identifier, found keyword `Self`
Self!() => (),
//~^ ERROR cannot find macro `Self` in this scope
Foo { Self } => (),
//~^ ERROR expected identifier, found keyword `Self`
//~| ERROR mismatched types
//~| ERROR `Foo` does not have a field named `Self`
mod m1 {
extern crate core as Self;
//~^ ERROR expected identifier, found keyword `Self`
mod m2 {
use std::option::Option as Self;
//~^ ERROR expected identifier, found keyword `Self`
mod m3 {
trait Self {}
//~^ ERROR expected identifier, found keyword `Self`