blob: 33f9f56a5bbc87fb3c84d1d52672350b6142a60b [file] [log] [blame]
// revisions: normal lint
// Test that putting the lint level on a match arm emits a warning, as this was previously
// meaningful and is no longer.
extern crate enums;
use enums::NonExhaustiveEnum;
fn main() {
let val = NonExhaustiveEnum::Unit;
match val {
//~^ ERROR some variants are not matched explicitly
NonExhaustiveEnum::Unit => {}
NonExhaustiveEnum::Tuple(_) => {}
_ => {}
#[cfg_attr(lint, deny(non_exhaustive_omitted_patterns))]
match val {
//[lint]~^ ERROR some variants are not matched explicitly
NonExhaustiveEnum::Unit => {}
NonExhaustiveEnum::Tuple(_) => {}
_ => {}
match val {
NonExhaustiveEnum::Unit => {}
NonExhaustiveEnum::Tuple(_) => {}
_ => {}
//~^^ WARN lint level must be set on the whole match
match val {
NonExhaustiveEnum::Unit => {}
NonExhaustiveEnum::Tuple(_) => {}
#[cfg_attr(lint, deny(non_exhaustive_omitted_patterns))]
_ => {}
//[lint]~^^ WARN lint level must be set on the whole match
match val {
NonExhaustiveEnum::Unit => {}
NonExhaustiveEnum::Tuple(_) => {}
#[cfg_attr(lint, warn(non_exhaustive_omitted_patterns))]
_ => {}
//[lint]~^^ WARN lint level must be set on the whole match