blob: 346d8373f7398f7674e9faa237d4345ee1166db1 [file] [log] [blame]
#[diagnostic::on_unimplemented(unsupported = "foo")]
//~^WARN malformed `on_unimplemented` attribute
//~|WARN malformed `on_unimplemented` attribute
trait Foo {}
#[diagnostic::on_unimplemented(message = "Baz")]
//~^WARN `#[diagnostic::on_unimplemented]` can only be applied to trait definitions
struct Bar {}
#[diagnostic::on_unimplemented(message = "Boom", unsupported = "Bar")]
//~^WARN malformed `on_unimplemented` attribute
//~|WARN malformed `on_unimplemented` attribute
trait Baz {}
#[diagnostic::on_unimplemented(message = "Boom", on(_Self = "i32", message = "whatever"))]
//~^WARN malformed `on_unimplemented` attribute
//~|WARN malformed `on_unimplemented` attribute
trait Boom {}
#[diagnostic::on_unimplemented = "boom"]
//~^WARN malformed `on_unimplemented` attribute
trait Doom {}
//~^WARN missing options for `on_unimplemented` attribute
//~|WARN missing options for `on_unimplemented` attribute
trait Whatever {}
fn take_foo(_: impl Foo) {}
fn take_baz(_: impl Baz) {}
fn take_boom(_: impl Boom) {}
fn take_whatever(_: impl Whatever) {}
fn main() {
//~^ERROR the trait bound `i32: Foo` is not satisfied
//~^ERROR Boom
//~^ERROR Boom
//~^ERROR the trait bound `i32: Whatever` is not satisfied