blob: a6528ec5fd6a3c223dbc4b39af4302e0cfe3ccb8 [file] [log] [blame]
// build-fail
// compile-flags: -O
//! Make sure we detect erroneous constants post-monomorphization even when they are unused. This is
//! crucial, people rely on it for soundness. (
struct PrintName<T>(T);
impl<T> PrintName<T> {
const VOID: () = panic!(); //~ERROR evaluation of `PrintName::<i32>::VOID` failed
fn no_codegen<T>() {
// Any function that is called is guaranteed to have all consts that syntactically
// appear in its body evaluated, even if they only appear in dead code.
if false {
let _ = PrintName::<T>::VOID;
pub fn main() {