blob: 1f136b8b998b260b178d0762a49f5e07101a72c7 [file] [log] [blame]
// check-pass
//~^ WARN the feature `return_type_notation` is incomplete
trait Foo {
fn borrow(&mut self) -> impl Sized + '_;
fn live_past_borrow<T: Foo<borrow(): 'static>>(mut t: T) {
let x = t.borrow();
// Test that the `'_` item bound in `borrow` does not cause us to
// overlook the `'static` RTN bound.
fn overlapping_mut<T: Foo<borrow(): 'static>>(mut t: T) {
let x = t.borrow();
let x = t.borrow();
fn main() {}