blob: 815cc916b41f6a419558b4b21a857c2130ebaa45 [file] [log] [blame]
// edition:2021
fn main() {
//~^ ERROR cannot be sent between threads safely
//~| NOTE cannot be sent
//~| NOTE bound introduced by
//~| NOTE appears within the type
//~| NOTE captures the following types
fn gimme_send<T: Send>(t: T) {
//~^ NOTE required by this bound
//~| NOTE required by a bound
struct NotSend {}
impl Drop for NotSend {
fn drop(&mut self) {}
impl !Send for NotSend {}
async fn foo() {
//~^ NOTE used within this `async` fn body
//~| NOTE within this `impl Future
let mut x = (NotSend {},);
x.0 = NotSend {};
async fn bar() {}