blob: 14cc0dc614fc329435289cc142b9ed4ca149b188 [file] [log] [blame]
// edition:2018
// revisions: mir thir
// [thir]compile-flags: -Z thir-unsafeck
struct S;
impl S {
async unsafe fn f() {}
async unsafe fn f() {}
async fn g() {
//[mir]~^ ERROR call to unsafe function is unsafe
//[thir]~^^ ERROR call to unsafe function `S::f` is unsafe
//[mir]~^ ERROR call to unsafe function is unsafe
//[thir]~^^ ERROR call to unsafe function `f` is unsafe
fn main() {
//[mir]~^ ERROR call to unsafe function is unsafe
//[thir]~^^ ERROR call to unsafe function `S::f` is unsafe
//[mir]~^ ERROR call to unsafe function is unsafe
//[thir]~^^ ERROR call to unsafe function `f` is unsafe