blob: f9ff1a0a4860330a12a6712bc9ee0aac74171b76 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::bolt::{bolt_optimize, with_bolt_instrumented};
use anyhow::Context;
use camino::{Utf8Path, Utf8PathBuf};
use clap::Parser;
use log::LevelFilter;
use std::io::Cursor;
use std::time::Duration;
use utils::io;
use zip::ZipArchive;
use crate::environment::{Environment, EnvironmentBuilder};
use crate::exec::{cmd, Bootstrap};
use crate::tests::run_tests;
use crate::timer::Timer;
use crate::training::{
gather_bolt_profiles, gather_llvm_profiles, gather_rustc_profiles, llvm_benchmarks,
use crate::utils::artifact_size::print_binary_sizes;
use crate::utils::io::{copy_directory, move_directory, reset_directory};
use crate::utils::{
clear_llvm_files, format_env_variables, print_free_disk_space, retry_action, with_log_group,
mod bolt;
mod environment;
mod exec;
mod metrics;
mod tests;
mod timer;
mod training;
mod utils;
#[derive(clap::Parser, Debug)]
struct Args {
env: EnvironmentCmd,
#[derive(clap::Parser, Clone, Debug)]
struct SharedArgs {
// Arguments passed to `x` to perform the final (dist) build.
build_args: Vec<String>,
#[derive(clap::Parser, Clone, Debug)]
enum EnvironmentCmd {
/// Perform a custom local PGO/BOLT optimized build.
Local {
/// Target triple of the host.
target_triple: String,
/// Checkout directory of `rustc`.
checkout_dir: Utf8PathBuf,
/// Host LLVM installation directory.
llvm_dir: Utf8PathBuf,
/// Python binary to use in bootstrap invocations.
#[arg(long, default_value = "python3")]
python: String,
/// Directory where artifacts (like PGO profiles or rustc-perf) of this workflow
/// will be stored.
#[arg(long, default_value = "opt-artifacts")]
artifact_dir: Utf8PathBuf,
/// Is LLVM for `rustc` built in shared library mode?
#[arg(long, default_value_t = true)]
llvm_shared: bool,
/// Should BOLT optimization be used? If yes, host LLVM must have BOLT binaries
/// (`llvm-bolt` and `merge-fdata`) available.
#[arg(long, default_value_t = false)]
use_bolt: bool,
/// Tests that should be skipped when testing the optimized compiler.
skipped_tests: Vec<String>,
shared: SharedArgs,
/// Perform an optimized build on Linux CI, from inside Docker.
LinuxCi {
shared: SharedArgs,
/// Perform an optimized build on Windows CI, directly inside Github Actions.
WindowsCi {
shared: SharedArgs,
fn is_try_build() -> bool {
std::env::var("DIST_TRY_BUILD").unwrap_or_else(|_| "0".to_string()) != "0"
fn create_environment(args: Args) -> anyhow::Result<(Environment, Vec<String>)> {
let (env, args) = match args.env {
EnvironmentCmd::Local {
} => {
let env = EnvironmentBuilder::default()
(env, shared.build_args)
EnvironmentCmd::LinuxCi { shared } => {
let target_triple =
std::env::var("PGO_HOST").expect("PGO_HOST environment variable missing");
let checkout_dir = Utf8PathBuf::from("/checkout");
let env = EnvironmentBuilder::default()
// /tmp/rustc-perf comes from the x64 dist Dockerfile
// Fails because of linker errors, as of June 2023.
(env, shared.build_args)
EnvironmentCmd::WindowsCi { shared } => {
let target_triple =
std::env::var("PGO_HOST").expect("PGO_HOST environment variable missing");
let checkout_dir: Utf8PathBuf = std::env::current_dir()?.try_into()?;
let env = EnvironmentBuilder::default()
// Fails as of June 2023.
(env, shared.build_args)
Ok((env, args))
fn execute_pipeline(
env: &Environment,
timer: &mut Timer,
dist_args: Vec<String>,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
with_log_group("Building rustc-perf", || match env.prebuilt_rustc_perf() {
Some(dir) => copy_rustc_perf(env, &dir),
None => download_rustc_perf(env),
// Stage 1: Build PGO instrumented rustc
// We use a normal build of LLVM, because gathering PGO profiles for LLVM and `rustc` at the
// same time can cause issues, because the host and in-tree LLVM versions can diverge.
let rustc_pgo_profile = timer.section("Stage 1 (Rustc PGO)", |stage| {
let rustc_profile_dir_root = env.artifact_dir().join("rustc-pgo");
stage.section("Build PGO instrumented rustc and LLVM", |section| {
let mut builder = Bootstrap::build(env).rustc_pgo_instrument(&rustc_profile_dir_root);
if env.supports_shared_llvm() {
// This first LLVM that we build will be thrown away after this stage, and it
// doesn't really need LTO. Without LTO, it builds in ~1 minute thanks to sccache,
// with LTO it takes almost 10 minutes. It makes the followup Rustc PGO
// instrumented/optimized build a bit slower, but it seems to be worth it.
builder = builder.without_llvm_lto();
let profile = stage
.section("Gather profiles", |_| gather_rustc_profiles(env, &rustc_profile_dir_root))?;
stage.section("Build PGO optimized rustc", |section| {
let mut cmd = Bootstrap::build(env).rustc_pgo_optimize(&profile);
if env.use_bolt() {
cmd = cmd.with_rustc_bolt_ldflags();
// Stage 2: Gather LLVM PGO profiles
// Here we build a PGO instrumented LLVM, reusing the previously PGO optimized rustc.
// Then we use the instrumented LLVM to gather LLVM PGO profiles.
let llvm_pgo_profile = timer.section("Stage 2 (LLVM PGO)", |stage| {
// Remove the previous, uninstrumented build of LLVM.
let llvm_profile_dir_root = env.artifact_dir().join("llvm-pgo");
stage.section("Build PGO instrumented LLVM", |section| {
let profile = stage
.section("Gather profiles", |_| gather_llvm_profiles(env, &llvm_profile_dir_root))?;
// Proactively delete the instrumented artifacts, to avoid using them by accident in
// follow-up stages.
let bolt_profiles = if env.use_bolt() {
// Stage 3: Build BOLT instrumented LLVM
// We build a PGO optimized LLVM in this step, then instrument it with BOLT and gather BOLT profiles.
// Note that we don't remove LLVM artifacts after this step, so that they are reused in the final dist build.
// BOLT instrumentation is performed "on-the-fly" when the LLVM library is copied to the sysroot of rustc,
// therefore the LLVM artifacts on disk are not "tainted" with BOLT instrumentation and they can be reused.
timer.section("Stage 3 (BOLT)", |stage| {
stage.section("Build PGO optimized LLVM", |stage| {
let libdir = env.build_artifacts().join("stage2").join("lib");
let llvm_lib = io::find_file_in_dir(&libdir, "libLLVM", ".so")?;
log::info!("Optimizing {llvm_lib} with BOLT");
// FIXME(kobzol): try gather profiles together, at once for LLVM and rustc
// Instrument the libraries and gather profiles
let llvm_profile = with_bolt_instrumented(&llvm_lib, |llvm_profile_dir| {
stage.section("Gather profiles", |_| {
gather_bolt_profiles(env, "LLVM", llvm_benchmarks(env), llvm_profile_dir)
// Now optimize the library with BOLT. The `` library is actually hard-linked
// from several places, and this specific path (`llvm_lib`) will *not* be packaged into
// the final dist build. However, when BOLT optimizes an artifact, it does so *in-place*,
// therefore it will actually optimize all the hard links, which means that the final
// packaged `` file *will* be BOLT optimized.
bolt_optimize(&llvm_lib, &llvm_profile).context("Could not optimize LLVM with BOLT")?;
let rustc_lib = io::find_file_in_dir(&libdir, "librustc_driver", ".so")?;
log::info!("Optimizing {rustc_lib} with BOLT");
// Instrument it and gather profiles
let rustc_profile = with_bolt_instrumented(&rustc_lib, |rustc_profile_dir| {
stage.section("Gather profiles", |_| {
gather_bolt_profiles(env, "rustc", rustc_benchmarks(env), rustc_profile_dir)
// Now optimize the library with BOLT.
bolt_optimize(&rustc_lib, &rustc_profile)
.context("Could not optimize rustc with BOLT")?;
// LLVM is not being cleared here, we want to use the BOLT-optimized LLVM
Ok(vec![llvm_profile, rustc_profile])
} else {
let mut dist = Bootstrap::dist(env, &dist_args)
for bolt_profile in bolt_profiles {
dist = dist.with_bolt_profile(bolt_profile);
// Final stage: Assemble the dist artifacts
// The previous PGO optimized rustc build and PGO optimized LLVM builds should be reused.
timer.section("Stage 5 (final build)", |stage|;
// After dist has finished, run a subset of the test suite on the optimized artifacts to discover
// possible regressions.
// The tests are not executed for try builds, which can be in various broken states, so we don't
// want to gatekeep them with tests.
if !is_try_build() {
timer.section("Run tests", |_| run_tests(env))?;
fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
// Make sure that we get backtraces for easier debugging in CI
std::env::set_var("RUST_BACKTRACE", "1");
let args = Args::parse();
println!("Running optimized build pipeline with args `{:?}`", args);
with_log_group("Environment values", || {
println!("Environment values\n{}", format_env_variables());
with_log_group("Printing config.toml", || {
if let Ok(config) = std::fs::read_to_string("config.toml") {
println!("Contents of `config.toml`:\n{config}");
let (env, mut build_args) = create_environment(args).context("Cannot create environment")?;
// Skip components that are not needed for try builds to speed them up
if is_try_build() {
log::info!("Skipping building of unimportant components for a try build");
for target in [
] {
build_args.extend(["--skip".to_string(), target.to_string()]);
let mut timer = Timer::new();
let result = execute_pipeline(&env, &mut timer, build_args);
log::info!("Timer results\n{}", timer.format_stats());
if let Ok(summary_path) = std::env::var("GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY") {
write_timer_to_summary(&summary_path, &timer)?;
result.context("Optimized build pipeline has failed")?;
// Copy rustc-perf from the given path into the environment and build it.
fn copy_rustc_perf(env: &Environment, dir: &Utf8Path) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
copy_directory(dir, &env.rustc_perf_dir())?;
// Download and build rustc-perf into the given environment.
fn download_rustc_perf(env: &Environment) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
// FIXME: add some mechanism for synchronization of this commit SHA with
// Linux (which builds rustc-perf in a Dockerfile)
// rustc-perf version from 2023-10-22
const PERF_COMMIT: &str = "4f313add609f43e928e98132358e8426ed3969ae";
let url = format!("{PERF_COMMIT}.zip");
let client = reqwest::blocking::Client::builder()
.timeout(Duration::from_secs(60 * 2))
.connect_timeout(Duration::from_secs(60 * 2))
let response = retry_action(
|| Ok(client.get(&url).send()?.error_for_status()?.bytes()?.to_vec()),
"Download rustc-perf archive",
let mut archive = ZipArchive::new(Cursor::new(response))?;
fn build_rustc_perf(env: &Environment) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
cmd(&[env.cargo_stage_0().as_str(), "build", "-p", "collector"])
.env("RUSTC", &env.rustc_stage_0().into_string())
.env("RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP", "1")