blob: 9e8a9651b3d96157ec2ed223361ea78471f71dd8 [file] [log] [blame]
//@revisions: stack tree
//@[tree]compile-flags: -Zmiri-tree-borrows
use std::{mem, ptr};
const PTR_SIZE: usize = mem::size_of::<&i32>();
fn main() {
/// Some basic smoke tests for provenance.
fn basic() {
let x = &42;
let ptr = x as *const i32;
let addr: usize = unsafe { mem::transmute(ptr) }; // an integer without provenance
// But we can give provenance back via `with_addr`.
let ptr_back = ptr.with_addr(addr);
assert_eq!(unsafe { *ptr_back }, 42);
// It is preserved by MaybeUninit.
let addr_mu: mem::MaybeUninit<usize> = unsafe { mem::transmute(ptr) };
let ptr_back: *const i32 = unsafe { mem::transmute(addr_mu) };
assert_eq!(unsafe { *ptr_back }, 42);
/// Overwrite one byte of a pointer, then restore it.
fn partial_overwrite_then_restore() {
unsafe fn ptr_bytes<'x>(ptr: &'x mut *const i32) -> &'x mut [mem::MaybeUninit<u8>; PTR_SIZE] {
// Returns a value with the same provenance as `x` but 0 for the integer value.
// `x` must be initialized.
unsafe fn zero_with_provenance(x: mem::MaybeUninit<u8>) -> mem::MaybeUninit<u8> {
let ptr = [x; PTR_SIZE];
let ptr: *const i32 = mem::transmute(ptr);
let mut ptr = ptr.with_addr(0);
ptr_bytes(&mut ptr)[0]
unsafe {
let ptr = &42;
let mut ptr = ptr as *const i32;
// Get a bytewise view of the pointer.
let ptr_bytes = ptr_bytes(&mut ptr);
// The highest bytes must be 0 for this to work.
let hi = if cfg!(target_endian = "little") { ptr_bytes.len() - 1 } else { 0 };
assert_eq!(*ptr_bytes[hi].as_ptr().cast::<u8>(), 0);
// Overwrite provenance on the last byte.
ptr_bytes[hi] = mem::MaybeUninit::new(0);
// Restore it from the another byte.
ptr_bytes[hi] = zero_with_provenance(ptr_bytes[1]);
// Now ptr should be good again.
assert_eq!(*ptr, 42);
fn bytewise_ptr_methods() {
let mut ptr1 = &1;
let mut ptr2 = &2;
// Swap them, bytewise.
unsafe {
&mut ptr1 as *mut _ as *mut mem::MaybeUninit<u8>,
&mut ptr2 as *mut _ as *mut mem::MaybeUninit<u8>,
// Make sure they still work.
assert_eq!(*ptr1, 2);
assert_eq!(*ptr2, 1);
// TODO: also test ptr::swap, ptr::copy, ptr::copy_nonoverlapping.
fn bytewise_custom_memcpy() {
unsafe fn memcpy<T>(to: *mut T, from: *const T) {
let to = to.cast::<mem::MaybeUninit<u8>>();
let from = from.cast::<mem::MaybeUninit<u8>>();
for i in 0..mem::size_of::<T>() {
let b = from.add(i).read();
let ptr1 = &1;
let mut ptr2 = &2;
// Copy, bytewise.
unsafe { memcpy(&mut ptr2, &ptr1) };
// Make sure they still work.
assert_eq!(*ptr1, 1);
assert_eq!(*ptr2, 1);
fn bytewise_custom_memcpy_chunked() {
unsafe fn memcpy<T>(to: *mut T, from: *const T) {
assert!(mem::size_of::<T>() % mem::size_of::<usize>() == 0);
let count = mem::size_of::<T>() / mem::size_of::<usize>();
let to = to.cast::<mem::MaybeUninit<usize>>();
let from = from.cast::<mem::MaybeUninit<usize>>();
for i in 0..count {
let b = from.add(i).read();
// Prepare an array where pointers are stored at... interesting... offsets.
let mut data = [0usize; 2 * PTR_SIZE];
let mut offsets = vec![];
for i in 0..mem::size_of::<usize>() {
// We have 2*PTR_SIZE room for each of these pointers.
let base = i * 2 * PTR_SIZE;
// This one is mis-aligned by `i`.
let offset = base + i;
// Store it there.
unsafe { data.as_mut_ptr().byte_add(offset).cast::<&i32>().write_unaligned(&42) };
// Now memcpy that.
let mut data2 = [0usize; 2 * PTR_SIZE];
unsafe { memcpy(&mut data2, &data) };
// And check the result.
for &offset in &offsets {
let ptr = unsafe { data2.as_ptr().byte_add(offset).cast::<&i32>().read_unaligned() };
assert_eq!(*ptr, 42);
fn int_load_strip_provenance() {
let ptrs = [&42];
let ints: [usize; 1] = unsafe { mem::transmute(ptrs) };
assert_eq!(ptrs[0] as *const _ as usize, ints[0]);