blob: 3f39dcb4b76ade450567bb05bc6e03f58bbf5ebf [file] [log] [blame]
// We ensure a deterministic execution.
// Note that we are *also* using barriers: the barriers enforce the
// specific interleaving of operations that we want, but only the preemption
// rate guarantees that the error message is also deterministic.
//@compile-flags: -Zmiri-preemption-rate=0
//@compile-flags: -Zmiri-tree-borrows
use std::sync::{Arc, Barrier};
use std::thread;
// A way to send raw pointers across threads.
// Note that when using this in closures will require explicit copying
// `let ptr = ptr;` to force the borrow checker to copy the `Send` wrapper
// instead of just copying the inner `!Send` field.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct SendPtr(*mut u8);
unsafe impl Send for SendPtr {}
fn main() {
// We're going to enforce a specific interleaving of two
// threads, we use this macro in an effort to make it feasible
// to check in the output that the execution is properly synchronized.
// Provide `synchronized!(thread, msg)` where thread is
// a `(thread_id: usize, barrier: Arc<Barrier>)`, and `msg` the message
// to be displayed when the thread reaches this point in the execution.
macro_rules! synchronized {
($thread:expr, $msg:expr) => {{
let (thread_id, barrier) = &$thread;
eprintln!("Thread {} executing: {}", thread_id, $msg);
// Interleaving:
// retag x (protect)
// retag y (protect)
// spurious read x (target only, which we are *not* executing)
// ret x
// write y
// ret y
// This is an interleaving that will never *not* have UB in the target
// (`noalias` violation on `y`).
// For the spurious read to be allowed, we need to ensure there *is* UB
// in the source (i.e., without the spurious read).
// The interleaving differs from the one in `tests/pass/tree_borrows/` only
// in that it has the `write y` while `y` is still protected.
// When the write occurs after protection ends, both source and target are fine
// (checked by the `pass` test); when the write occurs during protection, both source
// and target are UB (checked by this test).
fn retagx_retagy_retx_writey_rety() {
let mut data = 0u8;
let ptr = SendPtr(std::ptr::addr_of_mut!(data));
let barrier = Arc::new(Barrier::new(2));
let bx = Arc::clone(&barrier);
let by = Arc::clone(&barrier);
// This thread only needs to
// - retag `x` protected
// - do a read through `x`
// - remove `x`'s protector
// Most of the complexity here is synchronization.
let thread_x = thread::spawn(move || {
let b = (1, bx);
synchronized!(b, "start");
let ptr = ptr;
synchronized!(b, "retag x (&mut, protect)");
fn as_mut(x: &mut u8, b: (usize, Arc<Barrier>)) -> *mut u8 {
synchronized!(b, "retag y (&mut, protect)");
synchronized!(b, "location where spurious read of x would happen in the target");
// This is ensuring taht we have UB *without* the spurious read,
// so we don't read here.
synchronized!(b, "ret x");
synchronized!(b, "write y");
let x = x as *mut u8;
let _x = as_mut(unsafe { &mut *ptr.0 }, b.clone());
synchronized!(b, "ret y");
synchronized!(b, "end");
// This thread's job is to
// - retag `y` protected
// - (wait for the other thread to return so that there is no foreign protector when we write)
// - attempt a write through `y`.
// - (UB should have occured by now, but the next step would be to
// remove `y`'s protector)
let thread_y = thread::spawn(move || {
let b = (2, by);
synchronized!(b, "start");
let ptr = ptr;
synchronized!(b, "retag x (&mut, protect)");
synchronized!(b, "retag y (&mut, protect)");
fn as_mut(y: &mut u8, b: (usize, Arc<Barrier>)) -> *mut u8 {
synchronized!(b, "location where spurious read of x would happen in the target");
synchronized!(b, "ret x");
let y = y as *mut u8;
synchronized!(b, "write y");
unsafe {
*y = 2; //~ERROR: /write access through .* is forbidden/
synchronized!(b, "ret y");
let _y = as_mut(unsafe { &mut *ptr.0 }, b.clone());
synchronized!(b, "end");