blob: 71f1f132bc77fc560335f69369a8b20370969301 [file] [log] [blame]
//@compile-flags: -Zmiri-preemption-rate=0
use std::thread;
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct SendPtr(*mut i32);
unsafe impl Send for SendPtr {}
fn main() {
let mut mem = 0;
let ptr = SendPtr(&mut mem as *mut _);
let t = thread::spawn(move || {
let ptr = ptr;
// We do a protected mutable retag (but no write!) in this thread.
fn retag(_x: &mut i32) {}
retag(unsafe { &mut *ptr.0 }); //~ERROR: Data race detected between (1) non-atomic read on thread `main` and (2) non-atomic write on thread `<unnamed>`
// We do a read in the main thread.
unsafe { };
// These two operations do not commute!
// - In Stacked Borrows, if the read happens after the retag it will `Disable` the pointer.
// - In Tree Borrows, if the read happens after the retag, the retagged pointer gets frozen!
// Ideally we would want this to be considered UB so that we can still freely move the read around
// in this thread without worrying about reordering with retags in other threads,
// but in Tree Borrows we have found worse issues that occur if we make this a data race.