blob: e98a3abadf59b3a3eb2ce21873434d138ce6aa8c [file] [log] [blame]
use std::arch::x86_64::*;
use std::mem::transmute;
#[target_feature(enable = "avx")]
pub unsafe extern "C" fn foo(_y: f32, x: __m256) -> __m256 {
pub fn bar(x: __m256) -> __m256 {
// The first and second argument get mixed up here since caller
// and callee do not have the same feature flags.
// In Miri, we don't have a concept of "dynamically available feature flags",
// so this will always lead to an error due to calling a function that requires
// an unavailable feature. If we ever support dynamically available features,
// this will need some dedicated checks.
unsafe { foo(0.0, x) } //~ERROR: unavailable target features
fn assert_eq_m256(a: __m256, b: __m256) {
unsafe { assert_eq!(transmute::<_, [f32; 8]>(a), transmute::<_, [f32; 8]>(b)) }
fn main() {
let input = unsafe { transmute::<_, __m256>([1.0f32; 8]) };
let copy = bar(input);
assert_eq_m256(input, copy);