blob: c1bbc748e1a08ba172f4f393d2e41c457c5f81a0 [file] [log] [blame]
// This does need an aliasing model.
//@revisions: stack tree
//@[tree]compile-flags: -Zmiri-tree-borrows
use std::intrinsics::mir::*;
#[custom_mir(dialect = "runtime", phase = "optimized")]
pub fn main() {
mir! {
let _x = 0;
let ptr = &raw mut _x;
// We arrange for `myfun` to have a pointer that aliases
// its return place. Even just reading from that pointer is UB.
Call(_x = myfun(ptr), after_call)
after_call = {
fn myfun(ptr: *mut i32) -> i32 {
// This overwrites the return place, which shouldn't be possible through another pointer.
unsafe { ptr.write(0) };
//~[stack]^ ERROR: tag does not exist in the borrow stack
//~[tree]| ERROR: /write access .* forbidden/