blob: 0fdb8e631a1f6e10dffad2d4680ddb478a131413 [file] [log] [blame]
// We want to control preemption here. Stacked borrows interferes by having its own accesses.
//@compile-flags: -Zmiri-preemption-rate=0 -Zmiri-disable-stacked-borrows
use std::mem;
use std::thread::{sleep, spawn};
use std::time::Duration;
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct EvilSend<T>(pub T);
unsafe impl<T> Send for EvilSend<T> {}
unsafe impl<T> Sync for EvilSend<T> {}
fn main() {
let mut a = 0u32;
let b = &mut a as *mut u32;
let c = EvilSend(b);
let join = unsafe {
spawn(move || {
let c = c; // capture `c`, not just its field.
*c.0 = 32;
// Detach the thread and sleep until it terminates
// Spawn and immediately join a thread
// to execute the join code-path
// and ensure that data-race detection
// remains enabled nevertheless.
spawn(|| ()).join().unwrap();
let join2 = unsafe {
spawn(move || {
let c = c; // capture `c`, not just its field.
*c.0 = 64; //~ ERROR: Data race detected between (1) non-atomic write on thread `<unnamed>` and (2) non-atomic write on thread `<unnamed>`