blob: 2ff344bb1a35f98a90896eacd21d9f8cdfd9d388 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Implementation of C++11-consistent weak memory emulation using store buffers
//! based on Dynamic Race Detection for C++ ("the paper"):
//! <>
//! This implementation will never generate weak memory behaviours forbidden by the C++11 model,
//! but it is incapable of producing all possible weak behaviours allowed by the model. There are
//! certain weak behaviours observable on real hardware but not while using this.
//! Note that this implementation does not fully take into account of C++20's memory model revision to SC accesses
//! and fences introduced by P0668 (<>).
//! This implementation is not fully correct under the revised C++20 model and may generate behaviours C++20
//! disallows (<>).
//! A modification is made to the paper's model to partially address C++20 changes.
//! Specifically, if an SC load reads from an atomic store of any ordering, then a later SC load cannot read from
//! an earlier store in the location's modification order. This is to prevent creating a backwards S edge from the second
//! load to the first, as a result of C++20's coherence-ordered before rules.
//! Rust follows the C++20 memory model (except for the Consume ordering and some operations not performable through C++'s
//! `std::atomic<T>` API). It is therefore possible for this implementation to generate behaviours never observable when the
//! same program is compiled and run natively. Unfortunately, no literature exists at the time of writing which proposes
//! an implementable and C++20-compatible relaxed memory model that supports all atomic operation existing in Rust. The closest one is
//! A Promising Semantics for Relaxed-Memory Concurrency by Jeehoon Kang et al. (<>)
//! However, this model lacks SC accesses and is therefore unusable by Miri (SC accesses are everywhere in library code).
//! If you find anything that proposes a relaxed memory model that is C++20-consistent, supports all orderings Rust's atomic accesses
//! and fences accept, and is implementable (with operational semantics), please open a GitHub issue!
//! One characteristic of this implementation, in contrast to some other notable operational models such as ones proposed in
//! Taming Release-Acquire Consistency by Ori Lahav et al. (<>) or Promising Semantics noted above,
//! is that this implementation does not require each thread to hold an isolated view of the entire memory. Here, store buffers are per-location
//! and shared across all threads. This is more memory efficient but does require store elements (representing writes to a location) to record
//! information about reads, whereas in the other two models it is the other way round: reads points to the write it got its value from.
//! Additionally, writes in our implementation do not have globally unique timestamps attached. In the other two models this timestamp is
//! used to make sure a value in a thread's view is not overwritten by a write that occurred earlier than the one in the existing view.
//! In our implementation, this is detected using read information attached to store elements, as there is no data structure representing reads.
//! The C++ memory model is built around the notion of an 'atomic object', so it would be natural
//! to attach store buffers to atomic objects. However, Rust follows LLVM in that it only has
//! 'atomic accesses'. Therefore Miri cannot know when and where atomic 'objects' are being
//! created or destroyed, to manage its store buffers. Instead, we hence lazily create an
//! atomic object on the first atomic access to a given region, and we destroy that object
//! on the next non-atomic or imperfectly overlapping atomic access to that region.
//! These lazy (de)allocations happen in memory_accessed() on non-atomic accesses, and
//! get_or_create_store_buffer() on atomic accesses. This mostly works well, but it does
//! lead to some issues (<>).
//! One consequence of this difference is that safe/sound Rust allows for more operations on atomic locations
//! than the C++20 atomic API was intended to allow, such as non-atomically accessing
//! a previously atomically accessed location, or accessing previously atomically accessed locations with a differently sized operation
//! (such as accessing the top 16 bits of an AtomicU32). These scenarios are generally undiscussed in formalisations of C++ memory model.
//! In Rust, these operations can only be done through a `&mut AtomicFoo` reference or one derived from it, therefore these operations
//! can only happen after all previous accesses on the same locations. This implementation is adapted to allow these operations.
//! A mixed atomicity read that races with writes, or a write that races with reads or writes will still cause UBs to be thrown.
//! Mixed size atomic accesses must not race with any other atomic access, whether read or write, or a UB will be thrown.
//! You can refer to test cases in weak_memory/ and weak_memory/ for examples of these operations.
// Our and the author's own implementation (tsan11) of the paper have some deviations from the provided operational semantics in §5.3:
// 1. In the operational semantics, store elements keep a copy of the atomic object's vector clock (AtomicCellClocks::sync_vector in miri),
// but this is not used anywhere so it's omitted here.
// 2. In the operational semantics, each store element keeps the timestamp of a thread when it loads from the store.
// If the same thread loads from the same store element multiple times, then the timestamps at all loads are saved in a list of load elements.
// This is not necessary as later loads by the same thread will always have greater timestamp values, so we only need to record the timestamp of the first
// load by each thread. This optimisation is done in tsan11
// (
// and here.
// 3. §4.5 of the paper wants an SC store to mark all existing stores in the buffer that happens before it
// as SC. This is not done in the operational semantics but implemented correctly in tsan11
// (
// and here.
// 4. W_SC ; R_SC case requires the SC load to ignore all but last store maked SC (stores not marked SC are not
// affected). But this rule is applied to all loads in ReadsFromSet from the paper (last two lines of code), not just SC load.
// This is implemented correctly in tsan11
// (
// and here.
use std::{
cell::{Ref, RefCell},
use rustc_const_eval::interpret::{alloc_range, AllocRange, InterpResult, MPlaceTy, Scalar};
use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap;
use crate::*;
use super::{
data_race::{GlobalState as DataRaceState, ThreadClockSet},
range_object_map::{AccessType, RangeObjectMap},
vector_clock::{VClock, VTimestamp, VectorIdx},
pub type AllocState = StoreBufferAlloc;
// Each store buffer must be bounded otherwise it will grow indefinitely.
// However, bounding the store buffer means restricting the amount of weak
// behaviours observable. The author picked 128 as a good tradeoff
// so we follow them here.
const STORE_BUFFER_LIMIT: usize = 128;
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct StoreBufferAlloc {
/// Store buffer of each atomic object in this allocation
// Behind a RefCell because we need to allocate/remove on read access
store_buffers: RefCell<RangeObjectMap<StoreBuffer>>,
impl VisitTags for StoreBufferAlloc {
fn visit_tags(&self, visit: &mut dyn FnMut(BorTag)) {
let Self { store_buffers } = self;
for val in store_buffers
.flat_map(|buf| buf.buffer.iter().map(|element| &element.val))
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub(super) struct StoreBuffer {
// Stores to this location in modification order
buffer: VecDeque<StoreElement>,
/// Whether a load returned the latest value or not.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
enum LoadRecency {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct StoreElement {
/// The identifier of the vector index, corresponding to a thread
/// that performed the store.
store_index: VectorIdx,
/// Whether this store is SC.
is_seqcst: bool,
/// The timestamp of the storing thread when it performed the store
timestamp: VTimestamp,
/// The value of this store
// FIXME: this means the store must be fully initialized;
// we will have to change this if we want to support atomics on
// (partially) uninitialized data.
val: Scalar<Provenance>,
/// Metadata about loads from this store element,
/// behind a RefCell to keep load op take &self
load_info: RefCell<LoadInfo>,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Default)]
struct LoadInfo {
/// Timestamp of first loads from this store element by each thread
timestamps: FxHashMap<VectorIdx, VTimestamp>,
/// Whether this store element has been read by an SC load
sc_loaded: bool,
impl StoreBufferAlloc {
pub fn new_allocation() -> Self {
Self { store_buffers: RefCell::new(RangeObjectMap::new()) }
/// When a non-atomic access happens on a location that has been atomically accessed
/// before without data race, we can determine that the non-atomic access fully happens
/// after all the prior atomic accesses so the location no longer needs to exhibit
/// any weak memory behaviours until further atomic accesses.
pub fn memory_accessed(&self, range: AllocRange, global: &DataRaceState) {
if !global.ongoing_action_data_race_free() {
let mut buffers = self.store_buffers.borrow_mut();
let access_type = buffers.access_type(range);
match access_type {
AccessType::PerfectlyOverlapping(pos) => {
AccessType::ImperfectlyOverlapping(pos_range) => {
// We rely on the data-race check making sure this is synchronized.
// Therefore we can forget about the old data here.
AccessType::Empty(_) => {
// The range had no weak behaviours attached, do nothing
/// Gets a store buffer associated with an atomic object in this allocation,
/// or creates one with the specified initial value if no atomic object exists yet.
fn get_or_create_store_buffer<'tcx>(
range: AllocRange,
init: Scalar<Provenance>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Ref<'_, StoreBuffer>> {
let access_type = self.store_buffers.borrow().access_type(range);
let pos = match access_type {
AccessType::PerfectlyOverlapping(pos) => pos,
AccessType::Empty(pos) => {
let mut buffers = self.store_buffers.borrow_mut();
buffers.insert_at_pos(pos, range, StoreBuffer::new(init));
AccessType::ImperfectlyOverlapping(pos_range) => {
// Once we reach here we would've already checked that this access is not racy.
let mut buffers = self.store_buffers.borrow_mut();
buffers.insert_at_pos(pos_range.start, range, StoreBuffer::new(init));
Ok(Ref::map(self.store_buffers.borrow(), |buffer| &buffer[pos]))
/// Gets a mutable store buffer associated with an atomic object in this allocation
fn get_or_create_store_buffer_mut<'tcx>(
&mut self,
range: AllocRange,
init: Scalar<Provenance>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, &mut StoreBuffer> {
let buffers = self.store_buffers.get_mut();
let access_type = buffers.access_type(range);
let pos = match access_type {
AccessType::PerfectlyOverlapping(pos) => pos,
AccessType::Empty(pos) => {
buffers.insert_at_pos(pos, range, StoreBuffer::new(init));
AccessType::ImperfectlyOverlapping(pos_range) => {
// Once we reach here we would've already checked that this access is not racy.
buffers.insert_at_pos(pos_range.start, range, StoreBuffer::new(init));
Ok(&mut buffers[pos])
impl<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir> StoreBuffer {
fn new(init: Scalar<Provenance>) -> Self {
let mut buffer = VecDeque::new();
let mut ret = Self { buffer };
let store_elem = StoreElement {
// The thread index and timestamp of the initialisation write
// are never meaningfully used, so it's fine to leave them as 0
store_index: VectorIdx::from(0),
timestamp: VTimestamp::ZERO,
val: init,
is_seqcst: false,
load_info: RefCell::new(LoadInfo::default()),
/// Reads from the last store in modification order
fn read_from_last_store(
global: &DataRaceState,
thread_mgr: &ThreadManager<'_, '_>,
is_seqcst: bool,
) {
let store_elem = self.buffer.back();
if let Some(store_elem) = store_elem {
let (index, clocks) = global.current_thread_state(thread_mgr);
store_elem.load_impl(index, &clocks, is_seqcst);
fn buffered_read(
global: &DataRaceState,
thread_mgr: &ThreadManager<'_, '_>,
is_seqcst: bool,
rng: &mut (impl rand::Rng + ?Sized),
validate: impl FnOnce() -> InterpResult<'tcx>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, (Scalar<Provenance>, LoadRecency)> {
// Having a live borrow to store_buffer while calling validate_atomic_load is fine
// because the race detector doesn't touch store_buffer
let (store_elem, recency) = {
// The `clocks` we got here must be dropped before calling validate_atomic_load
// as the race detector will update it
let (.., clocks) = global.current_thread_state(thread_mgr);
// Load from a valid entry in the store buffer
self.fetch_store(is_seqcst, &clocks, &mut *rng)
// Unlike in buffered_atomic_write, thread clock updates have to be done
// after we've picked a store element from the store buffer, as presented
// in ATOMIC LOAD rule of the paper. This is because fetch_store
// requires access to ThreadClockSet.clock, which is updated by the race detector
let (index, clocks) = global.current_thread_state(thread_mgr);
let loaded = store_elem.load_impl(index, &clocks, is_seqcst);
Ok((loaded, recency))
fn buffered_write(
&mut self,
val: Scalar<Provenance>,
global: &DataRaceState,
thread_mgr: &ThreadManager<'_, '_>,
is_seqcst: bool,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
let (index, clocks) = global.current_thread_state(thread_mgr);
self.store_impl(val, index, &clocks.clock, is_seqcst);
#[allow(clippy::if_same_then_else, clippy::needless_bool)]
/// Selects a valid store element in the buffer.
fn fetch_store<R: rand::Rng + ?Sized>(
is_seqcst: bool,
clocks: &ThreadClockSet,
rng: &mut R,
) -> (&StoreElement, LoadRecency) {
use rand::seq::IteratorRandom;
let mut found_sc = false;
// FIXME: we want an inclusive take_while (stops after a false predicate, but
// includes the element that gave the false), but such function doesn't yet
// exist in the standard library
// so we have to hack around it with keep_searching
let mut keep_searching = true;
let candidates = self
.take_while(move |&store_elem| {
if !keep_searching {
return false;
keep_searching = if store_elem.timestamp <= clocks.clock[store_elem.store_index] {
// CoWR: if a store happens-before the current load,
// then we can't read-from anything earlier in modification order.
// C++20 § [intro.races] paragraph 18
} else if store_elem.load_info.borrow().timestamps.iter().any(
|(&load_index, &load_timestamp)| load_timestamp <= clocks.clock[load_index],
) {
// CoRR: if there was a load from this store which happened-before the current load,
// then we cannot read-from anything earlier in modification order.
// C++20 § [intro.races] paragraph 16
} else if store_elem.timestamp <= clocks.fence_seqcst[store_elem.store_index] {
// The current load, which may be sequenced-after an SC fence, cannot read-before
// the last store sequenced-before an SC fence in another thread.
// C++17 §32.4 [atomics.order] paragraph 6
} else if store_elem.timestamp <= clocks.write_seqcst[store_elem.store_index]
&& store_elem.is_seqcst
// The current non-SC load, which may be sequenced-after an SC fence,
// cannot read-before the last SC store executed before the fence.
// C++17 §32.4 [atomics.order] paragraph 4
} else if is_seqcst
&& store_elem.timestamp <= clocks.read_seqcst[store_elem.store_index]
// The current SC load cannot read-before the last store sequenced-before
// the last SC fence.
// C++17 §32.4 [atomics.order] paragraph 5
} else if is_seqcst && store_elem.load_info.borrow().sc_loaded {
// The current SC load cannot read-before a store that an earlier SC load has observed.
// See
// Consequences of C++20 §31.4 [atomics.order] paragraph 3.1, 3.3 (coherence-ordered before)
// and 4.1 (coherence-ordered before between SC makes global total order S)
} else {
.filter(|&store_elem| {
if is_seqcst && store_elem.is_seqcst {
// An SC load needs to ignore all but last store maked SC (stores not marked SC are not
// affected)
let include = !found_sc;
found_sc = true;
} else {
let chosen = candidates.choose(rng).expect("store buffer cannot be empty");
if std::ptr::eq(chosen, self.buffer.back().expect("store buffer cannot be empty")) {
(chosen, LoadRecency::Latest)
} else {
(chosen, LoadRecency::Outdated)
/// ATOMIC STORE IMPL in the paper (except we don't need the location's vector clock)
fn store_impl(
&mut self,
val: Scalar<Provenance>,
index: VectorIdx,
thread_clock: &VClock,
is_seqcst: bool,
) {
let store_elem = StoreElement {
store_index: index,
timestamp: thread_clock[index],
// In the language provided in the paper, an atomic store takes the value from a
// non-atomic memory location.
// But we already have the immediate value here so we don't need to do the memory
// access
load_info: RefCell::new(LoadInfo::default()),
if self.buffer.len() > STORE_BUFFER_LIMIT {
if is_seqcst {
// Every store that happens before this needs to be marked as SC
// so that in a later SC load, only the last SC store (i.e. this one) or stores that
// aren't ordered by hb with the last SC is picked.
self.buffer.iter_mut().rev().for_each(|elem| {
if elem.timestamp <= thread_clock[elem.store_index] {
elem.is_seqcst = true;
impl StoreElement {
/// ATOMIC LOAD IMPL in the paper
/// Unlike the operational semantics in the paper, we don't need to keep track
/// of the thread timestamp for every single load. Keeping track of the first (smallest)
/// timestamp of each thread that has loaded from a store is sufficient: if the earliest
/// load of another thread happens before the current one, then we must stop searching the store
/// buffer regardless of subsequent loads by the same thread; if the earliest load of another
/// thread doesn't happen before the current one, then no subsequent load by the other thread
/// can happen before the current one.
fn load_impl(
index: VectorIdx,
clocks: &ThreadClockSet,
is_seqcst: bool,
) -> Scalar<Provenance> {
let mut load_info = self.load_info.borrow_mut();
load_info.sc_loaded |= is_seqcst;
let _ = load_info.timestamps.try_insert(index, clocks.clock[index]);
impl<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir> EvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx> for crate::MiriInterpCx<'mir, 'tcx> {}
pub(super) trait EvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir>:
crate::MiriInterpCxExt<'mir, 'tcx>
fn buffered_atomic_rmw(
&mut self,
new_val: Scalar<Provenance>,
place: &MPlaceTy<'tcx, Provenance>,
atomic: AtomicRwOrd,
init: Scalar<Provenance>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
let this = self.eval_context_mut();
let (alloc_id, base_offset, ..) = this.ptr_get_alloc_id(place.ptr())?;
if let (
crate::AllocExtra { weak_memory: Some(alloc_buffers), .. },
crate::MiriMachine { data_race: Some(global), threads, .. },
) = this.get_alloc_extra_mut(alloc_id)?
if atomic == AtomicRwOrd::SeqCst {
let range = alloc_range(base_offset, place.layout.size);
let buffer = alloc_buffers.get_or_create_store_buffer_mut(range, init)?;
buffer.read_from_last_store(global, threads, atomic == AtomicRwOrd::SeqCst);
buffer.buffered_write(new_val, global, threads, atomic == AtomicRwOrd::SeqCst)?;
fn buffered_atomic_read(
place: &MPlaceTy<'tcx, Provenance>,
atomic: AtomicReadOrd,
latest_in_mo: Scalar<Provenance>,
validate: impl FnOnce() -> InterpResult<'tcx>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Scalar<Provenance>> {
let this = self.eval_context_ref();
if let Some(global) = &this.machine.data_race {
let (alloc_id, base_offset, ..) = this.ptr_get_alloc_id(place.ptr())?;
if let Some(alloc_buffers) = this.get_alloc_extra(alloc_id)?.weak_memory.as_ref() {
if atomic == AtomicReadOrd::SeqCst {
let mut rng = this.machine.rng.borrow_mut();
let buffer = alloc_buffers.get_or_create_store_buffer(
alloc_range(base_offset, place.layout.size),
let (loaded, recency) = buffer.buffered_read(
atomic == AtomicReadOrd::SeqCst,
&mut *rng,
if global.track_outdated_loads && recency == LoadRecency::Outdated {
return Ok(loaded);
// Race detector or weak memory disabled, simply read the latest value
fn buffered_atomic_write(
&mut self,
val: Scalar<Provenance>,
dest: &MPlaceTy<'tcx, Provenance>,
atomic: AtomicWriteOrd,
init: Scalar<Provenance>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
let this = self.eval_context_mut();
let (alloc_id, base_offset, ..) = this.ptr_get_alloc_id(dest.ptr())?;
if let (
crate::AllocExtra { weak_memory: Some(alloc_buffers), .. },
crate::MiriMachine { data_race: Some(global), threads, .. },
) = this.get_alloc_extra_mut(alloc_id)?
if atomic == AtomicWriteOrd::SeqCst {
// UGLY HACK: in write_scalar_atomic() we don't know the value before our write,
// so init == val always. If the buffer is fresh then we would've duplicated an entry,
// so we need to remove it.
// See
let was_empty = matches!(
.access_type(alloc_range(base_offset, dest.layout.size)),
let buffer = alloc_buffers
.get_or_create_store_buffer_mut(alloc_range(base_offset, dest.layout.size), init)?;
if was_empty {
buffer.buffered_write(val, global, threads, atomic == AtomicWriteOrd::SeqCst)?;
// Caller should've written to dest with the vanilla scalar write, we do nothing here
/// Caller should never need to consult the store buffer for the latest value.
/// This function is used exclusively for failed atomic_compare_exchange_scalar
/// to perform load_impl on the latest store element
fn perform_read_on_buffered_latest(
place: &MPlaceTy<'tcx, Provenance>,
atomic: AtomicReadOrd,
init: Scalar<Provenance>,
) -> InterpResult<'tcx> {
let this = self.eval_context_ref();
if let Some(global) = &this.machine.data_race {
if atomic == AtomicReadOrd::SeqCst {
let size = place.layout.size;
let (alloc_id, base_offset, ..) = this.ptr_get_alloc_id(place.ptr())?;
if let Some(alloc_buffers) = this.get_alloc_extra(alloc_id)?.weak_memory.as_ref() {
let buffer = alloc_buffers
.get_or_create_store_buffer(alloc_range(base_offset, size), init)?;
atomic == AtomicReadOrd::SeqCst,