blob: ec2bb869973f117a89bf81a5bc8b12afb8acdfe3 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use clippy_utils::consts::{constant, Constant};
use if_chain::if_chain;
use rustc_hir::{BinOpKind, Expr, ExprKind};
use rustc_lint::LateContext;
use rustc_middle::ty::layout::HasTyCtxt;
use rustc_middle::ty::{Ty, TypeckResults};
use rustc_span::Span;
use rustc_span::source_map::Spanned;
use clippy_utils::diagnostics::span_lint_and_note;
use clippy_utils::source::snippet;
use clippy_utils::SpanlessEq;
// Extract a comparison between a const and non-const
// Flip yoda conditionals, turnings expressions like `42 < x` into `x > 42`
fn comparison_to_const<'tcx>(
cx: &LateContext<'tcx>,
typeck: &TypeckResults<'tcx>,
expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>,
) -> Option<(CmpOp, &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, &'tcx Expr<'tcx>, Constant<'tcx>, Ty<'tcx>)> {
if_chain! {
if let ExprKind::Binary(operator, left, right) = expr.kind;
if let Ok(cmp_op) = CmpOp::try_from(operator.node);
then {
match (constant(cx, typeck, left), constant(cx, typeck, right)) {
(Some(_), Some(_)) => None,
(_, Some(con)) => Some((cmp_op, left, right, con, typeck.expr_ty(right))),
(Some(con), _) => Some((cmp_op.reverse(), right, left, con, typeck.expr_ty(left))),
_ => None,
} else {
pub(super) fn check<'tcx>(
cx: &LateContext<'tcx>,
and_op: Spanned<BinOpKind>,
left_cond: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>,
right_cond: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>,
span: Span,
) {
if_chain! {
// Ensure that the binary operator is &&
if and_op.node == BinOpKind::And;
// Check that both operands to '&&' are themselves a binary operation
// The `comparison_to_const` step also checks this, so this step is just an optimization
if let ExprKind::Binary(_, _, _) = left_cond.kind;
if let ExprKind::Binary(_, _, _) = right_cond.kind;
let typeck = cx.typeck_results();
// Check that both operands to '&&' compare a non-literal to a literal
if let Some((left_cmp_op, left_expr, left_const_expr, left_const, left_type)) =
comparison_to_const(cx, typeck, left_cond);
if let Some((right_cmp_op, right_expr, right_const_expr, right_const, right_type)) =
comparison_to_const(cx, typeck, right_cond);
if left_type == right_type;
// Check that the same expression is compared in both comparisons
if SpanlessEq::new(cx).eq_expr(left_expr, right_expr);
if !left_expr.can_have_side_effects();
// Compare the two constant expressions
if let Some(ordering) = Constant::partial_cmp(cx.tcx(), left_type, &left_const, &right_const);
// Rule out the `x >= 42 && x <= 42` corner case immediately
// Mostly to simplify the implementation, but it is also covered by `clippy::double_comparisons`
if !matches!(
(&left_cmp_op, &right_cmp_op, ordering),
(CmpOp::Le | CmpOp::Ge, CmpOp::Le | CmpOp::Ge, Ordering::Equal)
then {
if left_cmp_op.direction() == right_cmp_op.direction() {
let lhs_str = snippet(cx, left_cond.span, "<lhs>");
let rhs_str = snippet(cx, right_cond.span, "<rhs>");
// We already know that either side of `&&` has no effect,
// but emit a different error message depending on which side it is
if left_side_is_useless(left_cmp_op, ordering) {
"left-hand side of `&&` operator has no effect",
&format!("`if `{rhs_str}` evaluates to true, {lhs_str}` will always evaluate to true as well"),
} else {
"right-hand side of `&&` operator has no effect",
&format!("`if `{lhs_str}` evaluates to true, {rhs_str}` will always evaluate to true as well"),
// We could autofix this error but choose not to,
// because code triggering this lint probably not behaving correctly in the first place
else if !comparison_is_possible(left_cmp_op.direction(), ordering) {
let expr_str = snippet(cx, left_expr.span, "..");
let lhs_str = snippet(cx, left_const_expr.span, "<lhs>");
let rhs_str = snippet(cx, right_const_expr.span, "<rhs>");
let note = match ordering {
Ordering::Less => format!("since `{lhs_str}` < `{rhs_str}`, the expression evaluates to false for any value of `{expr_str}`"),
Ordering::Equal => format!("`{expr_str}` cannot simultaneously be greater than and less than `{lhs_str}`"),
Ordering::Greater => format!("since `{lhs_str}` > `{rhs_str}`, the expression evaluates to false for any value of `{expr_str}`"),
"boolean expression will never evaluate to 'true'",
fn left_side_is_useless(left_cmp_op: CmpOp, ordering: Ordering) -> bool {
// Special-case for equal constants with an inclusive comparison
if ordering == Ordering::Equal {
match left_cmp_op {
CmpOp::Lt | CmpOp::Gt => false,
CmpOp::Le | CmpOp::Ge => true,
} else {
match (left_cmp_op.direction(), ordering) {
(CmpOpDirection::Lesser, Ordering::Less) => false,
(CmpOpDirection::Lesser, Ordering::Equal) => false,
(CmpOpDirection::Lesser, Ordering::Greater) => true,
(CmpOpDirection::Greater, Ordering::Less) => true,
(CmpOpDirection::Greater, Ordering::Equal) => false,
(CmpOpDirection::Greater, Ordering::Greater) => false,
fn comparison_is_possible(left_cmp_direction: CmpOpDirection, ordering: Ordering) -> bool {
match (left_cmp_direction, ordering) {
(CmpOpDirection::Lesser, Ordering::Less | Ordering::Equal) => false,
(CmpOpDirection::Lesser, Ordering::Greater) => true,
(CmpOpDirection::Greater, Ordering::Greater | Ordering::Equal) => false,
(CmpOpDirection::Greater, Ordering::Less) => true,
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
enum CmpOpDirection {
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
enum CmpOp {
impl CmpOp {
fn reverse(self) -> Self {
match self {
CmpOp::Lt => CmpOp::Gt,
CmpOp::Le => CmpOp::Ge,
CmpOp::Ge => CmpOp::Le,
CmpOp::Gt => CmpOp::Lt,
fn direction(self) -> CmpOpDirection {
match self {
CmpOp::Lt => CmpOpDirection::Lesser,
CmpOp::Le => CmpOpDirection::Lesser,
CmpOp::Ge => CmpOpDirection::Greater,
CmpOp::Gt => CmpOpDirection::Greater,
impl TryFrom<BinOpKind> for CmpOp {
type Error = ();
fn try_from(bin_op: BinOpKind) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
match bin_op {
BinOpKind::Lt => Ok(CmpOp::Lt),
BinOpKind::Le => Ok(CmpOp::Le),
BinOpKind::Ge => Ok(CmpOp::Ge),
BinOpKind::Gt => Ok(CmpOp::Gt),
_ => Err(()),