blob: b787d094c499ab8e7888448e4ea3190afd2742da [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::command_prelude::*;
use cargo::ops::{self, OwnersOptions};
use cargo_credential::Secret;
pub fn cli() -> Command {
.about("Manage the owners of a crate on the registry")
"Name of a user or team to invite as an owner",
"Name of a user or team to remove as an owner",
.arg(flag("list", "List owners of a crate").short('l'))
.arg_index("Registry index URL to modify owners for")
.arg_registry("Registry to modify owners for")
.arg(opt("token", "API token to use when authenticating").value_name("TOKEN"))
"Run `<cyan,bold>cargo help owner</>` for more detailed information.\n"
pub fn exec(config: &mut Config, args: &ArgMatches) -> CliResult {
let opts = OwnersOptions {
krate: args.get_one::<String>("crate").cloned(),
token: args.get_one::<String>("token").cloned().map(Secret::from),
reg_or_index: args.registry_or_index(config)?,
to_add: args
.map(|xs| xs.cloned().collect()),
to_remove: args
.map(|xs| xs.cloned().collect()),
list: args.flag("list"),
ops::modify_owners(config, &opts)?;