blob: 088455b38cbbc252d2e852b4038a01fe47ed8ad0 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Building proof trees incrementally during trait solving.
//! This code is *a bit* of a mess and can hopefully be
//! mostly ignored. For a general overview of how it works,
//! see the comment on [ProofTreeBuilder].
use std::mem;
use rustc_middle::traits::query::NoSolution;
use rustc_middle::traits::solve::{
CanonicalInput, Certainty, Goal, IsNormalizesToHack, QueryInput, QueryResult,
use rustc_middle::ty::{self, TyCtxt};
use rustc_session::config::DumpSolverProofTree;
use crate::solve::{self, inspect, EvalCtxt, GenerateProofTree};
/// The core data structure when building proof trees.
/// In case the current evaluation does not generate a proof
/// tree, `state` is simply `None` and we avoid any work.
/// The possible states of the solver are represented via
/// variants of [DebugSolver]. For any nested computation we call
/// `ProofTreeBuilder::new_nested_computation_kind` which
/// creates a new `ProofTreeBuilder` to temporarily replace the
/// current one. Once that nested computation is done,
/// `ProofTreeBuilder::nested_computation_kind` is called
/// to add the finished nested evaluation to the parent.
/// We provide additional information to the current state
/// by calling methods such as `ProofTreeBuilder::probe_kind`.
/// The actual structure closely mirrors the finished proof
/// trees. At the end of trait solving `ProofTreeBuilder::finalize`
/// is called to recursively convert the whole structure to a
/// finished proof tree.
pub(in crate::solve) struct ProofTreeBuilder<'tcx> {
state: Option<Box<DebugSolver<'tcx>>>,
/// The current state of the proof tree builder, at most places
/// in the code, only one or two variants are actually possible.
/// We simply ICE in case that assumption is broken.
enum DebugSolver<'tcx> {
impl<'tcx> From<WipGoalEvaluation<'tcx>> for DebugSolver<'tcx> {
fn from(g: WipGoalEvaluation<'tcx>) -> DebugSolver<'tcx> {
impl<'tcx> From<WipCanonicalGoalEvaluation<'tcx>> for DebugSolver<'tcx> {
fn from(g: WipCanonicalGoalEvaluation<'tcx>) -> DebugSolver<'tcx> {
impl<'tcx> From<WipAddedGoalsEvaluation<'tcx>> for DebugSolver<'tcx> {
fn from(g: WipAddedGoalsEvaluation<'tcx>) -> DebugSolver<'tcx> {
impl<'tcx> From<WipGoalEvaluationStep<'tcx>> for DebugSolver<'tcx> {
fn from(g: WipGoalEvaluationStep<'tcx>) -> DebugSolver<'tcx> {
impl<'tcx> From<WipProbe<'tcx>> for DebugSolver<'tcx> {
fn from(p: WipProbe<'tcx>) -> DebugSolver<'tcx> {
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct WipGoalEvaluation<'tcx> {
pub uncanonicalized_goal: Goal<'tcx, ty::Predicate<'tcx>>,
pub kind: WipGoalEvaluationKind<'tcx>,
pub evaluation: Option<WipCanonicalGoalEvaluation<'tcx>>,
pub returned_goals: Vec<Goal<'tcx, ty::Predicate<'tcx>>>,
impl<'tcx> WipGoalEvaluation<'tcx> {
fn finalize(self) -> inspect::GoalEvaluation<'tcx> {
inspect::GoalEvaluation {
uncanonicalized_goal: self.uncanonicalized_goal,
kind: match self.kind {
WipGoalEvaluationKind::Root { orig_values } => {
inspect::GoalEvaluationKind::Root { orig_values }
WipGoalEvaluationKind::Nested { is_normalizes_to_hack } => {
inspect::GoalEvaluationKind::Nested { is_normalizes_to_hack }
evaluation: self.evaluation.unwrap().finalize(),
returned_goals: self.returned_goals,
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub(in crate::solve) enum WipGoalEvaluationKind<'tcx> {
Root { orig_values: Vec<ty::GenericArg<'tcx>> },
Nested { is_normalizes_to_hack: IsNormalizesToHack },
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq)]
pub(in crate::solve) enum WipCanonicalGoalEvaluationKind<'tcx> {
Interned { revisions: &'tcx [inspect::GoalEvaluationStep<'tcx>] },
impl std::fmt::Debug for WipCanonicalGoalEvaluationKind<'_> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::Overflow => write!(f, "Overflow"),
Self::CycleInStack => write!(f, "CycleInStack"),
Self::Interned { revisions: _ } => f.debug_struct("Interned").finish_non_exhaustive(),
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct WipCanonicalGoalEvaluation<'tcx> {
goal: CanonicalInput<'tcx>,
kind: Option<WipCanonicalGoalEvaluationKind<'tcx>>,
/// Only used for uncached goals. After we finished evaluating
/// the goal, this is interned and moved into `kind`.
revisions: Vec<WipGoalEvaluationStep<'tcx>>,
result: Option<QueryResult<'tcx>>,
impl<'tcx> WipCanonicalGoalEvaluation<'tcx> {
fn finalize(self) -> inspect::CanonicalGoalEvaluation<'tcx> {
let kind = match self.kind.unwrap() {
WipCanonicalGoalEvaluationKind::Overflow => {
WipCanonicalGoalEvaluationKind::CycleInStack => {
WipCanonicalGoalEvaluationKind::Interned { revisions } => {
inspect::CanonicalGoalEvaluationKind::Evaluation { revisions }
inspect::CanonicalGoalEvaluation { goal: self.goal, kind, result: self.result.unwrap() }
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct WipAddedGoalsEvaluation<'tcx> {
evaluations: Vec<Vec<WipGoalEvaluation<'tcx>>>,
result: Option<Result<Certainty, NoSolution>>,
impl<'tcx> WipAddedGoalsEvaluation<'tcx> {
fn finalize(self) -> inspect::AddedGoalsEvaluation<'tcx> {
inspect::AddedGoalsEvaluation {
evaluations: self
.map(|evaluations| {
result: self.result.unwrap(),
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct WipGoalEvaluationStep<'tcx> {
instantiated_goal: QueryInput<'tcx, ty::Predicate<'tcx>>,
evaluation: WipProbe<'tcx>,
impl<'tcx> WipGoalEvaluationStep<'tcx> {
fn finalize(self) -> inspect::GoalEvaluationStep<'tcx> {
let evaluation = self.evaluation.finalize();
match evaluation.kind {
inspect::ProbeKind::Root { .. } => (),
_ => unreachable!("unexpected root evaluation: {evaluation:?}"),
inspect::GoalEvaluationStep { instantiated_goal: self.instantiated_goal, evaluation }
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct WipProbe<'tcx> {
pub steps: Vec<WipProbeStep<'tcx>>,
pub kind: Option<inspect::ProbeKind<'tcx>>,
impl<'tcx> WipProbe<'tcx> {
fn finalize(self) -> inspect::Probe<'tcx> {
inspect::Probe {
steps: self.steps.into_iter().map(WipProbeStep::finalize).collect(),
kind: self.kind.unwrap(),
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
enum WipProbeStep<'tcx> {
AddGoal(inspect::CanonicalState<'tcx, Goal<'tcx, ty::Predicate<'tcx>>>),
impl<'tcx> WipProbeStep<'tcx> {
fn finalize(self) -> inspect::ProbeStep<'tcx> {
match self {
WipProbeStep::AddGoal(goal) => inspect::ProbeStep::AddGoal(goal),
WipProbeStep::EvaluateGoals(eval) => inspect::ProbeStep::EvaluateGoals(eval.finalize()),
WipProbeStep::NestedProbe(probe) => inspect::ProbeStep::NestedProbe(probe.finalize()),
impl<'tcx> ProofTreeBuilder<'tcx> {
fn new(state: impl Into<DebugSolver<'tcx>>) -> ProofTreeBuilder<'tcx> {
ProofTreeBuilder { state: Some(Box::new(state.into())) }
fn nested<T: Into<DebugSolver<'tcx>>>(&self, state: impl FnOnce() -> T) -> Self {
ProofTreeBuilder { state: self.state.as_ref().map(|_| Box::new(state().into())) }
fn as_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut DebugSolver<'tcx>> {
pub fn finalize(self) -> Option<inspect::GoalEvaluation<'tcx>> {
match *self.state? {
DebugSolver::GoalEvaluation(wip_goal_evaluation) => {
root => unreachable!("unexpected proof tree builder root node: {:?}", root),
pub fn new_maybe_root(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
generate_proof_tree: GenerateProofTree,
) -> ProofTreeBuilder<'tcx> {
match generate_proof_tree {
GenerateProofTree::Never => ProofTreeBuilder::new_noop(),
GenerateProofTree::IfEnabled => {
let opts = &tcx.sess.opts.unstable_opts;
match opts.dump_solver_proof_tree {
DumpSolverProofTree::Always => ProofTreeBuilder::new_root(),
// `OnError` is handled by reevaluating goals in error
// reporting with `GenerateProofTree::Yes`.
DumpSolverProofTree::OnError | DumpSolverProofTree::Never => {
GenerateProofTree::Yes => ProofTreeBuilder::new_root(),
pub fn new_root() -> ProofTreeBuilder<'tcx> {
pub fn new_noop() -> ProofTreeBuilder<'tcx> {
ProofTreeBuilder { state: None }
pub fn is_noop(&self) -> bool {
pub(in crate::solve) fn new_goal_evaluation(
&mut self,
goal: Goal<'tcx, ty::Predicate<'tcx>>,
orig_values: &[ty::GenericArg<'tcx>],
kind: solve::GoalEvaluationKind,
) -> ProofTreeBuilder<'tcx> {
self.nested(|| WipGoalEvaluation {
uncanonicalized_goal: goal,
kind: match kind {
solve::GoalEvaluationKind::Root => {
WipGoalEvaluationKind::Root { orig_values: orig_values.to_vec() }
solve::GoalEvaluationKind::Nested { is_normalizes_to_hack } => {
WipGoalEvaluationKind::Nested { is_normalizes_to_hack }
evaluation: None,
returned_goals: vec![],
pub fn new_canonical_goal_evaluation(
&mut self,
goal: CanonicalInput<'tcx>,
) -> ProofTreeBuilder<'tcx> {
self.nested(|| WipCanonicalGoalEvaluation {
kind: None,
revisions: vec![],
result: None,
pub fn finalize_evaluation(
&mut self,
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
) -> Option<&'tcx [inspect::GoalEvaluationStep<'tcx>]> {
self.as_mut().map(|this| match this {
DebugSolver::CanonicalGoalEvaluation(evaluation) => {
let revisions = mem::take(&mut evaluation.revisions)
let revisions = &*tcx.arena.alloc_from_iter(revisions);
let kind = WipCanonicalGoalEvaluationKind::Interned { revisions };
assert_eq!(evaluation.kind.replace(kind), None);
_ => unreachable!(),
pub fn canonical_goal_evaluation(&mut self, canonical_goal_evaluation: ProofTreeBuilder<'tcx>) {
if let Some(this) = self.as_mut() {
match (this, *canonical_goal_evaluation.state.unwrap()) {
) => goal_evaluation.evaluation = Some(canonical_goal_evaluation),
_ => unreachable!(),
pub fn goal_evaluation_kind(&mut self, kind: WipCanonicalGoalEvaluationKind<'tcx>) {
if let Some(this) = self.as_mut() {
match this {
DebugSolver::CanonicalGoalEvaluation(canonical_goal_evaluation) => {
assert_eq!(canonical_goal_evaluation.kind.replace(kind), None);
_ => unreachable!(),
pub fn returned_goals(&mut self, goals: &[Goal<'tcx, ty::Predicate<'tcx>>]) {
if let Some(this) = self.as_mut() {
match this {
DebugSolver::GoalEvaluation(evaluation) => {
_ => unreachable!(),
pub fn goal_evaluation(&mut self, goal_evaluation: ProofTreeBuilder<'tcx>) {
if let Some(this) = self.as_mut() {
match (this, *goal_evaluation.state.unwrap()) {
DebugSolver::AddedGoalsEvaluation(WipAddedGoalsEvaluation {
evaluations, ..
) => evaluations.last_mut().unwrap().push(goal_evaluation),
(this @ DebugSolver::Root, goal_evaluation) => *this = goal_evaluation,
_ => unreachable!(),
pub fn new_goal_evaluation_step(
&mut self,
instantiated_goal: QueryInput<'tcx, ty::Predicate<'tcx>>,
) -> ProofTreeBuilder<'tcx> {
self.nested(|| WipGoalEvaluationStep {
evaluation: WipProbe { steps: vec![], kind: None },
pub fn goal_evaluation_step(&mut self, goal_evaluation_step: ProofTreeBuilder<'tcx>) {
if let Some(this) = self.as_mut() {
match (this, *goal_evaluation_step.state.unwrap()) {
) => {
_ => unreachable!(),
pub fn new_probe(&mut self) -> ProofTreeBuilder<'tcx> {
self.nested(|| WipProbe { steps: vec![], kind: None })
pub fn probe_kind(&mut self, probe_kind: inspect::ProbeKind<'tcx>) {
if let Some(this) = self.as_mut() {
match this {
DebugSolver::Probe(this) => {
assert_eq!(this.kind.replace(probe_kind), None)
_ => unreachable!(),
pub fn add_goal(ecx: &mut EvalCtxt<'_, 'tcx>, goal: Goal<'tcx, ty::Predicate<'tcx>>) {
// Can't use `if let Some(this) = ecx.inspect.as_mut()` here because
// we have to immutably use the `EvalCtxt` for `make_canonical_state`.
if ecx.inspect.is_noop() {
let goal = Self::make_canonical_state(ecx, goal);
match ecx.inspect.as_mut().unwrap() {
DebugSolver::GoalEvaluationStep(WipGoalEvaluationStep {
evaluation: WipProbe { steps, .. },
| DebugSolver::Probe(WipProbe { steps, .. }) => steps.push(WipProbeStep::AddGoal(goal)),
s => unreachable!("tried to add {goal:?} to {s:?}"),
pub fn finish_probe(&mut self, probe: ProofTreeBuilder<'tcx>) {
if let Some(this) = self.as_mut() {
match (this, *probe.state.unwrap()) {
DebugSolver::Probe(WipProbe { steps, .. })
| DebugSolver::GoalEvaluationStep(WipGoalEvaluationStep {
evaluation: WipProbe { steps, .. },
) => steps.push(WipProbeStep::NestedProbe(probe)),
_ => unreachable!(),
pub fn new_evaluate_added_goals(&mut self) -> ProofTreeBuilder<'tcx> {
self.nested(|| WipAddedGoalsEvaluation { evaluations: vec![], result: None })
pub fn evaluate_added_goals_loop_start(&mut self) {
if let Some(this) = self.as_mut() {
match this {
DebugSolver::AddedGoalsEvaluation(this) => {
_ => unreachable!(),
pub fn eval_added_goals_result(&mut self, result: Result<Certainty, NoSolution>) {
if let Some(this) = self.as_mut() {
match this {
DebugSolver::AddedGoalsEvaluation(this) => {
assert_eq!(this.result.replace(result), None);
_ => unreachable!(),
pub fn added_goals_evaluation(&mut self, added_goals_evaluation: ProofTreeBuilder<'tcx>) {
if let Some(this) = self.as_mut() {
match (this, *added_goals_evaluation.state.unwrap()) {
DebugSolver::GoalEvaluationStep(WipGoalEvaluationStep {
evaluation: WipProbe { steps, .. },
| DebugSolver::Probe(WipProbe { steps, .. }),
) => steps.push(WipProbeStep::EvaluateGoals(added_goals_evaluation)),
_ => unreachable!(),
pub fn query_result(&mut self, result: QueryResult<'tcx>) {
if let Some(this) = self.as_mut() {
match this {
DebugSolver::CanonicalGoalEvaluation(canonical_goal_evaluation) => {
assert_eq!(canonical_goal_evaluation.result.replace(result), None);
DebugSolver::GoalEvaluationStep(evaluation_step) => {
.replace(inspect::ProbeKind::Root { result }),
_ => unreachable!(),