blob: 99e64503e2574f4250a420bdcfe20ddbd8471217 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::{borrow::Cow, env};
use crate::spec::{add_link_args, add_link_args_iter};
use crate::spec::{cvs, Cc, DebuginfoKind, FramePointer, LinkArgs};
use crate::spec::{LinkerFlavor, Lld, SplitDebuginfo, StaticCow, Target, TargetOptions};
mod tests;
use Arch::*;
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum Arch {
impl Arch {
pub fn target_name(self) -> &'static str {
match self {
Armv7k => "armv7k",
Armv7s => "armv7s",
Arm64 | Arm64_macabi | Arm64_sim => "arm64",
Arm64_32 => "arm64_32",
I386 => "i386",
I686 => "i686",
X86_64 | X86_64_sim | X86_64_macabi => "x86_64",
X86_64h => "x86_64h",
pub fn target_arch(self) -> Cow<'static, str> {
Cow::Borrowed(match self {
Armv7k | Armv7s => "arm",
Arm64 | Arm64_32 | Arm64_macabi | Arm64_sim => "aarch64",
I386 | I686 => "x86",
X86_64 | X86_64_sim | X86_64_macabi | X86_64h => "x86_64",
fn target_abi(self) -> &'static str {
match self {
Armv7k | Armv7s | Arm64 | Arm64_32 | I386 | I686 | X86_64 | X86_64h => "",
X86_64_macabi | Arm64_macabi => "macabi",
// x86_64-apple-ios is a simulator target, even though it isn't
// declared that way in the target like the other ones...
Arm64_sim | X86_64_sim => "sim",
fn target_cpu(self) -> &'static str {
match self {
Armv7k => "cortex-a8",
Armv7s => "swift", // iOS 10 is only supported on iPhone 5 or higher.
Arm64 => "apple-a7",
Arm64_32 => "apple-s4",
// Only macOS 10.12+ is supported, which means
// all x86_64/x86 CPUs must be running at least penryn
I386 | I686 => "penryn",
X86_64 | X86_64_sim => "penryn",
X86_64_macabi => "penryn",
// Note: `core-avx2` is slightly more advanced than `x86_64h`, see
// comments (and disabled features) in `x86_64h_apple_darwin` for
// details. It is a higher baseline then `penryn` however.
X86_64h => "core-avx2",
Arm64_macabi => "apple-a12",
Arm64_sim => "apple-a12",
fn pre_link_args(os: &'static str, arch: Arch, abi: &'static str) -> LinkArgs {
let platform_name: StaticCow<str> = match abi {
"sim" => format!("{os}-simulator").into(),
"macabi" => "mac-catalyst".into(),
_ => os.into(),
let platform_version: StaticCow<str> = match os {
"ios" => ios_lld_platform_version(),
"tvos" => tvos_lld_platform_version(),
"watchos" => watchos_lld_platform_version(),
"macos" => macos_lld_platform_version(arch),
_ => unreachable!(),
let arch = arch.target_name();
let mut args = TargetOptions::link_args(
LinkerFlavor::Darwin(Cc::No, Lld::No),
&["-arch", arch, "-platform_version"],
&mut args,
LinkerFlavor::Darwin(Cc::No, Lld::No),
[platform_name, platform_version.clone(), platform_version].into_iter(),
if abi != "macabi" {
add_link_args(&mut args, LinkerFlavor::Darwin(Cc::Yes, Lld::No), &["-arch", arch]);
pub fn opts(os: &'static str, arch: Arch) -> TargetOptions {
let abi = arch.target_abi();
TargetOptions {
abi: abi.into(),
os: os.into(),
cpu: arch.target_cpu().into(),
link_env_remove: link_env_remove(arch, os),
vendor: "apple".into(),
linker_flavor: LinkerFlavor::Darwin(Cc::Yes, Lld::No),
// macOS has -dead_strip, which doesn't rely on function_sections
function_sections: false,
dynamic_linking: true,
pre_link_args: pre_link_args(os, arch, abi),
families: cvs!["unix"],
is_like_osx: true,
// LLVM notes that macOS 10.11+ and iOS 9+ default
// to v4, so we do the same.
default_dwarf_version: 4,
frame_pointer: FramePointer::Always,
has_rpath: true,
dll_suffix: ".dylib".into(),
archive_format: "darwin".into(),
// Thread locals became available with iOS 8 and macOS 10.7,
// and both are far below our minimum.
has_thread_local: true,
abi_return_struct_as_int: true,
emit_debug_gdb_scripts: false,
eh_frame_header: false,
debuginfo_kind: DebuginfoKind::DwarfDsym,
// The historical default for macOS targets is to run `dsymutil` which
// generates a packed version of debuginfo split from the main file.
split_debuginfo: SplitDebuginfo::Packed,
supported_split_debuginfo: Cow::Borrowed(&[
// This environment variable is pretty magical but is intended for
// producing deterministic builds. This was first discovered to be used
// by the `ar` tool as a way to control whether or not mtime entries in
// the archive headers were set to zero or not. It appears that
// eventually the linker got updated to do the same thing and now reads
// this environment variable too in recent versions.
// For some more info see the commentary on #47086
link_env: Cow::Borrowed(&[(Cow::Borrowed("ZERO_AR_DATE"), Cow::Borrowed("1"))]),
pub fn sdk_version(platform: u32) -> Option<(u32, u32)> {
// NOTE: These values are from an arbitrary point in time but shouldn't make it into the final
// binary since the final link command will have the current SDK version passed to it.
match platform {
object::macho::PLATFORM_MACOS => Some((13, 1)),
| object::macho::PLATFORM_TVOS
| object::macho::PLATFORM_MACCATALYST => Some((16, 2)),
object::macho::PLATFORM_WATCHOS | object::macho::PLATFORM_WATCHOSSIMULATOR => Some((9, 1)),
_ => None,
pub fn platform(target: &Target) -> Option<u32> {
Some(match (&*target.os, &*target.abi) {
("macos", _) => object::macho::PLATFORM_MACOS,
("ios", "macabi") => object::macho::PLATFORM_MACCATALYST,
("ios", "sim") => object::macho::PLATFORM_IOSSIMULATOR,
("ios", _) => object::macho::PLATFORM_IOS,
("watchos", "sim") => object::macho::PLATFORM_WATCHOSSIMULATOR,
("watchos", _) => object::macho::PLATFORM_WATCHOS,
("tvos", "sim") => object::macho::PLATFORM_TVOSSIMULATOR,
("tvos", _) => object::macho::PLATFORM_TVOS,
_ => return None,
pub fn deployment_target(target: &Target) -> Option<(u32, u32)> {
let (major, minor) = match &*target.os {
"macos" => {
// This does not need to be specific. It just needs to handle x86 vs M1.
let arch = if target.arch == "x86" || target.arch == "x86_64" { X86_64 } else { Arm64 };
"ios" => match &*target.abi {
"macabi" => mac_catalyst_deployment_target(),
_ => ios_deployment_target(),
"watchos" => watchos_deployment_target(),
"tvos" => tvos_deployment_target(),
_ => return None,
Some((major, minor))
fn from_set_deployment_target(var_name: &str) -> Option<(u32, u32)> {
let deployment_target = env::var(var_name).ok()?;
let (unparsed_major, unparsed_minor) = deployment_target.split_once('.')?;
let (major, minor) = (unparsed_major.parse().ok()?, unparsed_minor.parse().ok()?);
Some((major, minor))
fn macos_default_deployment_target(arch: Arch) -> (u32, u32) {
match arch {
// Note: Arm64_sim is not included since macOS has no simulator.
Arm64 | Arm64_macabi => (11, 0),
_ => (10, 12),
fn macos_deployment_target(arch: Arch) -> (u32, u32) {
// If you are looking for the default deployment target, prefer `rustc --print deployment-target`.
.unwrap_or_else(|| macos_default_deployment_target(arch))
fn macos_lld_platform_version(arch: Arch) -> String {
let (major, minor) = macos_deployment_target(arch);
pub fn macos_llvm_target(arch: Arch) -> String {
let (major, minor) = macos_deployment_target(arch);
format!("{}-apple-macosx{}.{}.0", arch.target_name(), major, minor)
fn link_env_remove(arch: Arch, os: &'static str) -> StaticCow<[StaticCow<str>]> {
// Apple platforms only officially support macOS as a host for any compilation.
// If building for macOS, we go ahead and remove any erroneous environment state
// that's only applicable to cross-OS compilation. Always leave anything for the
// host OS alone though.
if os == "macos" {
let mut env_remove = Vec::with_capacity(2);
// Remove the `SDKROOT` environment variable if it's clearly set for the wrong platform, which
// may occur when we're linking a custom build script while targeting iOS for example.
if let Ok(sdkroot) = env::var("SDKROOT") {
if sdkroot.contains("iPhoneOS.platform")
|| sdkroot.contains("iPhoneSimulator.platform")
|| sdkroot.contains("AppleTVOS.platform")
|| sdkroot.contains("AppleTVSimulator.platform")
|| sdkroot.contains("WatchOS.platform")
|| sdkroot.contains("WatchSimulator.platform")
// Additionally, `IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET` must not be set when using the Xcode linker at
// "/Applications/",
// although this is apparently ignored when using the linker at "/usr/bin/ld".
} else {
// Otherwise if cross-compiling for a different OS/SDK, remove any part
// of the linking environment that's wrong and reversed.
match arch {
Armv7k | Armv7s | Arm64 | Arm64_32 | I386 | I686 | X86_64 | X86_64_sim | X86_64h
| Arm64_sim => {
X86_64_macabi | Arm64_macabi => cvs!["IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET"],
fn ios_deployment_target() -> (u32, u32) {
// If you are looking for the default deployment target, prefer `rustc --print deployment-target`.
from_set_deployment_target("IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET").unwrap_or((10, 0))
fn mac_catalyst_deployment_target() -> (u32, u32) {
// If you are looking for the default deployment target, prefer `rustc --print deployment-target`.
from_set_deployment_target("IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET").unwrap_or((14, 0))
pub fn ios_llvm_target(arch: Arch) -> String {
// Modern iOS tooling extracts information about deployment target
// from LC_BUILD_VERSION. This load command will only be emitted when
// we build with a version specific `llvm_target`, with the version
// set high enough. Luckily one LC_BUILD_VERSION is enough, for Xcode
// to pick it up (since std and core are still built with the fallback
// of version 7.0 and hence emit the old LC_IPHONE_MIN_VERSION).
let (major, minor) = ios_deployment_target();
format!("{}-apple-ios{}.{}.0", arch.target_name(), major, minor)
fn ios_lld_platform_version() -> String {
let (major, minor) = ios_deployment_target();
pub fn ios_sim_llvm_target(arch: Arch) -> String {
let (major, minor) = ios_deployment_target();
format!("{}-apple-ios{}.{}.0-simulator", arch.target_name(), major, minor)
fn tvos_deployment_target() -> (u32, u32) {
// If you are looking for the default deployment target, prefer `rustc --print deployment-target`.
from_set_deployment_target("TVOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET").unwrap_or((10, 0))
fn tvos_lld_platform_version() -> String {
let (major, minor) = tvos_deployment_target();
pub fn tvos_llvm_target(arch: Arch) -> String {
let (major, minor) = tvos_deployment_target();
format!("{}-apple-tvos{}.{}.0", arch.target_name(), major, minor)
pub fn tvos_sim_llvm_target(arch: Arch) -> String {
let (major, minor) = tvos_deployment_target();
format!("{}-apple-tvos{}.{}.0-simulator", arch.target_name(), major, minor)
fn watchos_deployment_target() -> (u32, u32) {
// If you are looking for the default deployment target, prefer `rustc --print deployment-target`.
from_set_deployment_target("WATCHOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET").unwrap_or((5, 0))
fn watchos_lld_platform_version() -> String {
let (major, minor) = watchos_deployment_target();
pub fn watchos_sim_llvm_target(arch: Arch) -> String {
let (major, minor) = watchos_deployment_target();
format!("{}-apple-watchos{}.{}.0-simulator", arch.target_name(), major, minor)