blob: 7cfdbbbf7037556b15782f7fe856c1dfd8f6104b [file] [log] [blame]
//! Module containing the translation from stable mir constructs to the rustc counterpart.
//! This module will only include a few constructs to allow users to invoke internal rustc APIs
//! due to incomplete stable coverage.
// Prefer importing stable_mir over internal rustc constructs to make this file more readable.
use crate::rustc_smir::Tables;
use rustc_middle::ty::{self as rustc_ty, Ty as InternalTy};
use stable_mir::ty::{Const, GenericArgKind, GenericArgs, Region, Ty};
use stable_mir::DefId;
use super::RustcInternal;
impl<'tcx> RustcInternal<'tcx> for DefId {
type T = rustc_span::def_id::DefId;
fn internal(&self, tables: &mut Tables<'tcx>) -> Self::T {
impl<'tcx> RustcInternal<'tcx> for GenericArgs {
type T = rustc_ty::GenericArgsRef<'tcx>;
fn internal(&self, tables: &mut Tables<'tcx>) -> Self::T {
tables.tcx.mk_args_from_iter(self.0.iter().map(|arg| arg.internal(tables)))
impl<'tcx> RustcInternal<'tcx> for GenericArgKind {
type T = rustc_ty::GenericArg<'tcx>;
fn internal(&self, tables: &mut Tables<'tcx>) -> Self::T {
match self {
GenericArgKind::Lifetime(reg) => reg.internal(tables).into(),
GenericArgKind::Type(ty) => ty.internal(tables).into(),
GenericArgKind::Const(cnst) => ty_const(cnst, tables).into(),
impl<'tcx> RustcInternal<'tcx> for Region {
type T = rustc_ty::Region<'tcx>;
fn internal(&self, _tables: &mut Tables<'tcx>) -> Self::T {
impl<'tcx> RustcInternal<'tcx> for Ty {
type T = InternalTy<'tcx>;
fn internal(&self, tables: &mut Tables<'tcx>) -> Self::T {
fn ty_const<'tcx>(constant: &Const, tables: &mut Tables<'tcx>) -> rustc_ty::Const<'tcx> {
match constant.internal(tables) {
rustc_middle::mir::Const::Ty(c) => c,
cnst => {
panic!("Trying to convert constant `{constant:?}` to type constant, but found {cnst:?}")
impl<'tcx> RustcInternal<'tcx> for Const {
type T = rustc_middle::mir::Const<'tcx>;
fn internal(&self, tables: &mut Tables<'tcx>) -> Self::T {