blob: da7b6587a72208c70fee95802971d91498c40274 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Note: tests specific to this file can be found in:
//! - `ui/pattern/usefulness`
//! - `ui/or-patterns`
//! - `ui/consts/const_in_pattern`
//! - `ui/rfc-2008-non-exhaustive`
//! - `ui/half-open-range-patterns`
//! - probably many others
//! I (Nadrieril) prefer to put new tests in `ui/pattern/usefulness` unless there's a specific
//! reason not to, for example if they depend on a particular feature like `or_patterns`.
//! -----
//! This file includes the logic for exhaustiveness and reachability checking for pattern-matching.
//! Specifically, given a list of patterns for a type, we can tell whether:
//! (a) each pattern is reachable (reachability)
//! (b) the patterns cover every possible value for the type (exhaustiveness)
//! The algorithm implemented here is a modified version of the one described in [this
//! paper]( We have however generalized
//! it to accommodate the variety of patterns that Rust supports. We thus explain our version here,
//! without being as rigorous.
//! # Summary
//! The core of the algorithm is the notion of "usefulness". A pattern `q` is said to be *useful*
//! relative to another pattern `p` of the same type if there is a value that is matched by `q` and
//! not matched by `p`. This generalizes to many `p`s: `q` is useful w.r.t. a list of patterns
//! `p_1 .. p_n` if there is a value that is matched by `q` and by none of the `p_i`. We write
//! `usefulness(p_1 .. p_n, q)` for a function that returns a list of such values. The aim of this
//! file is to compute it efficiently.
//! This is enough to compute reachability: a pattern in a `match` expression is reachable iff it
//! is useful w.r.t. the patterns above it:
//! ```rust
//! # fn foo(x: Option<i32>) {
//! match x {
//! Some(_) => {},
//! None => {}, // reachable: `None` is matched by this but not the branch above
//! Some(0) => {}, // unreachable: all the values this matches are already matched by
//! // `Some(_)` above
//! }
//! # }
//! ```
//! This is also enough to compute exhaustiveness: a match is exhaustive iff the wildcard `_`
//! pattern is _not_ useful w.r.t. the patterns in the match. The values returned by `usefulness`
//! are used to tell the user which values are missing.
//! ```compile_fail,E0004
//! # fn foo(x: Option<i32>) {
//! match x {
//! Some(0) => {},
//! None => {},
//! // not exhaustive: `_` is useful because it matches `Some(1)`
//! }
//! # }
//! ```
//! The entrypoint of this file is the [`compute_match_usefulness`] function, which computes
//! reachability for each match branch and exhaustiveness for the whole match.
//! # Constructors and fields
//! Note: we will often abbreviate "constructor" as "ctor".
//! The idea that powers everything that is done in this file is the following: a (matchable)
//! value is made from a constructor applied to a number of subvalues. Examples of constructors are
//! `Some`, `None`, `(,)` (the 2-tuple constructor), `Foo {..}` (the constructor for a struct
//! `Foo`), and `2` (the constructor for the number `2`). This is natural when we think of
//! pattern-matching, and this is the basis for what follows.
//! Some of the ctors listed above might feel weird: `None` and `2` don't take any arguments.
//! That's ok: those are ctors that take a list of 0 arguments; they are the simplest case of
//! ctors. We treat `2` as a ctor because `u64` and other number types behave exactly like a huge
//! `enum`, with one variant for each number. This allows us to see any matchable value as made up
//! from a tree of ctors, each having a set number of children. For example: `Foo { bar: None,
//! baz: Ok(0) }` is made from 4 different ctors, namely `Foo{..}`, `None`, `Ok` and `0`.
//! This idea can be extended to patterns: they are also made from constructors applied to fields.
//! A pattern for a given type is allowed to use all the ctors for values of that type (which we
//! call "value constructors"), but there are also pattern-only ctors. The most important one is
//! the wildcard (`_`), and the others are integer ranges (`0..=10`), variable-length slices (`[x,
//! ..]`), and or-patterns (`Ok(0) | Err(_)`). Examples of valid patterns are `42`, `Some(_)`, `Foo
//! { bar: Some(0) | None, baz: _ }`. Note that a binder in a pattern (e.g. `Some(x)`) matches the
//! same values as a wildcard (e.g. `Some(_)`), so we treat both as wildcards.
//! From this deconstruction we can compute whether a given value matches a given pattern; we
//! simply look at ctors one at a time. Given a pattern `p` and a value `v`, we want to compute
//! `matches!(v, p)`. It's mostly straightforward: we compare the head ctors and when they match
//! we compare their fields recursively. A few representative examples:
//! - `matches!(v, _) := true`
//! - `matches!((v0, v1), (p0, p1)) := matches!(v0, p0) && matches!(v1, p1)`
//! - `matches!(Foo { bar: v0, baz: v1 }, Foo { bar: p0, baz: p1 }) := matches!(v0, p0) && matches!(v1, p1)`
//! - `matches!(Ok(v0), Ok(p0)) := matches!(v0, p0)`
//! - `matches!(Ok(v0), Err(p0)) := false` (incompatible variants)
//! - `matches!(v, 1..=100) := matches!(v, 1) || ... || matches!(v, 100)`
//! - `matches!([v0], [p0, .., p1]) := false` (incompatible lengths)
//! - `matches!([v0, v1, v2], [p0, .., p1]) := matches!(v0, p0) && matches!(v2, p1)`
//! - `matches!(v, p0 | p1) := matches!(v, p0) || matches!(v, p1)`
//! Constructors, fields and relevant operations are defined in the [`super::deconstruct_pat`] module.
//! Note: this constructors/fields distinction may not straightforwardly apply to every Rust type.
//! For example a value of type `Rc<u64>` can't be deconstructed that way, and `&str` has an
//! infinitude of constructors. There are also subtleties with visibility of fields and
//! uninhabitedness and various other things. The constructors idea can be extended to handle most
//! of these subtleties though; caveats are documented where relevant throughout the code.
//! Whether constructors cover each other is computed by [`Constructor::is_covered_by`].
//! # Specialization
//! Recall that we wish to compute `usefulness(p_1 .. p_n, q)`: given a list of patterns `p_1 ..
//! p_n` and a pattern `q`, all of the same type, we want to find a list of values (called
//! "witnesses") that are matched by `q` and by none of the `p_i`. We obviously don't just
//! enumerate all possible values. From the discussion above we see that we can proceed
//! ctor-by-ctor: for each value ctor of the given type, we ask "is there a value that starts with
//! this constructor and matches `q` and none of the `p_i`?". As we saw above, there's a lot we can
//! say from knowing only the first constructor of our candidate value.
//! Let's take the following example:
//! ```compile_fail,E0004
//! # enum Enum { Variant1(()), Variant2(Option<bool>, u32)}
//! # fn foo(x: Enum) {
//! match x {
//! Enum::Variant1(_) => {} // `p1`
//! Enum::Variant2(None, 0) => {} // `p2`
//! Enum::Variant2(Some(_), 0) => {} // `q`
//! }
//! # }
//! ```
//! We can easily see that if our candidate value `v` starts with `Variant1` it will not match `q`.
//! If `v = Variant2(v0, v1)` however, whether or not it matches `p2` and `q` will depend on `v0`
//! and `v1`. In fact, such a `v` will be a witness of usefulness of `q` exactly when the tuple
//! `(v0, v1)` is a witness of usefulness of `q'` in the following reduced match:
//! ```compile_fail,E0004
//! # fn foo(x: (Option<bool>, u32)) {
//! match x {
//! (None, 0) => {} // `p2'`
//! (Some(_), 0) => {} // `q'`
//! }
//! # }
//! ```
//! This motivates a new step in computing usefulness, that we call _specialization_.
//! Specialization consist of filtering a list of patterns for those that match a constructor, and
//! then looking into the constructor's fields. This enables usefulness to be computed recursively.
//! Instead of acting on a single pattern in each row, we will consider a list of patterns for each
//! row, and we call such a list a _pattern-stack_. The idea is that we will specialize the
//! leftmost pattern, which amounts to popping the constructor and pushing its fields, which feels
//! like a stack. We note a pattern-stack simply with `[p_1 ... p_n]`.
//! Here's a sequence of specializations of a list of pattern-stacks, to illustrate what's
//! happening:
//! ```ignore (illustrative)
//! [Enum::Variant1(_)]
//! [Enum::Variant2(None, 0)]
//! [Enum::Variant2(Some(_), 0)]
//! //==>> specialize with `Variant2`
//! [None, 0]
//! [Some(_), 0]
//! //==>> specialize with `Some`
//! [_, 0]
//! //==>> specialize with `true` (say the type was `bool`)
//! [0]
//! //==>> specialize with `0`
//! []
//! ```
//! The function `specialize(c, p)` takes a value constructor `c` and a pattern `p`, and returns 0
//! or more pattern-stacks. If `c` does not match the head constructor of `p`, it returns nothing;
//! otherwise if returns the fields of the constructor. This only returns more than one
//! pattern-stack if `p` has a pattern-only constructor.
//! - Specializing for the wrong constructor returns nothing
//! `specialize(None, Some(p0)) := []`
//! - Specializing for the correct constructor returns a single row with the fields
//! `specialize(Variant1, Variant1(p0, p1, p2)) := [[p0, p1, p2]]`
//! `specialize(Foo{..}, Foo { bar: p0, baz: p1 }) := [[p0, p1]]`
//! - For or-patterns, we specialize each branch and concatenate the results
//! `specialize(c, p0 | p1) := specialize(c, p0) ++ specialize(c, p1)`
//! - We treat the other pattern constructors as if they were a large or-pattern of all the
//! possibilities:
//! `specialize(c, _) := specialize(c, Variant1(_) | Variant2(_, _) | ...)`
//! `specialize(c, 1..=100) := specialize(c, 1 | ... | 100)`
//! `specialize(c, [p0, .., p1]) := specialize(c, [p0, p1] | [p0, _, p1] | [p0, _, _, p1] | ...)`
//! - If `c` is a pattern-only constructor, `specialize` is defined on a case-by-case basis. See
//! the discussion about constructor splitting in [`super::deconstruct_pat`].
//! We then extend this function to work with pattern-stacks as input, by acting on the first
//! column and keeping the other columns untouched.
//! Specialization for the whole matrix is done in [`Matrix::specialize_constructor`]. Note that
//! or-patterns in the first column are expanded before being stored in the matrix. Specialization
//! for a single patstack is done from a combination of [`Constructor::is_covered_by`] and
//! [`PatStack::pop_head_constructor`]. The internals of how it's done mostly live in the
//! [`super::deconstruct_pat::Fields`] struct.
//! # Computing usefulness
//! We now have all we need to compute usefulness. The inputs to usefulness are a list of
//! pattern-stacks `p_1 ... p_n` (one per row), and a new pattern_stack `q`. The paper and this
//! file calls the list of patstacks a _matrix_. They must all have the same number of columns and
//! the patterns in a given column must all have the same type. `usefulness` returns a (possibly
//! empty) list of witnesses of usefulness. These witnesses will also be pattern-stacks.
//! - base case: `n_columns == 0`.
//! Since a pattern-stack functions like a tuple of patterns, an empty one functions like the
//! unit type. Thus `q` is useful iff there are no rows above it, i.e. if `n == 0`.
//! - inductive case: `n_columns > 0`.
//! We need a way to list the constructors we want to try. We will be more clever in the next
//! section but for now assume we list all value constructors for the type of the first column.
//! - for each such ctor `c`:
//! - for each `q'` returned by `specialize(c, q)`:
//! - we compute `usefulness(specialize(c, p_1) ... specialize(c, p_n), q')`
//! - for each witness found, we revert specialization by pushing the constructor `c` on top.
//! - We return the concatenation of all the witnesses found, if any.
//! Example:
//! ```ignore (illustrative)
//! [Some(true)] // p_1
//! [None] // p_2
//! [Some(_)] // q
//! //==>> try `None`: `specialize(None, q)` returns nothing
//! //==>> try `Some`: `specialize(Some, q)` returns a single row
//! [true] // p_1'
//! [_] // q'
//! //==>> try `true`: `specialize(true, q')` returns a single row
//! [] // p_1''
//! [] // q''
//! //==>> base case; `n != 0` so `q''` is not useful.
//! //==>> go back up a step
//! [true] // p_1'
//! [_] // q'
//! //==>> try `false`: `specialize(false, q')` returns a single row
//! [] // q''
//! //==>> base case; `n == 0` so `q''` is useful. We return the single witness `[]`
//! witnesses:
//! []
//! //==>> undo the specialization with `false`
//! witnesses:
//! [false]
//! //==>> undo the specialization with `Some`
//! witnesses:
//! [Some(false)]
//! //==>> we have tried all the constructors. The output is the single witness `[Some(false)]`.
//! ```
//! This computation is done in [`is_useful`]. In practice we don't care about the list of
//! witnesses when computing reachability; we only need to know whether any exist. We do keep the
//! witnesses when computing exhaustiveness to report them to the user.
//! # Making usefulness tractable: constructor splitting
//! We're missing one last detail: which constructors do we list? Naively listing all value
//! constructors cannot work for types like `u64` or `&str`, so we need to be more clever. The
//! first obvious insight is that we only want to list constructors that are covered by the head
//! constructor of `q`. If it's a value constructor, we only try that one. If it's a pattern-only
//! constructor, we use the final clever idea for this algorithm: _constructor splitting_, where we
//! group together constructors that behave the same.
//! The details are not necessary to understand this file, so we explain them in
//! [`super::deconstruct_pat`]. Splitting is done by the [`Constructor::split`] function.
//! # Constants in patterns
//! There are two kinds of constants in patterns:
//! * literals (`1`, `true`, `"foo"`)
//! * named or inline consts (`FOO`, `const { 5 + 6 }`)
//! The latter are converted into other patterns with literals at the leaves. For example
//! `const_to_pat(const { [1, 2, 3] })` becomes an `Array(vec![Const(1), Const(2), Const(3)])`
//! pattern. This gets problematic when comparing the constant via `==` would behave differently
//! from matching on the constant converted to a pattern. Situations like that can occur, when
//! the user implements `PartialEq` manually, and thus could make `==` behave arbitrarily different.
//! In order to honor the `==` implementation, constants of types that implement `PartialEq` manually
//! stay as a full constant and become an `Opaque` pattern. These `Opaque` patterns do not participate
//! in exhaustiveness, specialization or overlap checking.
use self::ArmType::*;
use self::Usefulness::*;
use super::deconstruct_pat::{
Constructor, ConstructorSet, DeconstructedPat, IntRange, MaybeInfiniteInt, SplitConstructorSet,
use crate::errors::{
NonExhaustiveOmittedPattern, NonExhaustiveOmittedPatternLintOnArm, Overlap,
OverlappingRangeEndpoints, Uncovered,
use rustc_data_structures::captures::Captures;
use rustc_arena::TypedArena;
use rustc_data_structures::stack::ensure_sufficient_stack;
use rustc_hir::def_id::DefId;
use rustc_hir::HirId;
use rustc_middle::ty::{self, Ty, TyCtxt};
use rustc_session::lint;
use rustc_session::lint::builtin::NON_EXHAUSTIVE_OMITTED_PATTERNS;
use rustc_span::{Span, DUMMY_SP};
use smallvec::{smallvec, SmallVec};
use std::fmt;
pub(crate) struct MatchCheckCtxt<'p, 'tcx> {
pub(crate) tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
/// The module in which the match occurs. This is necessary for
/// checking inhabited-ness of types because whether a type is (visibly)
/// inhabited can depend on whether it was defined in the current module or
/// not. E.g., `struct Foo { _private: ! }` cannot be seen to be empty
/// outside its module and should not be matchable with an empty match statement.
pub(crate) module: DefId,
pub(crate) param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>,
pub(crate) pattern_arena: &'p TypedArena<DeconstructedPat<'p, 'tcx>>,
/// The span of the whole match, if applicable.
pub(crate) match_span: Option<Span>,
/// Only produce `NON_EXHAUSTIVE_OMITTED_PATTERNS` lint on refutable patterns.
pub(crate) refutable: bool,
impl<'a, 'tcx> MatchCheckCtxt<'a, 'tcx> {
pub(super) fn is_uninhabited(&self, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> bool {
if self.tcx.features().exhaustive_patterns {
!ty.is_inhabited_from(self.tcx, self.module, self.param_env)
} else {
/// Returns whether the given type is an enum from another crate declared `#[non_exhaustive]`.
pub(super) fn is_foreign_non_exhaustive_enum(&self, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> bool {
match ty.kind() {
ty::Adt(def, ..) => {
def.is_enum() && def.is_variant_list_non_exhaustive() && !def.did().is_local()
_ => false,
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub(super) struct PatCtxt<'a, 'p, 'tcx> {
pub(super) cx: &'a MatchCheckCtxt<'p, 'tcx>,
/// Type of the current column under investigation.
pub(super) ty: Ty<'tcx>,
/// Span of the current pattern under investigation.
pub(super) span: Span,
/// Whether the current pattern is the whole pattern as found in a match arm, or if it's a
/// subpattern.
pub(super) is_top_level: bool,
impl<'a, 'p, 'tcx> fmt::Debug for PatCtxt<'a, 'p, 'tcx> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
f.debug_struct("PatCtxt").field("ty", &self.ty).finish()
/// A row of a matrix. Rows of len 1 are very common, which is why `SmallVec[_; 2]`
/// works well.
pub(crate) struct PatStack<'p, 'tcx> {
pub(crate) pats: SmallVec<[&'p DeconstructedPat<'p, 'tcx>; 2]>,
impl<'p, 'tcx> PatStack<'p, 'tcx> {
fn from_pattern(pat: &'p DeconstructedPat<'p, 'tcx>) -> Self {
fn from_vec(vec: SmallVec<[&'p DeconstructedPat<'p, 'tcx>; 2]>) -> Self {
PatStack { pats: vec }
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
fn len(&self) -> usize {
fn head(&self) -> &'p DeconstructedPat<'p, 'tcx> {
fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &DeconstructedPat<'p, 'tcx>> {
// Recursively expand the first pattern into its subpatterns. Only useful if the pattern is an
// or-pattern. Panics if `self` is empty.
fn expand_or_pat<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item = PatStack<'p, 'tcx>> + Captures<'a> {
self.head().iter_fields().map(move |pat| {
let mut new_patstack = PatStack::from_pattern(pat);
// Recursively expand all patterns into their subpatterns and push each `PatStack` to matrix.
fn expand_and_extend<'a>(&'a self, matrix: &mut Matrix<'p, 'tcx>) {
if !self.is_empty() && self.head().is_or_pat() {
for pat in self.head().iter_fields() {
let mut new_patstack = PatStack::from_pattern(pat);
if !new_patstack.is_empty() && new_patstack.head().is_or_pat() {
} else if !new_patstack.is_empty() {
/// This computes `S(self.head().ctor(), self)`. See top of the file for explanations.
/// Structure patterns with a partial wild pattern (Foo { a: 42, .. }) have their missing
/// fields filled with wild patterns.
/// This is roughly the inverse of `Constructor::apply`.
fn pop_head_constructor(
pcx: &PatCtxt<'_, 'p, 'tcx>,
ctor: &Constructor<'tcx>,
) -> PatStack<'p, 'tcx> {
// We pop the head pattern and push the new fields extracted from the arguments of
// `self.head()`.
let mut new_fields: SmallVec<[_; 2]> = self.head().specialize(pcx, ctor);
/// Pretty-printing for matrix row.
impl<'p, 'tcx> fmt::Debug for PatStack<'p, 'tcx> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "+")?;
for pat in self.iter() {
write!(f, " {pat:?} +")?;
/// A 2D matrix.
pub(super) struct Matrix<'p, 'tcx> {
pub patterns: Vec<PatStack<'p, 'tcx>>,
impl<'p, 'tcx> Matrix<'p, 'tcx> {
fn empty() -> Self {
Matrix { patterns: vec![] }
/// Pushes a new row to the matrix. If the row starts with an or-pattern, this recursively
/// expands it.
fn push(&mut self, row: PatStack<'p, 'tcx>) {
if !row.is_empty() && row.head().is_or_pat() {
} else {
/// Iterate over the first component of each row
fn heads<'a>(
&'a self,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'p DeconstructedPat<'p, 'tcx>> + Clone + Captures<'a> {
self.patterns.iter().map(|r| r.head())
/// This computes `S(constructor, self)`. See top of the file for explanations.
fn specialize_constructor(
pcx: &PatCtxt<'_, 'p, 'tcx>,
ctor: &Constructor<'tcx>,
) -> Matrix<'p, 'tcx> {
let mut matrix = Matrix::empty();
for row in &self.patterns {
if ctor.is_covered_by(pcx, row.head().ctor()) {
let new_row = row.pop_head_constructor(pcx, ctor);
/// Pretty-printer for matrices of patterns, example:
/// ```text
/// + _ + [] +
/// + true + [First] +
/// + true + [Second(true)] +
/// + false + [_] +
/// + _ + [_, _, tail @ ..] +
/// ```
impl<'p, 'tcx> fmt::Debug for Matrix<'p, 'tcx> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "\n")?;
let Matrix { patterns: m, .. } = self;
let pretty_printed_matrix: Vec<Vec<String>> =
m.iter().map(|row| row.iter().map(|pat| format!("{pat:?}")).collect()).collect();
let column_count = m.iter().map(|row| row.len()).next().unwrap_or(0);
assert!(m.iter().all(|row| row.len() == column_count));
let column_widths: Vec<usize> = (0..column_count)
.map(|col| pretty_printed_matrix.iter().map(|row| row[col].len()).max().unwrap_or(0))
for row in pretty_printed_matrix {
write!(f, "+")?;
for (column, pat_str) in row.into_iter().enumerate() {
write!(f, " ")?;
write!(f, "{:1$}", pat_str, column_widths[column])?;
write!(f, " +")?;
write!(f, "\n")?;
/// This carries the results of computing usefulness, as described at the top of the file. When
/// checking usefulness of a match branch, we use the `NoWitnesses` variant, which also keeps track
/// of potential unreachable sub-patterns (in the presence of or-patterns). When checking
/// exhaustiveness of a whole match, we use the `WithWitnesses` variant, which carries a list of
/// witnesses of non-exhaustiveness when there are any.
/// Which variant to use is dictated by `ArmType`.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
enum Usefulness<'tcx> {
/// If we don't care about witnesses, simply remember if the pattern was useful.
NoWitnesses { useful: bool },
/// Carries a list of witnesses of non-exhaustiveness. If empty, indicates that the whole
/// pattern is unreachable.
impl<'tcx> Usefulness<'tcx> {
fn new_useful(preference: ArmType) -> Self {
match preference {
// A single (empty) witness of reachability.
FakeExtraWildcard => WithWitnesses(vec![WitnessStack(vec![])]),
RealArm => NoWitnesses { useful: true },
fn new_not_useful(preference: ArmType) -> Self {
match preference {
FakeExtraWildcard => WithWitnesses(vec![]),
RealArm => NoWitnesses { useful: false },
fn is_useful(&self) -> bool {
match self {
Usefulness::NoWitnesses { useful } => *useful,
Usefulness::WithWitnesses(witnesses) => !witnesses.is_empty(),
/// Combine usefulnesses from two branches. This is an associative operation.
fn extend(&mut self, other: Self) {
match (&mut *self, other) {
(WithWitnesses(_), WithWitnesses(o)) if o.is_empty() => {}
(WithWitnesses(s), WithWitnesses(o)) if s.is_empty() => *self = WithWitnesses(o),
(WithWitnesses(s), WithWitnesses(o)) => s.extend(o),
(NoWitnesses { useful: s_useful }, NoWitnesses { useful: o_useful }) => {
*s_useful = *s_useful || o_useful
_ => unreachable!(),
/// After calculating usefulness after a specialization, call this to reconstruct a usefulness
/// that makes sense for the matrix pre-specialization. This new usefulness can then be merged
/// with the results of specializing with the other constructors.
fn apply_constructor(
pcx: &PatCtxt<'_, '_, 'tcx>,
matrix: &Matrix<'_, 'tcx>, // used to compute missing ctors
ctor: &Constructor<'tcx>,
) -> Self {
match self {
NoWitnesses { .. } => self,
WithWitnesses(ref witnesses) if witnesses.is_empty() => self,
WithWitnesses(witnesses) => {
let new_witnesses = if let Constructor::Missing { .. } = ctor {
let mut missing = ConstructorSet::for_ty(, pcx.ty)
.compute_missing(pcx, matrix.heads().map(DeconstructedPat::ctor));
if missing.iter().any(|c| c.is_non_exhaustive()) {
// We only report `_` here; listing other constructors would be redundant.
missing = vec![Constructor::NonExhaustive];
// We got the special `Missing` constructor, so each of the missing constructors
// gives a new pattern that is not caught by the match.
// We construct for each missing constructor a version of this constructor with
// wildcards for fields, i.e. that matches everything that can be built with it.
// For example, if `ctor` is a `Constructor::Variant` for `Option::Some`, we get
// the pattern `Some(_)`.
let new_patterns: Vec<WitnessPat<'_>> = missing
.map(|missing_ctor| WitnessPat::wild_from_ctor(pcx, missing_ctor.clone()))
.flat_map(|witness| {
new_patterns.iter().map(move |pat| {
let mut stack = witness.clone();
} else {
.map(|witness| witness.apply_constructor(pcx, &ctor))
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
enum ArmType {
/// A witness-tuple of non-exhaustiveness for error reporting, represented as a list of patterns (in
/// reverse order of construction) with wildcards inside to represent elements that can take any
/// inhabitant of the type as a value.
/// This mirrors `PatStack`: they function similarly, except `PatStack` contains user patterns we
/// are inspecting, and `WitnessStack` contains witnesses we are constructing.
/// FIXME(Nadrieril): use the same order of patterns for both
/// A `WitnessStack` should have the same types and length as the `PatStacks` we are inspecting
/// (except we store the patterns in reverse order). Because Rust `match` is always against a single
/// pattern, at the end the stack will have length 1. In the middle of the algorithm, it can contain
/// multiple patterns.
/// For example, if we are constructing a witness for the match against
/// ```compile_fail,E0004
/// struct Pair(Option<(u32, u32)>, bool);
/// # fn foo(p: Pair) {
/// match p {
/// Pair(None, _) => {}
/// Pair(_, false) => {}
/// }
/// # }
/// ```
/// We'll perform the following steps (among others):
/// - Start with a matrix representing the match
/// `PatStack(vec![Pair(None, _)])`
/// `PatStack(vec![Pair(_, false)])`
/// - Specialize with `Pair`
/// `PatStack(vec![None, _])`
/// `PatStack(vec![_, false])`
/// - Specialize with `Some`
/// `PatStack(vec![_, false])`
/// - Specialize with `_`
/// `PatStack(vec![false])`
/// - Specialize with `true`
/// // no patstacks left
/// - This is a non-exhaustive match: we have the empty witness stack as a witness.
/// `WitnessStack(vec![])`
/// - Apply `true`
/// `WitnessStack(vec![true])`
/// - Apply `_`
/// `WitnessStack(vec![true, _])`
/// - Apply `Some`
/// `WitnessStack(vec![true, Some(_)])`
/// - Apply `Pair`
/// `WitnessStack(vec![Pair(Some(_), true)])`
/// The final `Pair(Some(_), true)` is then the resulting witness.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct WitnessStack<'tcx>(Vec<WitnessPat<'tcx>>);
impl<'tcx> WitnessStack<'tcx> {
/// Asserts that the witness contains a single pattern, and returns it.
fn single_pattern(self) -> WitnessPat<'tcx> {
assert_eq!(self.0.len(), 1);
/// Constructs a partial witness for a pattern given a list of
/// patterns expanded by the specialization step.
/// When a pattern P is discovered to be useful, this function is used bottom-up
/// to reconstruct a complete witness, e.g., a pattern P' that covers a subset
/// of values, V, where each value in that set is not covered by any previously
/// used patterns and is covered by the pattern P'. Examples:
/// left_ty: tuple of 3 elements
/// pats: [10, 20, _] => (10, 20, _)
/// left_ty: struct X { a: (bool, &'static str), b: usize}
/// pats: [(false, "foo"), 42] => X { a: (false, "foo"), b: 42 }
fn apply_constructor(mut self, pcx: &PatCtxt<'_, '_, 'tcx>, ctor: &Constructor<'tcx>) -> Self {
let pat = {
let len = self.0.len();
let arity = ctor.arity(pcx);
let fields = self.0.drain((len - arity)..).rev().collect();
WitnessPat::new(ctor.clone(), fields, pcx.ty)
/// Algorithm from <>.
/// The algorithm from the paper has been modified to correctly handle empty
/// types. The changes are:
/// (0) We don't exit early if the pattern matrix has zero rows. We just
/// continue to recurse over columns.
/// (1) all_constructors will only return constructors that are statically
/// possible. E.g., it will only return `Ok` for `Result<T, !>`.
/// This finds whether a (row) vector `v` of patterns is 'useful' in relation
/// to a set of such vectors `m` - this is defined as there being a set of
/// inputs that will match `v` but not any of the sets in `m`.
/// All the patterns at each column of the `matrix ++ v` matrix must have the same type.
/// This is used both for reachability checking (if a pattern isn't useful in
/// relation to preceding patterns, it is not reachable) and exhaustiveness
/// checking (if a wildcard pattern is useful in relation to a matrix, the
/// matrix isn't exhaustive).
/// `is_under_guard` is used to inform if the pattern has a guard. If it
/// has one it must not be inserted into the matrix. This shouldn't be
/// relied on for soundness.
#[instrument(level = "debug", skip(cx, matrix, lint_root), ret)]
fn is_useful<'p, 'tcx>(
cx: &MatchCheckCtxt<'p, 'tcx>,
matrix: &Matrix<'p, 'tcx>,
v: &PatStack<'p, 'tcx>,
witness_preference: ArmType,
lint_root: HirId,
is_under_guard: bool,
is_top_level: bool,
) -> Usefulness<'tcx> {
debug!(?matrix, ?v);
let Matrix { patterns: rows, .. } = matrix;
// The base case. We are pattern-matching on () and the return value is
// based on whether our matrix has a row or not.
// NOTE: This could potentially be optimized by checking rows.is_empty()
// first and then, if v is non-empty, the return value is based on whether
// the type of the tuple we're checking is inhabited or not.
if v.is_empty() {
let ret = if rows.is_empty() {
} else {
return ret;
debug_assert!(rows.iter().all(|r| r.len() == v.len()));
// If the first pattern is an or-pattern, expand it.
let mut ret = Usefulness::new_not_useful(witness_preference);
if v.head().is_or_pat() {
debug!("expanding or-pattern");
// We try each or-pattern branch in turn.
let mut matrix = matrix.clone();
for v in v.expand_or_pat() {
let usefulness = ensure_sufficient_stack(|| {
is_useful(cx, &matrix, &v, witness_preference, lint_root, is_under_guard, false)
// If pattern has a guard don't add it to the matrix.
if !is_under_guard {
// We push the already-seen patterns into the matrix in order to detect redundant
// branches like `Some(_) | Some(0)`.
} else {
let mut ty = v.head().ty();
// Opaque types can't get destructured/split, but the patterns can
// actually hint at hidden types, so we use the patterns' types instead.
if let ty::Alias(ty::Opaque, ..) = ty.kind() {
if let Some(row) = rows.first() {
ty = row.head().ty();
debug!("v.head: {:?}, v.span: {:?}", v.head(), v.head().span());
let pcx = &PatCtxt { cx, ty, span: v.head().span(), is_top_level };
let v_ctor = v.head().ctor();
// We split the head constructor of `v`.
let split_ctors = v_ctor.split(pcx, matrix.heads().map(DeconstructedPat::ctor));
// For each constructor, we compute whether there's a value that starts with it that would
// witness the usefulness of `v`.
let start_matrix = &matrix;
for ctor in split_ctors {
debug!("specialize({:?})", ctor);
// We cache the result of `Fields::wildcards` because it is used a lot.
let spec_matrix = start_matrix.specialize_constructor(pcx, &ctor);
let v = v.pop_head_constructor(pcx, &ctor);
let usefulness = ensure_sufficient_stack(|| {
let usefulness = usefulness.apply_constructor(pcx, start_matrix, &ctor);
if ret.is_useful() {
/// A column of patterns in the matrix, where a column is the intuitive notion of "subpatterns that
/// inspect the same subvalue".
/// This is used to traverse patterns column-by-column for lints. Despite similarities with
/// `is_useful`, this is a different traversal. Notably this is linear in the depth of patterns,
/// whereas `is_useful` is worst-case exponential (exhaustiveness is NP-complete).
struct PatternColumn<'p, 'tcx> {
patterns: Vec<&'p DeconstructedPat<'p, 'tcx>>,
impl<'p, 'tcx> PatternColumn<'p, 'tcx> {
fn new(patterns: Vec<&'p DeconstructedPat<'p, 'tcx>>) -> Self {
Self { patterns }
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
fn head_ty(&self) -> Option<Ty<'tcx>> {
if self.patterns.len() == 0 {
return None;
// If the type is opaque and it is revealed anywhere in the column, we take the revealed
// version. Otherwise we could encounter constructors for the revealed type and crash.
let is_opaque = |ty: Ty<'tcx>| matches!(ty.kind(), ty::Alias(ty::Opaque, ..));
let first_ty = self.patterns[0].ty();
if is_opaque(first_ty) {
for pat in &self.patterns {
let ty = pat.ty();
if !is_opaque(ty) {
return Some(ty);
fn analyze_ctors(&self, pcx: &PatCtxt<'_, 'p, 'tcx>) -> SplitConstructorSet<'tcx> {
let column_ctors = self.patterns.iter().map(|p| p.ctor());
ConstructorSet::for_ty(, pcx.ty).split(pcx, column_ctors)
fn iter<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &'p DeconstructedPat<'p, 'tcx>> + Captures<'a> {
/// Does specialization: given a constructor, this takes the patterns from the column that match
/// the constructor, and outputs their fields.
/// This returns one column per field of the constructor. The normally all have the same length
/// (the number of patterns in `self` that matched `ctor`), except that we expand or-patterns
/// which may change the lengths.
fn specialize(&self, pcx: &PatCtxt<'_, 'p, 'tcx>, ctor: &Constructor<'tcx>) -> Vec<Self> {
let arity = ctor.arity(pcx);
if arity == 0 {
return Vec::new();
// We specialize the column by `ctor`. This gives us `arity`-many columns of patterns. These
// columns may have different lengths in the presence of or-patterns (this is why we can't
// reuse `Matrix`).
let mut specialized_columns: Vec<_> =
(0..arity).map(|_| Self { patterns: Vec::new() }).collect();
let relevant_patterns =
self.patterns.iter().filter(|pat| ctor.is_covered_by(pcx, pat.ctor()));
for pat in relevant_patterns {
let specialized = pat.specialize(pcx, &ctor);
for (subpat, column) in specialized.iter().zip(&mut specialized_columns) {
if subpat.is_or_pat() {
} else {
"ctor {ctor:?} was listed as present but isn't;
there is an inconsistency between `Constructor::is_covered_by` and `ConstructorSet::split`"
/// Traverse the patterns to collect any variants of a non_exhaustive enum that fail to be mentioned
/// in a given column.
#[instrument(level = "debug", skip(cx), ret)]
fn collect_nonexhaustive_missing_variants<'p, 'tcx>(
cx: &MatchCheckCtxt<'p, 'tcx>,
column: &PatternColumn<'p, 'tcx>,
) -> Vec<WitnessPat<'tcx>> {
let Some(ty) = column.head_ty() else {
return Vec::new();
let pcx = &PatCtxt { cx, ty, span: DUMMY_SP, is_top_level: false };
let set = column.analyze_ctors(pcx);
if set.present.is_empty() {
// We can't consistently handle the case where no constructors are present (since this would
// require digging deep through any type in case there's a non_exhaustive enum somewhere),
// so for consistency we refuse to handle the top-level case, where we could handle it.
return vec![];
let mut witnesses = Vec::new();
if cx.is_foreign_non_exhaustive_enum(ty) {
// This will list missing visible variants.
.filter(|c| !matches!(c, Constructor::Hidden | Constructor::NonExhaustive))
.map(|missing_ctor| WitnessPat::wild_from_ctor(pcx, missing_ctor)),
// Recurse into the fields.
for ctor in set.present {
let specialized_columns = column.specialize(pcx, &ctor);
let wild_pat = WitnessPat::wild_from_ctor(pcx, ctor);
for (i, col_i) in specialized_columns.iter().enumerate() {
// Compute witnesses for each column.
let wits_for_col_i = collect_nonexhaustive_missing_variants(cx, col_i);
// For each witness, we build a new pattern in the shape of `ctor(_, _, wit, _, _)`,
// adding enough wildcards to match `arity`.
for wit in wits_for_col_i {
let mut pat = wild_pat.clone();
pat.fields[i] = wit;
/// Traverse the patterns to warn the user about ranges that overlap on their endpoints.
#[instrument(level = "debug", skip(cx, lint_root))]
fn lint_overlapping_range_endpoints<'p, 'tcx>(
cx: &MatchCheckCtxt<'p, 'tcx>,
column: &PatternColumn<'p, 'tcx>,
lint_root: HirId,
) {
let Some(ty) = column.head_ty() else {
let pcx = &PatCtxt { cx, ty, span: DUMMY_SP, is_top_level: false };
let set = column.analyze_ctors(pcx);
if IntRange::is_integral(ty) {
let emit_lint = |overlap: &IntRange, this_span: Span, overlapped_spans: &[Span]| {
let overlap_as_pat = overlap.to_diagnostic_pat(ty, cx.tcx);
let overlaps: Vec<_> = overlapped_spans
.map(|span| Overlap { range: overlap_as_pat.clone(), span })
OverlappingRangeEndpoints { overlap: overlaps, range: this_span },
// If two ranges overlapped, the split set will contain their intersection as a singleton.
let split_int_ranges = set.present.iter().filter_map(|c| c.as_int_range());
for overlap_range in split_int_ranges.clone() {
if overlap_range.is_singleton() {
let overlap: MaybeInfiniteInt = overlap_range.lo;
// Ranges that look like `lo..=overlap`.
let mut prefixes: SmallVec<[_; 1]> = Default::default();
// Ranges that look like `overlap..=hi`.
let mut suffixes: SmallVec<[_; 1]> = Default::default();
// Iterate on patterns that contained `overlap`.
for pat in column.iter() {
let this_span = pat.span();
let Constructor::IntRange(this_range) = pat.ctor() else { continue };
if this_range.is_singleton() {
// Don't lint when one of the ranges is a singleton.
if this_range.lo == overlap {
// `this_range` looks like `overlap..=this_range.hi`; it overlaps with any
// ranges that look like `lo..=overlap`.
if !prefixes.is_empty() {
emit_lint(overlap_range, this_span, &prefixes);
} else if this_range.hi == overlap.plus_one() {
// `this_range` looks like `this_range.lo..=overlap`; it overlaps with any
// ranges that look like `overlap..=hi`.
if !suffixes.is_empty() {
emit_lint(overlap_range, this_span, &suffixes);
} else {
// Recurse into the fields.
for ctor in set.present {
for col in column.specialize(pcx, &ctor) {
lint_overlapping_range_endpoints(cx, &col, lint_root);
/// The arm of a match expression.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub(crate) struct MatchArm<'p, 'tcx> {
/// The pattern must have been lowered through `check_match::MatchVisitor::lower_pattern`.
pub(crate) pat: &'p DeconstructedPat<'p, 'tcx>,
pub(crate) hir_id: HirId,
pub(crate) has_guard: bool,
/// Indicates whether or not a given arm is reachable.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub(crate) enum Reachability {
/// The arm is reachable. This additionally carries a set of or-pattern branches that have been
/// found to be unreachable despite the overall arm being reachable. Used only in the presence
/// of or-patterns, otherwise it stays empty.
/// The arm is unreachable.
/// The output of checking a match for exhaustiveness and arm reachability.
pub(crate) struct UsefulnessReport<'p, 'tcx> {
/// For each arm of the input, whether that arm is reachable after the arms above it.
pub(crate) arm_usefulness: Vec<(MatchArm<'p, 'tcx>, Reachability)>,
/// If the match is exhaustive, this is empty. If not, this contains witnesses for the lack of
/// exhaustiveness.
pub(crate) non_exhaustiveness_witnesses: Vec<WitnessPat<'tcx>>,
/// The entrypoint for the usefulness algorithm. Computes whether a match is exhaustive and which
/// of its arms are reachable.
/// Note: the input patterns must have been lowered through
/// `check_match::MatchVisitor::lower_pattern`.
#[instrument(skip(cx, arms), level = "debug")]
pub(crate) fn compute_match_usefulness<'p, 'tcx>(
cx: &MatchCheckCtxt<'p, 'tcx>,
arms: &[MatchArm<'p, 'tcx>],
lint_root: HirId,
scrut_ty: Ty<'tcx>,
scrut_span: Span,
) -> UsefulnessReport<'p, 'tcx> {
let mut matrix = Matrix::empty();
let arm_usefulness: Vec<_> = arms
.map(|arm| {
let v = PatStack::from_pattern(arm.pat);
is_useful(cx, &matrix, &v, RealArm, arm.hir_id, arm.has_guard, true);
if !arm.has_guard {
let reachability = if arm.pat.is_reachable() {
} else {
(arm, reachability)
let wild_pattern = cx.pattern_arena.alloc(DeconstructedPat::wildcard(scrut_ty, DUMMY_SP));
let v = PatStack::from_pattern(wild_pattern);
let usefulness = is_useful(cx, &matrix, &v, FakeExtraWildcard, lint_root, false, true);
let non_exhaustiveness_witnesses: Vec<_> = match usefulness {
WithWitnesses(pats) => pats.into_iter().map(|w| w.single_pattern()).collect(),
NoWitnesses { .. } => bug!(),
let pat_column = arms.iter().flat_map(|arm| arm.pat.flatten_or_pat()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let pat_column = PatternColumn::new(pat_column);
lint_overlapping_range_endpoints(cx, &pat_column, lint_root);
// Run the non_exhaustive_omitted_patterns lint. Only run on refutable patterns to avoid hitting
// `if let`s. Only run if the match is exhaustive otherwise the error is redundant.
if cx.refutable && non_exhaustiveness_witnesses.is_empty() {
if !matches!(
cx.tcx.lint_level_at_node(NON_EXHAUSTIVE_OMITTED_PATTERNS, lint_root).0,
) {
let witnesses = collect_nonexhaustive_missing_variants(cx, &pat_column);
if !witnesses.is_empty() {
// Report that a match of a `non_exhaustive` enum marked with `non_exhaustive_omitted_patterns`
// is not exhaustive enough.
// NB: The partner lint for structs lives in `compiler/rustc_hir_analysis/src/check/`.
NonExhaustiveOmittedPattern {
uncovered: Uncovered::new(scrut_span, cx, witnesses),
} else {
// We used to allow putting the `#[allow(non_exhaustive_omitted_patterns)]` on a match
// arm. This no longer makes sense so we warn users, to avoid silently breaking their
// usage of the lint.
for arm in arms {
let (lint_level, lint_level_source) =
cx.tcx.lint_level_at_node(NON_EXHAUSTIVE_OMITTED_PATTERNS, arm.hir_id);
if !matches!(lint_level, rustc_session::lint::Level::Allow) {
let decorator = NonExhaustiveOmittedPatternLintOnArm {
lint_span: lint_level_source.span(),
suggest_lint_on_match:|span| span.shrink_to_lo()),
lint_level: lint_level.as_str(),
lint_name: "non_exhaustive_omitted_patterns",
use rustc_errors::DecorateLint;
let mut err = cx.tcx.sess.struct_span_warn(arm.pat.span(), "");
decorator.decorate_lint(&mut err);
UsefulnessReport { arm_usefulness, non_exhaustiveness_witnesses }