blob: a4f938e4b5b764ac7952d14de666f3e8b49346f3 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e
case $1 in
TOOLCHAIN=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
echo "=> Installing new nightly"
rustup toolchain install --profile minimal nightly-${TOOLCHAIN} # Sanity check to see if the nightly exists
echo nightly-${TOOLCHAIN} > rust-toolchain
echo "=> Uninstalling all old nightlies"
for nightly in $(rustup toolchain list | grep nightly | grep -v $TOOLCHAIN | grep -v nightly-x86_64); do
rustup toolchain uninstall $nightly
./ prepare
git add rust-toolchain
git commit -m "Rustup to $(rustc -V)"
echo "Unknown command '$1'"
echo "Usage: ./ prepare|commit"