blob: c7999a226c7d912265705fde48a2b6dfe8b047c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Code that generates a test runner to run all the tests in a crate
use rustc_ast as ast;
use rustc_ast::entry::EntryPointType;
use rustc_ast::mut_visit::{ExpectOne, *};
use rustc_ast::ptr::P;
use rustc_ast::visit::{walk_item, Visitor};
use rustc_ast::{attr, ModKind};
use rustc_expand::base::{ExtCtxt, ResolverExpand};
use rustc_expand::expand::{AstFragment, ExpansionConfig};
use rustc_feature::Features;
use rustc_session::lint::builtin::UNNAMEABLE_TEST_ITEMS;
use rustc_session::Session;
use rustc_span::hygiene::{AstPass, SyntaxContext, Transparency};
use rustc_span::symbol::{sym, Ident, Symbol};
use rustc_span::{Span, DUMMY_SP};
use rustc_target::spec::PanicStrategy;
use smallvec::{smallvec, SmallVec};
use thin_vec::{thin_vec, ThinVec};
use tracing::debug;
use std::{iter, mem};
use crate::errors;
struct Test {
span: Span,
ident: Ident,
name: Symbol,
struct TestCtxt<'a> {
ext_cx: ExtCtxt<'a>,
panic_strategy: PanicStrategy,
def_site: Span,
test_cases: Vec<Test>,
reexport_test_harness_main: Option<Symbol>,
test_runner: Option<ast::Path>,
/// Traverse the crate, collecting all the test functions, eliding any
/// existing main functions, and synthesizing a main test harness
pub fn inject(
krate: &mut ast::Crate,
sess: &Session,
features: &Features,
resolver: &mut dyn ResolverExpand,
) {
let span_diagnostic = sess.diagnostic();
let panic_strategy = sess.panic_strategy();
let platform_panic_strategy =;
// Check for #![reexport_test_harness_main = "some_name"] which gives the
// main test function the name `some_name` without hygiene. This needs to be
// unconditional, so that the attribute is still marked as used in
// non-test builds.
let reexport_test_harness_main =
attr::first_attr_value_str_by_name(&krate.attrs, sym::reexport_test_harness_main);
// Do this here so that the test_runner crate attribute gets marked as used
// even in non-test builds
let test_runner = get_test_runner(span_diagnostic, &krate);
if sess.is_test_crate() {
let panic_strategy = match (panic_strategy, sess.opts.unstable_opts.panic_abort_tests) {
(PanicStrategy::Abort, true) => PanicStrategy::Abort,
(PanicStrategy::Abort, false) => {
if panic_strategy == platform_panic_strategy {
// Silently allow compiling with panic=abort on these platforms,
// but with old behavior (abort if a test fails).
} else {
span_diagnostic.emit_err(errors::TestsNotSupport {});
(PanicStrategy::Unwind, _) => PanicStrategy::Unwind,
struct TestHarnessGenerator<'a> {
cx: TestCtxt<'a>,
tests: Vec<Test>,
impl TestHarnessGenerator<'_> {
fn add_test_cases(&mut self, node_id: ast::NodeId, span: Span, prev_tests: Vec<Test>) {
let mut tests = mem::replace(&mut self.tests, prev_tests);
if !tests.is_empty() {
// Create an identifier that will hygienically resolve the test
// case name, even in another module.
let expn_id =
for test in &mut tests {
// See the comment on `mk_main` for why we're using
// `apply_mark` directly.
test.ident.span =
test.ident.span.apply_mark(expn_id.to_expn_id(), Transparency::Opaque);
impl<'a> MutVisitor for TestHarnessGenerator<'a> {
fn visit_crate(&mut self, c: &mut ast::Crate) {
let prev_tests = mem::take(&mut self.tests);
noop_visit_crate(c, self);
self.add_test_cases(ast::CRATE_NODE_ID, c.spans.inner_span, prev_tests);
// Create a main function to run our tests
fn flat_map_item(&mut self, i: P<ast::Item>) -> SmallVec<[P<ast::Item>; 1]> {
let mut item = i.into_inner();
if let Some(name) = get_test_name(&item) {
debug!("this is a test item");
let test = Test { span: item.span, ident: item.ident, name };
// We don't want to recurse into anything other than mods, since
// mods or tests inside of functions will break things
if let ast::ItemKind::Mod(_, ModKind::Loaded(.., ast::ModSpans { inner_span: span, .. })) =
let prev_tests = mem::take(&mut self.tests);
noop_visit_item_kind(&mut item.kind, self);
self.add_test_cases(, span, prev_tests);
} else {
// But in those cases, we emit a lint to warn the user of these missing tests.
walk_item(&mut InnerItemLinter { sess: }, &item);
struct InnerItemLinter<'a> {
sess: &'a Session,
impl<'a> Visitor<'a> for InnerItemLinter<'_> {
fn visit_item(&mut self, i: &'a ast::Item) {
if let Some(attr) = attr::find_by_name(&i.attrs, sym::rustc_test_marker) {
fn entry_point_type(item: &ast::Item, at_root: bool) -> EntryPointType {
match item.kind {
ast::ItemKind::Fn(..) => {
rustc_ast::entry::entry_point_type(&item.attrs, at_root, Some(
_ => EntryPointType::None,
/// A folder used to remove any entry points (like fn main) because the harness
/// coroutine will provide its own
struct EntryPointCleaner<'a> {
// Current depth in the ast
sess: &'a Session,
depth: usize,
def_site: Span,
impl<'a> MutVisitor for EntryPointCleaner<'a> {
fn flat_map_item(&mut self, i: P<ast::Item>) -> SmallVec<[P<ast::Item>; 1]> {
self.depth += 1;
let item = noop_flat_map_item(i, self).expect_one("noop did something");
self.depth -= 1;
// Remove any #[rustc_main] or #[start] from the AST so it doesn't
// clash with the one we're going to add, but mark it as
// #[allow(dead_code)] to avoid printing warnings.
let item = match entry_point_type(&item, self.depth == 0) {
EntryPointType::MainNamed | EntryPointType::RustcMainAttr | EntryPointType::Start => {|ast::Item { id, ident, attrs, kind, vis, span, tokens }| {
let allow_dead_code = attr::mk_attr_nested_word(
let attrs = attrs
.filter(|attr| {
!attr.has_name(sym::rustc_main) && !attr.has_name(sym::start)
ast::Item { id, ident, attrs, kind, vis, span, tokens }
EntryPointType::None | EntryPointType::OtherMain => item,
/// Crawl over the crate, inserting test reexports and the test main function
fn generate_test_harness(
sess: &Session,
resolver: &mut dyn ResolverExpand,
reexport_test_harness_main: Option<Symbol>,
krate: &mut ast::Crate,
features: &Features,
panic_strategy: PanicStrategy,
test_runner: Option<ast::Path>,
) {
let econfig = ExpansionConfig::default("test".to_string(), features);
let ext_cx = ExtCtxt::new(sess, econfig, resolver, None);
let expn_id = ext_cx.resolver.expansion_for_ast_pass(
&[sym::test, sym::rustc_attrs, sym::coverage_attribute],
let def_site = DUMMY_SP.with_def_site_ctxt(expn_id.to_expn_id());
// Remove the entry points
let mut cleaner = EntryPointCleaner { sess, depth: 0, def_site };
let cx = TestCtxt {
test_cases: Vec::new(),
TestHarnessGenerator { cx, tests: Vec::new() }.visit_crate(krate);
/// Creates a function item for use as the main function of a test build.
/// This function will call the `test_runner` as specified by the crate attribute
/// By default this expands to
/// ```ignore UNSOLVED (I think I still need guidance for this one. Is it correct? Do we try to make it run? How do we nicely fill it out?)
/// #[rustc_main]
/// pub fn main() {
/// extern crate test;
/// test::test_main_static(&[
/// &test_const1,
/// &test_const2,
/// &test_const3,
/// ]);
/// }
/// ```
/// Most of the Ident have the usual def-site hygiene for the AST pass. The
/// exception is the `test_const`s. These have a syntax context that has two
/// opaque marks: one from the expansion of `test` or `test_case`, and one
/// generated in `TestHarnessGenerator::flat_map_item`. When resolving this
/// identifier after failing to find a matching identifier in the root module
/// we remove the outer mark, and try resolving at its def-site, which will
/// then resolve to `test_const`.
/// The expansion here can be controlled by two attributes:
/// [`TestCtxt::reexport_test_harness_main`] provides a different name for the `main`
/// function and [`TestCtxt::test_runner`] provides a path that replaces
/// `test::test_main_static`.
fn mk_main(cx: &mut TestCtxt<'_>) -> P<ast::Item> {
let sp = cx.def_site;
let ecx = &cx.ext_cx;
let test_id = Ident::new(sym::test, sp);
let runner_name = match cx.panic_strategy {
PanicStrategy::Unwind => "test_main_static",
PanicStrategy::Abort => "test_main_static_abort",
// test::test_main_static(...)
let mut test_runner = cx
.unwrap_or_else(|| ecx.path(sp, vec![test_id, Ident::from_str_and_span(runner_name, sp)]));
test_runner.span = sp;
let test_main_path_expr = ecx.expr_path(test_runner);
let call_test_main = ecx.expr_call(sp, test_main_path_expr, thin_vec![mk_tests_slice(cx, sp)]);
let call_test_main = ecx.stmt_expr(call_test_main);
// extern crate test
let test_extern_stmt = ecx.stmt_item(
ecx.item(sp, test_id, ast::AttrVec::new(), ast::ItemKind::ExternCrate(None)),
// #[rustc_main]
let main_attr = ecx.attr_word(sym::rustc_main, sp);
// #[coverage(off)]
let coverage_attr = ecx.attr_nested_word(sym::coverage, sym::off, sp);
// pub fn main() { ... }
let main_ret_ty = ecx.ty(sp, ast::TyKind::Tup(ThinVec::new()));
// If no test runner is provided we need to import the test crate
let main_body = if cx.test_runner.is_none() {
ecx.block(sp, thin_vec![test_extern_stmt, call_test_main])
} else {
ecx.block(sp, thin_vec![call_test_main])
let decl = ecx.fn_decl(ThinVec::new(), ast::FnRetTy::Ty(main_ret_ty));
let sig = ast::FnSig { decl, header: ast::FnHeader::default(), span: sp };
let defaultness = ast::Defaultness::Final;
let main = ast::ItemKind::Fn(Box::new(ast::Fn {
generics: ast::Generics::default(),
body: Some(main_body),
// Honor the reexport_test_harness_main attribute
let main_id = match cx.reexport_test_harness_main {
Some(sym) => Ident::new(sym, sp.with_ctxt(SyntaxContext::root())),
None => Ident::new(sym::main, sp),
let main = P(ast::Item {
ident: main_id,
attrs: thin_vec![main_attr, coverage_attr],
id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
kind: main,
vis: ast::Visibility { span: sp, kind: ast::VisibilityKind::Public, tokens: None },
span: sp,
tokens: None,
// Integrate the new item into existing module structures.
let main = AstFragment::Items(smallvec![main]);
/// Creates a slice containing every test like so:
/// &[&test1, &test2]
fn mk_tests_slice(cx: &TestCtxt<'_>, sp: Span) -> P<ast::Expr> {
debug!("building test vector from {} tests", cx.test_cases.len());
let ecx = &cx.ext_cx;
let mut tests = cx.test_cases.clone();
tests.sort_by(|a, b|;
.map(|test| {
ecx.expr_addr_of(test.span, ecx.expr_path(ecx.path(test.span, vec![test.ident])))
fn get_test_name(i: &ast::Item) -> Option<Symbol> {
attr::first_attr_value_str_by_name(&i.attrs, sym::rustc_test_marker)
fn get_test_runner(sd: &rustc_errors::Handler, krate: &ast::Crate) -> Option<ast::Path> {
let test_attr = attr::find_by_name(&krate.attrs, sym::test_runner)?;
let meta_list = test_attr.meta_item_list()?;
let span = test_attr.span;
match &*meta_list {
[single] => match single.meta_item() {
Some(meta_item) if meta_item.is_word() => return Some(meta_item.path.clone()),
_ => {
sd.emit_err(errors::TestRunnerInvalid { span });
_ => {
sd.emit_err(errors::TestRunnerNargs { span });