blob: 2d5043112b67b48070dbe3823fc5831849e70ec3 [file] [log] [blame]
//! A mini version of ast::Ty, which is easier to use, and features an explicit `Self` type to use
//! when specifying impls to be derived.
pub use Ty::*;
use rustc_ast::ptr::P;
use rustc_ast::{self as ast, Expr, GenericArg, GenericParamKind, Generics, SelfKind};
use rustc_expand::base::ExtCtxt;
use rustc_span::source_map::respan;
use rustc_span::symbol::{kw, Ident, Symbol};
use rustc_span::Span;
use rustc_span::DUMMY_SP;
use thin_vec::ThinVec;
/// A path, e.g., `::std::option::Option::<i32>` (global). Has support
/// for type parameters.
pub struct Path {
path: Vec<Symbol>,
params: Vec<Box<Ty>>,
kind: PathKind,
pub enum PathKind {
impl Path {
pub fn new(path: Vec<Symbol>) -> Path {
Path::new_(path, Vec::new(), PathKind::Std)
pub fn new_local(path: Symbol) -> Path {
Path::new_(vec![path], Vec::new(), PathKind::Local)
pub fn new_(path: Vec<Symbol>, params: Vec<Box<Ty>>, kind: PathKind) -> Path {
Path { path, params, kind }
pub fn to_ty(
cx: &ExtCtxt<'_>,
span: Span,
self_ty: Ident,
self_generics: &Generics,
) -> P<ast::Ty> {
cx.ty_path(self.to_path(cx, span, self_ty, self_generics))
pub fn to_path(
cx: &ExtCtxt<'_>,
span: Span,
self_ty: Ident,
self_generics: &Generics,
) -> ast::Path {
let mut idents = self.path.iter().map(|s| Ident::new(*s, span)).collect();
let tys = self.params.iter().map(|t| t.to_ty(cx, span, self_ty, self_generics));
let params =;
match self.kind {
PathKind::Global => cx.path_all(span, true, idents, params),
PathKind::Local => cx.path_all(span, false, idents, params),
PathKind::Std => {
let def_site = cx.with_def_site_ctxt(DUMMY_SP);
idents.insert(0, Ident::new(kw::DollarCrate, def_site));
cx.path_all(span, false, idents, params)
/// A type. Supports pointers, Self, and literals.
pub enum Ty {
/// A reference.
Ref(Box<Ty>, ast::Mutability),
/// `mod::mod::Type<[lifetime], [Params...]>`, including a plain type
/// parameter, and things like `i32`
/// For () return types.
pub fn self_ref() -> Ty {
Ref(Box::new(Self_), ast::Mutability::Not)
impl Ty {
pub fn to_ty(
cx: &ExtCtxt<'_>,
span: Span,
self_ty: Ident,
self_generics: &Generics,
) -> P<ast::Ty> {
match self {
Ref(ty, mutbl) => {
let raw_ty = ty.to_ty(cx, span, self_ty, self_generics);
cx.ty_ref(span, raw_ty, None, *mutbl)
Path(p) => p.to_ty(cx, span, self_ty, self_generics),
Self_ => cx.ty_path(self.to_path(cx, span, self_ty, self_generics)),
Unit => {
let ty = ast::TyKind::Tup(ThinVec::new());
cx.ty(span, ty)
pub fn to_path(
cx: &ExtCtxt<'_>,
span: Span,
self_ty: Ident,
generics: &Generics,
) -> ast::Path {
match self {
Self_ => {
let params: Vec<_> = generics
.map(|param| match param.kind {
GenericParamKind::Lifetime { .. } => {
GenericArg::Lifetime(ast::Lifetime { id:, ident: param.ident })
GenericParamKind::Type { .. } => {
GenericArg::Type(cx.ty_ident(span, param.ident))
GenericParamKind::Const { .. } => {
GenericArg::Const(cx.const_ident(span, param.ident))
cx.path_all(span, false, vec![self_ty], params)
Path(p) => p.to_path(cx, span, self_ty, generics),
Ref(..) => cx.span_bug(span, "ref in a path in generic `derive`"),
Unit => cx.span_bug(span, "unit in a path in generic `derive`"),
fn mk_ty_param(
cx: &ExtCtxt<'_>,
span: Span,
name: Symbol,
bounds: &[Path],
self_ident: Ident,
self_generics: &Generics,
) -> ast::GenericParam {
let bounds = bounds
.map(|b| {
let path = b.to_path(cx, span, self_ident, self_generics);
cx.trait_bound(path, false)
cx.typaram(span, Ident::new(name, span), bounds, None)
/// Bounds on type parameters.
pub struct Bounds {
pub bounds: Vec<(Symbol, Vec<Path>)>,
impl Bounds {
pub fn empty() -> Bounds {
Bounds { bounds: Vec::new() }
pub fn to_generics(
cx: &ExtCtxt<'_>,
span: Span,
self_ty: Ident,
self_generics: &Generics,
) -> Generics {
let params = self
.map(|&(name, ref bounds)| mk_ty_param(cx, span, name, &bounds, self_ty, self_generics))
Generics {
where_clause: ast::WhereClause {
has_where_token: false,
predicates: ThinVec::new(),
pub fn get_explicit_self(cx: &ExtCtxt<'_>, span: Span) -> (P<Expr>, ast::ExplicitSelf) {
// This constructs a fresh `self` path.
let self_path = cx.expr_self(span);
let self_ty = respan(span, SelfKind::Region(None, ast::Mutability::Not));
(self_path, self_ty)