blob: 5147e672f5f377d0b029ff3d5b62a038b3092dc1 [file] [log] [blame]
//! The `rustc_ast_passes` crate contains passes which validate the AST in `syntax`
//! parsed by `rustc_parse` and then lowered, after the passes in this crate,
//! by `rustc_ast_lowering`.
//! The crate also contains other misc AST visitors, e.g. `node_count` and `show_span`.
#![cfg_attr(not(bootstrap), allow(internal_features))]
#![cfg_attr(not(bootstrap), doc(rust_logo))]
#![cfg_attr(not(bootstrap), feature(rustdoc_internals))]
#![recursion_limit = "256"]
use rustc_errors::{DiagnosticMessage, SubdiagnosticMessage};
use rustc_fluent_macro::fluent_messages;
pub mod ast_validation;
mod errors;
pub mod feature_gate;
pub mod node_count;
pub mod show_span;
fluent_messages! { "../messages.ftl" }