blob: bff9155c94fc20616f1b8233045616e35d2ab646 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import com.intellij.psi.PsiParameter
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtConstantExpression
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtFunction
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtParameter
import org.jetbrains.uast.UExpression
import org.jetbrains.uast.UMethod
import org.jetbrains.uast.UastFacade
class PsiParameterItem(
override val codebase: PsiBasedCodebase,
private val psiParameter: PsiParameter,
private val name: String,
override val parameterIndex: Int,
modifiers: PsiModifierItem,
documentation: String,
private val type: PsiTypeItem
) : PsiItem(
codebase = codebase,
modifiers = modifiers,
documentation = documentation,
element = psiParameter
ParameterItem {
lateinit var containingMethod: PsiMethodItem
override var property: PsiPropertyItem? = null
override fun name(): String = name
override fun publicName(): String? {
if (isKotlin(psiParameter)) {
// Don't print out names for extension function receiver parameters
if (isReceiver()) {
return null
// Hardcode parameter name for the generated suspend function continuation parameter
if (containingMethod.modifiers.isSuspend() &&
"kotlin.coroutines.Continuation" == type.asClass()?.qualifiedName() &&
containingMethod.parameters().size - 1 == parameterIndex
) {
return "p"
return name
} else {
// Java: Look for @ParameterName annotation
val annotation = modifiers.annotations().firstOrNull { it.isParameterName() }
if (annotation != null) {
return annotation.attributes.firstOrNull()?.value?.value()?.toString()
return null
override fun hasDefaultValue(): Boolean = isDefaultValueKnown()
override fun isDefaultValueKnown(): Boolean {
return if (isKotlin(psiParameter)) {
getKtParameter()?.hasDefaultValue() ?: false && defaultValue() != INVALID_VALUE
} else {
// Java: Look for @ParameterName annotation
modifiers.annotations().any { it.isDefaultValue() }
// Note receiver parameter used to be named $receiver in previous UAST versions, now it is $this$functionName
private fun isReceiver(): Boolean = parameterIndex == 0 && name.startsWith("\$this\$")
private fun getKtParameter(): KtParameter? {
val ktParameters =
((containingMethod.psiMethod as? UMethod)?.sourcePsi as? KtFunction)?.valueParameters
?: return null
// Perform matching based on parameter names, because indices won't work in the
// presence of @JvmOverloads where UAST generates multiple permutations of the
// method from the same KtParameters array.
// Quick lookup first which usually works (lined up from the end to account
// for receivers for extension methods etc)
val rem = containingMethod.parameters().size - parameterIndex
val index = ktParameters.size - rem
if (index >= 0) {
val parameter = ktParameters[index]
if ( == name) {
return parameter
for (parameter in ktParameters) {
if ( == name) {
return parameter
// Fallback to handle scenario where the real parameter names are hidden by
// UAST (see UastKotlinPsiParameter which replaces parameter names to p$index)
if (index >= 0) {
val parameter = ktParameters[index]
if (!isReceiver()) {
return parameter
return null
override val synthetic: Boolean get() = containingMethod.isEnumSyntheticMethod()
private var defaultValue: String? = null
override fun defaultValue(): String? {
if (defaultValue == null) {
defaultValue = computeDefaultValue()
return defaultValue
private fun computeDefaultValue(): String? {
if (isKotlin(psiParameter)) {
val ktParameter = getKtParameter() ?: return null
if (ktParameter.hasDefaultValue()) {
val defaultValue = ktParameter.defaultValue ?: return null
if (defaultValue is KtConstantExpression) {
return defaultValue.text
val defaultExpression: UExpression = UastFacade.convertElement(
defaultValue, null,
) as? UExpression ?: return INVALID_VALUE
val constant = defaultExpression.evaluate()
return if (constant != null && constant !is Pair<*, *>) {
} else {
// Expression: Compute from UAST rather than just using the source text
// such that we can ensure references are fully qualified etc.
} else {
// Java: Look for @ParameterName annotation
val annotation = modifiers.annotations().firstOrNull { it.isDefaultValue() }
if (annotation != null) {
return annotation.attributes.firstOrNull()?.value?.value()?.toString()
return null
override fun type(): TypeItem = type
override fun containingMethod(): MethodItem = containingMethod
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) {
return true
return other is ParameterItem && parameterIndex == other.parameterIndex && containingMethod == other.containingMethod()
override fun hashCode(): Int {
return parameterIndex
override fun toString(): String = "parameter ${name()}"
override fun isVarArgs(): Boolean {
return psiParameter.isVarArgs || modifiers.isVarArg()
companion object {
fun create(
codebase: PsiBasedCodebase,
psiParameter: PsiParameter,
parameterIndex: Int
): PsiParameterItem {
val name =
val commentText = "" // no javadocs on individual parameters
val modifiers = createParameterModifiers(codebase, psiParameter, commentText)
val type = codebase.getType(psiParameter.type)
val parameter = PsiParameterItem(
codebase = codebase,
psiParameter = psiParameter,
name = name,
parameterIndex = parameterIndex,
documentation = commentText,
modifiers = modifiers,
type = type
return parameter
fun create(
codebase: PsiBasedCodebase,
original: PsiParameterItem
): PsiParameterItem {
val parameter = PsiParameterItem(
codebase = codebase,
psiParameter = original.psiParameter,
name =,
parameterIndex = original.parameterIndex,
documentation = original.documentation,
modifiers = PsiModifierItem.create(codebase, original.modifiers),
type = PsiTypeItem.create(codebase, original.type)
return parameter
fun create(
codebase: PsiBasedCodebase,
original: List<ParameterItem>
): List<PsiParameterItem> {
return { create(codebase, it as PsiParameterItem) }
fun createParameterModifiers(
codebase: PsiBasedCodebase,
psiParameter: PsiParameter,
commentText: String
): PsiModifierItem {
val modifiers = modifiers(codebase, psiParameter, commentText)
// Method parameters don't have a visibility level; they are visible to anyone that can
// call their method. However, Kotlin constructors sometimes appear to specify the
// visibility of a constructor parameter by putting visibility inside the constructor
// signature. This is really to indicate that the matching property should have the
// mentioned visibility.
// If the method parameter seems to specify a visibility level, we correct it back to
// the default, here, to ensure we don't attempt to incorrectly emit this information
// into a signature file.
return modifiers
* Private marker return value from [#computeDefaultValue] signifying that the parameter
* has a default value but we were unable to compute a suitable static string representation for it
private const val INVALID_VALUE = "__invalid_value__"