Disable TestF2fsCompression due to continued flakiness

Bug: 254683955
Bug: 304332131
Bug: 327698888
Bug: 329449658
Test: atest vts_kernel_encryption_test # verified the test case is not run
Change-Id: I05c622c5e43caa6f9f3f5ccce1165201aec1c744
diff --git a/encryption/file_based_encryption_tests.cpp b/encryption/file_based_encryption_tests.cpp
index 58c656d..8f28ec1 100644
--- a/encryption/file_based_encryption_tests.cpp
+++ b/encryption/file_based_encryption_tests.cpp
@@ -1274,7 +1274,11 @@
 // Note, this test will be flaky if the kernel is missing commit 093f0bac32b
 // ("f2fs: change fiemap way in printing compression chunk").
-TEST_F(FBEPolicyTest, TestF2fsCompression) {
+// This test is currently disabled because the test is still flaky even with the
+// above fix, and it hasn't been able to be root-caused.  TODO(b/329449658):
+// root cause the issue and re-enable the test.
+TEST_F(FBEPolicyTest, DISABLED_TestF2fsCompression) {
   if (skip_test_) return;
   // Currently, only f2fs supports compression+encryption.