blob: 8c0e07b35662f68e34eac285455732964bcd607e [file] [log] [blame]
use super::{c, fill_utf16_buf, to_u16s};
use crate::ffi::{OsStr, OsString};
use crate::io;
use crate::path::{Path, PathBuf, Prefix};
use crate::ptr;
mod tests;
pub const MAIN_SEP_STR: &str = "\\";
pub const MAIN_SEP: char = '\\';
pub fn is_sep_byte(b: u8) -> bool {
b == b'/' || b == b'\\'
pub fn is_verbatim_sep(b: u8) -> bool {
b == b'\\'
/// Returns true if `path` looks like a lone filename.
pub(crate) fn is_file_name(path: &OsStr) -> bool {
pub(crate) fn has_trailing_slash(path: &OsStr) -> bool {
let is_verbatim = path.as_encoded_bytes().starts_with(br"\\?\");
let is_separator = if is_verbatim { is_verbatim_sep } else { is_sep_byte };
if let Some(&c) = path.as_encoded_bytes().last() { is_separator(c) } else { false }
/// Appends a suffix to a path.
/// Can be used to append an extension without removing an existing extension.
pub(crate) fn append_suffix(path: PathBuf, suffix: &OsStr) -> PathBuf {
let mut path = OsString::from(path);
struct PrefixParser<'a, const LEN: usize> {
path: &'a OsStr,
prefix: [u8; LEN],
impl<'a, const LEN: usize> PrefixParser<'a, LEN> {
fn get_prefix(path: &OsStr) -> [u8; LEN] {
let mut prefix = [0; LEN];
// SAFETY: Only ASCII characters are modified.
for (i, &ch) in path.as_encoded_bytes().iter().take(LEN).enumerate() {
prefix[i] = if ch == b'/' { b'\\' } else { ch };
fn new(path: &'a OsStr) -> Self {
Self { path, prefix: Self::get_prefix(path) }
fn as_slice(&self) -> PrefixParserSlice<'a, '_> {
PrefixParserSlice {
path: self.path,
prefix: &self.prefix[..LEN.min(self.path.len())],
index: 0,
struct PrefixParserSlice<'a, 'b> {
path: &'a OsStr,
prefix: &'b [u8],
index: usize,
impl<'a> PrefixParserSlice<'a, '_> {
fn strip_prefix(&self, prefix: &str) -> Option<Self> {
.then(|| Self { index: self.index + prefix.len(), ..*self })
fn prefix_bytes(&self) -> &'a [u8] {
fn finish(self) -> &'a OsStr {
// SAFETY: The unsafety here stems from converting between &OsStr and
// &[u8] and back. This is safe to do because (1) we only look at ASCII
// contents of the encoding and (2) new &OsStr values are produced only
// from ASCII-bounded slices of existing &OsStr values.
unsafe { OsStr::from_encoded_bytes_unchecked(&self.path.as_encoded_bytes()[self.index..]) }
pub fn parse_prefix(path: &OsStr) -> Option<Prefix<'_>> {
use Prefix::{DeviceNS, Disk, Verbatim, VerbatimDisk, VerbatimUNC, UNC};
let parser = PrefixParser::<8>::new(path);
let parser = parser.as_slice();
if let Some(parser) = parser.strip_prefix(r"\\") {
// \\
// The meaning of verbatim paths can change when they use a different
// separator.
if let Some(parser) = parser.strip_prefix(r"?\") && !parser.prefix_bytes().iter().any(|&x| x == b'/') {
// \\?\
if let Some(parser) = parser.strip_prefix(r"UNC\") {
// \\?\UNC\server\share
let path = parser.finish();
let (server, path) = parse_next_component(path, true);
let (share, _) = parse_next_component(path, true);
Some(VerbatimUNC(server, share))
} else {
let path = parser.finish();
// in verbatim paths only recognize an exact drive prefix
if let Some(drive) = parse_drive_exact(path) {
// \\?\C:
} else {
// \\?\prefix
let (prefix, _) = parse_next_component(path, true);
} else if let Some(parser) = parser.strip_prefix(r".\") {
// \\.\COM42
let path = parser.finish();
let (prefix, _) = parse_next_component(path, false);
} else {
let path = parser.finish();
let (server, path) = parse_next_component(path, false);
let (share, _) = parse_next_component(path, false);
if !server.is_empty() && !share.is_empty() {
// \\server\share
Some(UNC(server, share))
} else {
// no valid prefix beginning with "\\" recognized
} else if let Some(drive) = parse_drive(path) {
// C:
} else {
// no prefix
// Parses a drive prefix, e.g. "C:" and "C:\whatever"
fn parse_drive(path: &OsStr) -> Option<u8> {
// In most DOS systems, it is not possible to have more than 26 drive letters.
// See <>.
fn is_valid_drive_letter(drive: &u8) -> bool {
match path.as_encoded_bytes() {
[drive, b':', ..] if is_valid_drive_letter(drive) => Some(drive.to_ascii_uppercase()),
_ => None,
// Parses a drive prefix exactly, e.g. "C:"
fn parse_drive_exact(path: &OsStr) -> Option<u8> {
// only parse two bytes: the drive letter and the drive separator
if path.as_encoded_bytes().get(2).map(|&x| is_sep_byte(x)).unwrap_or(true) {
} else {
// Parse the next path component.
// Returns the next component and the rest of the path excluding the component and separator.
// Does not recognize `/` as a separator character if `verbatim` is true.
fn parse_next_component(path: &OsStr, verbatim: bool) -> (&OsStr, &OsStr) {
let separator = if verbatim { is_verbatim_sep } else { is_sep_byte };
match path.as_encoded_bytes().iter().position(|&x| separator(x)) {
Some(separator_start) => {
let separator_end = separator_start + 1;
let component = &path.as_encoded_bytes()[..separator_start];
// Panic safe
// The max `separator_end` is `bytes.len()` and `bytes[bytes.len()..]` is a valid index.
let path = &path.as_encoded_bytes()[separator_end..];
// SAFETY: `path` is a valid wtf8 encoded slice and each of the separators ('/', '\')
// is encoded in a single byte, therefore `bytes[separator_start]` and
// `bytes[separator_end]` must be code point boundaries and thus
// `bytes[..separator_start]` and `bytes[separator_end..]` are valid wtf8 slices.
unsafe {
None => (path, OsStr::new("")),
/// Returns a UTF-16 encoded path capable of bypassing the legacy `MAX_PATH` limits.
/// This path may or may not have a verbatim prefix.
pub(crate) fn maybe_verbatim(path: &Path) -> io::Result<Vec<u16>> {
let path = to_u16s(path)?;
get_long_path(path, true)
/// Get a normalized absolute path that can bypass path length limits.
/// Setting prefer_verbatim to true suggests a stronger preference for verbatim
/// paths even when not strictly necessary. This allows the Windows API to avoid
/// repeating our work. However, if the path may be given back to users or
/// passed to other application then it's preferable to use non-verbatim paths
/// when possible. Non-verbatim paths are better understood by users and handled
/// by more software.
pub(crate) fn get_long_path(mut path: Vec<u16>, prefer_verbatim: bool) -> io::Result<Vec<u16>> {
// Normally the MAX_PATH is 260 UTF-16 code units (including the NULL).
// However, for APIs such as CreateDirectory[1], the limit is 248.
// [1]:
const LEGACY_MAX_PATH: usize = 248;
// UTF-16 encoded code points, used in parsing and building UTF-16 paths.
// All of these are in the ASCII range so they can be cast directly to `u16`.
const SEP: u16 = b'\\' as _;
const ALT_SEP: u16 = b'/' as _;
const QUERY: u16 = b'?' as _;
const COLON: u16 = b':' as _;
const DOT: u16 = b'.' as _;
const U: u16 = b'U' as _;
const N: u16 = b'N' as _;
const C: u16 = b'C' as _;
// \\?\
const VERBATIM_PREFIX: &[u16] = &[SEP, SEP, QUERY, SEP];
// \??\
const NT_PREFIX: &[u16] = &[SEP, QUERY, QUERY, SEP];
// \\?\UNC\
const UNC_PREFIX: &[u16] = &[SEP, SEP, QUERY, SEP, U, N, C, SEP];
if path.starts_with(VERBATIM_PREFIX) || path.starts_with(NT_PREFIX) || path == &[0] {
// Early return for paths that are already verbatim or empty.
return Ok(path);
} else if path.len() < LEGACY_MAX_PATH {
// Early return if an absolute path is less < 260 UTF-16 code units.
// This is an optimization to avoid calling `GetFullPathNameW` unnecessarily.
match path.as_slice() {
// Starts with `D:`, `D:\`, `D:/`, etc.
// Does not match if the path starts with a `\` or `/`.
[drive, COLON, 0] | [drive, COLON, SEP | ALT_SEP, ..]
if *drive != SEP && *drive != ALT_SEP =>
return Ok(path);
// Starts with `\\`, `//`, etc
[SEP | ALT_SEP, SEP | ALT_SEP, ..] => return Ok(path),
_ => {}
// Firstly, get the absolute path using `GetFullPathNameW`.
let lpfilename = path.as_ptr();
// SAFETY: `fill_utf16_buf` ensures the `buffer` and `size` are valid.
// `lpfilename` is a pointer to a null terminated string that is not
// invalidated until after `GetFullPathNameW` returns successfully.
|buffer, size| unsafe { c::GetFullPathNameW(lpfilename, size, buffer, ptr::null_mut()) },
|mut absolute| {
// Only prepend the prefix if needed.
if prefer_verbatim || absolute.len() + 1 >= LEGACY_MAX_PATH {
// Secondly, add the verbatim prefix. This is easier here because we know the
// path is now absolute and fully normalized (e.g. `/` has been changed to `\`).
let prefix = match absolute {
// C:\ => \\?\C:\
// \\.\ => \\?\
[SEP, SEP, DOT, SEP, ..] => {
absolute = &absolute[4..];
// Leave \\?\ and \??\ as-is.
[SEP, SEP, QUERY, SEP, ..] | [SEP, QUERY, QUERY, SEP, ..] => &[],
// \\ => \\?\UNC\
[SEP, SEP, ..] => {
absolute = &absolute[2..];
// Anything else we leave alone.
_ => &[],
path.reserve_exact(prefix.len() + absolute.len() + 1);
} else {
path.reserve_exact(absolute.len() + 1);
/// Make a Windows path absolute.
pub(crate) fn absolute(path: &Path) -> io::Result<PathBuf> {
let path = path.as_os_str();
let prefix = parse_prefix(path);
// Verbatim paths should not be modified.
if|x| x.is_verbatim()).unwrap_or(false) {
// NULs in verbatim paths are rejected for consistency.
if path.as_encoded_bytes().contains(&0) {
return Err(io::const_io_error!(
"strings passed to WinAPI cannot contain NULs",
return Ok(path.to_owned().into());
let path = to_u16s(path)?;
let lpfilename = path.as_ptr();
// SAFETY: `fill_utf16_buf` ensures the `buffer` and `size` are valid.
// `lpfilename` is a pointer to a null terminated string that is not
// invalidated until after `GetFullPathNameW` returns successfully.
|buffer, size| unsafe { c::GetFullPathNameW(lpfilename, size, buffer, ptr::null_mut()) },