blob: 3926c395ec9ac079db073a6f0a8c423382725401 [file] [log] [blame]
use super::sealed::Sealed;
use crate::simd::{intrinsics, LaneCount, Simd, SimdCast, SimdElement, SupportedLaneCount};
/// Operations on SIMD vectors of unsigned integers.
pub trait SimdUint: Copy + Sealed {
/// Scalar type contained by this SIMD vector type.
type Scalar;
/// A SIMD vector with a different element type.
type Cast<T: SimdElement>;
/// Performs elementwise conversion of this vector's elements to another SIMD-valid type.
/// This follows the semantics of Rust's `as` conversion for casting integers (wrapping to
/// other integer types, and saturating to float types).
fn cast<T: SimdCast>(self) -> Self::Cast<T>;
/// Lanewise saturating add.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #![feature(portable_simd)]
/// # #[cfg(feature = "as_crate")] use core_simd::simd;
/// # #[cfg(not(feature = "as_crate"))] use core::simd;
/// # use simd::{Simd, SimdUint};
/// use core::u32::MAX;
/// let x = Simd::from_array([2, 1, 0, MAX]);
/// let max = Simd::splat(MAX);
/// let unsat = x + max;
/// let sat = x.saturating_add(max);
/// assert_eq!(unsat, Simd::from_array([1, 0, MAX, MAX - 1]));
/// assert_eq!(sat, max);
/// ```
fn saturating_add(self, second: Self) -> Self;
/// Lanewise saturating subtract.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # #![feature(portable_simd)]
/// # #[cfg(feature = "as_crate")] use core_simd::simd;
/// # #[cfg(not(feature = "as_crate"))] use core::simd;
/// # use simd::{Simd, SimdUint};
/// use core::u32::MAX;
/// let x = Simd::from_array([2, 1, 0, MAX]);
/// let max = Simd::splat(MAX);
/// let unsat = x - max;
/// let sat = x.saturating_sub(max);
/// assert_eq!(unsat, Simd::from_array([3, 2, 1, 0]));
/// assert_eq!(sat, Simd::splat(0));
fn saturating_sub(self, second: Self) -> Self;
/// Returns the sum of the lanes of the vector, with wrapping addition.
fn reduce_sum(self) -> Self::Scalar;
/// Returns the product of the lanes of the vector, with wrapping multiplication.
fn reduce_product(self) -> Self::Scalar;
/// Returns the maximum lane in the vector.
fn reduce_max(self) -> Self::Scalar;
/// Returns the minimum lane in the vector.
fn reduce_min(self) -> Self::Scalar;
/// Returns the cumulative bitwise "and" across the lanes of the vector.
fn reduce_and(self) -> Self::Scalar;
/// Returns the cumulative bitwise "or" across the lanes of the vector.
fn reduce_or(self) -> Self::Scalar;
/// Returns the cumulative bitwise "xor" across the lanes of the vector.
fn reduce_xor(self) -> Self::Scalar;
macro_rules! impl_trait {
{ $($ty:ty),* } => {
impl<const LANES: usize> Sealed for Simd<$ty, LANES>
LaneCount<LANES>: SupportedLaneCount,
impl<const LANES: usize> SimdUint for Simd<$ty, LANES>
LaneCount<LANES>: SupportedLaneCount,
type Scalar = $ty;
type Cast<T: SimdElement> = Simd<T, LANES>;
fn cast<T: SimdCast>(self) -> Self::Cast<T> {
// Safety: supported types are guaranteed by SimdCast
unsafe { intrinsics::simd_as(self) }
fn saturating_add(self, second: Self) -> Self {
// Safety: `self` is a vector
unsafe { intrinsics::simd_saturating_add(self, second) }
fn saturating_sub(self, second: Self) -> Self {
// Safety: `self` is a vector
unsafe { intrinsics::simd_saturating_sub(self, second) }
fn reduce_sum(self) -> Self::Scalar {
// Safety: `self` is an integer vector
unsafe { intrinsics::simd_reduce_add_ordered(self, 0) }
fn reduce_product(self) -> Self::Scalar {
// Safety: `self` is an integer vector
unsafe { intrinsics::simd_reduce_mul_ordered(self, 1) }
fn reduce_max(self) -> Self::Scalar {
// Safety: `self` is an integer vector
unsafe { intrinsics::simd_reduce_max(self) }
fn reduce_min(self) -> Self::Scalar {
// Safety: `self` is an integer vector
unsafe { intrinsics::simd_reduce_min(self) }
fn reduce_and(self) -> Self::Scalar {
// Safety: `self` is an integer vector
unsafe { intrinsics::simd_reduce_and(self) }
fn reduce_or(self) -> Self::Scalar {
// Safety: `self` is an integer vector
unsafe { intrinsics::simd_reduce_or(self) }
fn reduce_xor(self) -> Self::Scalar {
// Safety: `self` is an integer vector
unsafe { intrinsics::simd_reduce_xor(self) }
impl_trait! { u8, u16, u32, u64, usize }