blob: 358fa6de61004a30f2edfe2ae3b38d5d75380e04 [file] [log] [blame]
#![unstable(feature = "fmt_internals", reason = "internal to format_args!", issue = "none")]
//! These are the lang items used by format_args!().
use super::*;
#[lang = "format_placeholder"]
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Placeholder {
pub position: usize,
pub fill: char,
pub align: Alignment,
pub flags: u32,
pub precision: Count,
pub width: Count,
impl Placeholder {
pub const fn new(
position: usize,
fill: char,
align: Alignment,
flags: u32,
precision: Count,
width: Count,
) -> Self {
Self { position, fill, align, flags, precision, width }
#[lang = "format_alignment"]
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Alignment {
/// Used by [width](
/// and [precision]( specifiers.
#[lang = "format_count"]
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum Count {
/// Specified with a literal number, stores the value
/// Specified using `$` and `*` syntaxes, stores the index into `args`
/// Not specified
// This needs to match the order of flags in compiler/rustc_ast_lowering/src/
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub(super) enum Flag {
/// This struct represents the generic "argument" which is taken by format_args!().
/// It contains a function to format the given value. At compile time it is ensured that the
/// function and the value have the correct types, and then this struct is used to canonicalize
/// arguments to one type.
/// Argument is essentially an optimized partially applied formatting function,
/// equivalent to `exists T.(&T, fn(&T, &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result`.
#[lang = "format_argument"]
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Argument<'a> {
value: &'a Opaque,
formatter: fn(&Opaque, &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result,
cast_stub: fn(fn(&Opaque, &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result, &Opaque, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result
fn cast_stub<T>(formatter: fn(&Opaque, &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result, value: &Opaque, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result {
let value: &T = unsafe { mem::transmute(value) };
let formatter: fn(&T, &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result = unsafe { mem::transmute(formatter) };
formatter(value, f)
#[rustc_diagnostic_item = "ArgumentMethods"]
impl<'a> Argument<'a> {
fn new<'b, T>(x: &'b T, f: fn(&T, &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result) -> Argument<'b> {
// SAFETY: `mem::transmute(x)` is safe because
// 1. `&'b T` keeps the lifetime it originated with `'b`
// (so as to not have an unbounded lifetime)
// 2. `&'b T` and `&'b Opaque` have the same memory layout
// (when `T` is `Sized`, as it is here)
// `mem::transmute(f)` is safe since `fn(&T, &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result`
// and `fn(&Opaque, &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result` have the same ABI
// (as long as `T` is `Sized`)
unsafe { Argument { formatter: mem::transmute(f), value: mem::transmute(x), cast_stub: cast_stub::<T> } }
pub fn new_display<'b, T: Display>(x: &'b T) -> Argument<'_> {
Self::new(x, Display::fmt)
pub fn new_debug<'b, T: Debug>(x: &'b T) -> Argument<'_> {
Self::new(x, Debug::fmt)
pub fn new_octal<'b, T: Octal>(x: &'b T) -> Argument<'_> {
Self::new(x, Octal::fmt)
pub fn new_lower_hex<'b, T: LowerHex>(x: &'b T) -> Argument<'_> {
Self::new(x, LowerHex::fmt)
pub fn new_upper_hex<'b, T: UpperHex>(x: &'b T) -> Argument<'_> {
Self::new(x, UpperHex::fmt)
pub fn new_pointer<'b, T: Pointer>(x: &'b T) -> Argument<'_> {
Self::new(x, Pointer::fmt)
pub fn new_binary<'b, T: Binary>(x: &'b T) -> Argument<'_> {
Self::new(x, Binary::fmt)
pub fn new_lower_exp<'b, T: LowerExp>(x: &'b T) -> Argument<'_> {
Self::new(x, LowerExp::fmt)
pub fn new_upper_exp<'b, T: UpperExp>(x: &'b T) -> Argument<'_> {
Self::new(x, UpperExp::fmt)
pub fn from_usize(x: &usize) -> Argument<'_> {
Self::new(x, USIZE_MARKER)
// FIXME: Transmuting formatter in new and indirectly branching to/calling
// it here is an explicit CFI violation.
#[no_sanitize(cfi, kcfi)]
pub(super) fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result {
(self.cast_stub)(self.formatter, self.value, f)
pub(super) fn as_usize(&self) -> Option<usize> {
// We are type punning a bit here: USIZE_MARKER only takes an &usize but
// formatter takes an &Opaque. Rust understandably doesn't think we should compare
// the function pointers if they don't have the same signature, so we cast to
// usizes to tell it that we just want to compare addresses.
if self.formatter as usize == USIZE_MARKER as usize {
// SAFETY: The `formatter` field is only set to USIZE_MARKER if
// the value is a usize, so this is safe
Some(unsafe { *(self.value as *const _ as *const usize) })
} else {
/// Used by `format_args` when all arguments are gone after inlining,
/// when using `&[]` would incorrectly allow for a bigger lifetime.
/// This fails without format argument inlining, and that shouldn't be different
/// when the argument is inlined:
/// ```compile_fail,E0716
/// let f = format_args!("{}", "a");
/// println!("{f}");
/// ```
pub fn none() -> [Self; 0] {
/// This struct represents the unsafety of constructing an `Arguments`.
/// It exists, rather than an unsafe function, in order to simplify the expansion
/// of `format_args!(..)` and reduce the scope of the `unsafe` block.
#[lang = "format_unsafe_arg"]
pub struct UnsafeArg {
_private: (),
impl UnsafeArg {
/// See documentation where `UnsafeArg` is required to know when it is safe to
/// create and use `UnsafeArg`.
pub unsafe fn new() -> Self {
Self { _private: () }
extern "C" {
type Opaque;
// This guarantees a single stable value for the function pointer associated with
// indices/counts in the formatting infrastructure.
// Note that a function defined as such would not be correct as functions are
// always tagged unnamed_addr with the current lowering to LLVM IR, so their
// address is not considered important to LLVM and as such the as_usize cast
// could have been miscompiled. In practice, we never call as_usize on non-usize
// containing data (as a matter of static generation of the formatting
// arguments), so this is merely an additional check.
// We primarily want to ensure that the function pointer at `USIZE_MARKER` has
// an address corresponding *only* to functions that also take `&usize` as their
// first argument. The read_volatile here ensures that we can safely ready out a
// usize from the passed reference and that this address does not point at a
// non-usize taking function.
static USIZE_MARKER: fn(&usize, &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result = |ptr, _| {
// SAFETY: ptr is a reference
let _v: usize = unsafe { crate::ptr::read_volatile(ptr) };
loop {}