blob: 86424c4123e72307ffb3d3d641ca1f80fbb86366 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.hardware.camera2.CameraCharacteristics;
import android.util.Range;
import android.util.Size;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* Advanced OEM contract for implementing Extensions. ImageCapture/Preview Extensions are both
* implemented on this interface.
* <p>This advanced OEM contract empowers OEM to gain access to more Camera2 capability. This
* includes: (1) Add custom surfaces with specific formats like YUV, RAW, RAW_DEPTH. (2) Access to
* the capture request callbacks as well as all the images retrieved of various image formats. (3)
* Able to triggers single or repeating request with the capabilities to specify target surfaces,
* template id and parameters.
* <p>OEM needs to implement it with class name HdrAdvancedExtenderImpl for HDR,
* NightAdvancedExtenderImpl for night mode, BeautyAdvancedExtenderImpl for beauty mode,
* BokehAdvancedExtenderImpl for bokeh mode and AutoAdvancedExtenderImpl for auto mode.
* <p>OEMs are required to return true in
* {@link ExtensionVersionImpl#isAdvancedExtenderImplemented()} in order to request CameraX to
* use advanced extender over basic extender. OEM is okay to implement advanced
* extender only Or basic extender only. However the caveat of advanced-only implementation is,
* extensions will be unavailable on the apps using interfaces prior to 1.2.
* @since 1.2
public interface AdvancedExtenderImpl {
* Indicates whether the extension is supported on the device.
* @param cameraId The camera2 id string of the camera.
* @param characteristicsMap A map consisting of the camera ids and the
* {@link CameraCharacteristics}s. For every camera, the map
* contains at least the CameraCharacteristics for the camera id.
* If the camera is logical camera, it will also contain associated
* physical camera ids and their CameraCharacteristics.
* @return true if the extension is supported, otherwise false
boolean isExtensionAvailable(String cameraId,
Map<String, CameraCharacteristics> characteristicsMap);
* Initializes the extender to be used with the specified camera.
* <p>This should be called before any other method on the extender. The exception is {@link
* #isExtensionAvailable}.
* @param cameraId The camera2 id string of the camera.
* @param characteristicsMap A map consisting of the camera ids and the
* {@link CameraCharacteristics}s. For every camera, the map
* contains at least the CameraCharacteristics for the camera id.
* If the camera is logical camera, it will also contain associated
* physical camera ids and their CameraCharacteristics.
void init(String cameraId, Map<String, CameraCharacteristics> characteristicsMap);
* Returns the estimated capture latency range in milliseconds for the
* target capture resolution during the calls to
* {@link SessionProcessorImpl#startCapture}. This
* includes the time spent processing the multi-frame capture request along with any additional
* time for encoding of the processed buffer in the framework if necessary.
* @param cameraId the camera id
* @param captureOutputSize size of the capture output surface. If it is null or not in the
* supported output sizes, maximum capture output size is used for
* the estimation.
* @param imageFormat the image format of the capture output surface.
* @return the range of estimated minimal and maximal capture latency in milliseconds.
* Returns null if no capture latency info can be provided.
Range<Long> getEstimatedCaptureLatencyRange(String cameraId,
Size captureOutputSize, int imageFormat);
* Returns supported output format/size map for preview. The format could be PRIVATE or
* YUV_420_888. OEM must support PRIVATE format at least. CameraX will only use resolutions
* for preview from the list.
* <p>The preview surface format in the CameraCaptureSession may not be identical to the
* supported preview output format returned here. Like in the basic extender interface, the
* preview PRIVATE surface could be added to the CameraCaptureSession and OEM processes it in
* the HAL. Alternatively OEM can configure a intermediate YUV surface of the same size and
* writes the output to the preview output surface.
Map<Integer, List<Size>> getSupportedPreviewOutputResolutions(String cameraId);
* Returns supported output format/size map for image capture. OEM is required to support
* both JPEG and YUV_420_888 format output.
* <p>Like in the basic extender interface, the surface created with this supported
* format/size could be either added in CameraCaptureSession with HAL processing OR it
* configures intermediate surfaces(YUV/RAW..) and writes the output to the output surface.
Map<Integer, List<Size>> getSupportedCaptureOutputResolutions(String cameraId);
* Returns supported output sizes for Image Analysis (YUV_420_888 format).
* <p>OEM can optionally support a YUV surface for ImageAnalysis along with Preview/ImageCapture
* output surfaces. If imageAnalysis YUV surface is not supported, OEM will return null or
* empty list.
List<Size> getSupportedYuvAnalysisResolutions(String cameraId);
* Returns a processor for activating extension sessions. It implements all the interactions
* required for starting a extension and cleanup.
SessionProcessorImpl createSessionProcessor();