blob: 57944803ad24f48662a73c5b9ebb63bfa33645dd [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Sample Usage:
# $ python3 --order-files %../orderfiles/test
# Try '-h' for a full list of command line arguments.
# Note: We allow three formats: Folder, File, and CSV
# As lower end devices require the most help, you can give
# their order files a higher weight.
# You can only provide weights if you choose File format.
# For example, an order file weight of 4 means the edges
# in the graph will be multiplied by 4.
# CSV and Folder assume all files have a weight of 1.
# An example file can be found at ../test/merge-test/merge.txt
from bitarray import bitarray
import argparse
import graphviz
import orderfile_utils
class Vertex(object):
"""Vertex (symbol) in the graph."""
def __init__(self, name: str) -> None: = name
self.count = 0
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
if isinstance(other, Vertex):
return ==
return False
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return hash(
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f'{}({self.count})'
def appears(self) -> None:
self.count += 1
class Graph(object):
"""Graph representation of the order files."""
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.graph = {}
self.reverse = {}
self.vertices = {}
def __str__(self) -> str:
string = ""
for (f_symbol, value) in self.graph.items():
for (t_symbol, weight) in self.graph[f_symbol].items():
string += f'{f_symbol} --{weight}--> {t_symbol}\n'
return string
def addVertex(self, symbol: str) -> None:
if symbol not in self.vertices:
v = Vertex(symbol)
self.vertices[symbol] = v
self.graph[v] = {}
self.reverse[v] = {}
def addEdge(self, from_symbol: str, to_symbol: str) -> None:
"""Add an edge (it represents two symbols are consecutive)."""
from_vertex = self.vertices.get(from_symbol)
to_vertex = self.vertices.get(to_symbol)
if from_vertex is None:
raise RuntimeError(f"Symbol {from_symbol} is not in graph")
if to_vertex is None:
raise RuntimeError(f"Symbol {to_symbol} is not in graph")
if to_vertex not in self.graph[from_vertex]:
self.graph[from_vertex][to_vertex] = 0
self.reverse[to_vertex][from_vertex] = 0
self.graph[from_vertex][to_vertex] += 1
self.reverse[to_vertex][from_vertex] += 1
def removeEdgeCompletely(self, from_symbol: str, to_symbol: str) -> None:
"""Remove the edge from the graph"""
from_vertex = self.vertices.get(from_symbol)
to_vertex = self.vertices.get(to_symbol)
if from_vertex is None:
raise RuntimeError(f"Symbol {from_symbol} is not in graph")
if to_vertex is None:
raise RuntimeError(f"Symbol {to_symbol} is not in graph")
del self.graph[from_vertex][to_vertex]
del self.reverse[to_vertex][from_vertex]
to_vertex.count -= 1
def checkVertex(self, symbol: str) -> bool:
return symbol in self.vertices
def checkEdge(self, from_symbol: str, to_symbol: str) -> bool:
if not self.checkVertex(from_symbol):
return False
if not self.checkVertex(to_symbol):
return False
from_vertex = self.vertices.get(from_symbol)
to_vertex = self.vertices.get(to_symbol)
if from_vertex not in self.graph:
return False
return to_vertex in self.graph[from_vertex]
def checkEdgeWeight(self, from_symbol: str, to_symbol: str, weight: str) -> bool:
if not self.checkEdge(from_symbol, to_symbol):
return False
from_vertex = self.vertices.get(from_symbol)
to_vertex = self.vertices.get(to_symbol)
return self.graph[from_vertex][to_vertex] == weight
def getOutEdges(self, symbol: str):
"""Graph the out edges for a vertex."""
out_edges = []
vertex = self.vertices.get(symbol)
if vertex is None:
raise RuntimeError(f"Symbol {symbol} is not in graph")
for (key, value) in self.graph[vertex].items():
out_edges.append((key, value))
return out_edges
def getInEdges(self, symbol: str):
"""Graph the in edges for a vertex."""
in_edges = []
vertex = self.vertices.get(symbol)
if vertex is None:
raise RuntimeError(f"Symbol {symbol} is not in graph")
for (key, value) in self.reverse[vertex].items():
in_edges.append((key, value))
return in_edges
def getRoots(self, reverse=False) -> list[str]:
"""Get the roots of the graph (Vertex with no in edges)."""
roots = []
for (symbol,_) in self.vertices.items():
if not reverse:
if len(self.getInEdges(symbol)) == 0:
# If you want the reverse (vertex with no out edges)
if len(self.getOutEdges(symbol)) == 0:
return roots
def __cyclesUtil(self, vertex: Vertex) -> None:
for (out_vertex, _) in self.graph[vertex].items():
# If vertex already appeared in current depth search, we have a backedge
if out_vertex in self.curr_search:
# We save save all vertices in the cycle because an edge from the cycle will be removed
index = self.curr_search.index(out_vertex)
temp_lst = self.curr_search[index:]
# If vertex visited before in a previous search, we do not need to search from it again
elif out_vertex not in self.visited:
def getCycles(self) -> list[list[tuple[str]]]:
self.visited = set()
self.curr_search = []
self.cycles = []
lst = []
for (_, vertex) in self.vertices.items():
if vertex not in self.visited:
return self.cycles
# Get immediate dominator for each vertex
def getDominators(self, post=False):
# Create a bitarray for each vertex to showcase which vertices
# are dominators
num_vertices = len(self.vertices)
dominators = {}
mapping = []
for (_, vertex) in self.vertices.items():
ba = bitarray(num_vertices)
dominators[vertex] = ba
# Add the root vertices
stack = []
roots = self.getRoots(post)
for root in roots:
stack.append((None, self.vertices[root]))
while len(stack) != 0:
(parent, child) = stack.pop()
# If no parent, you have no dominators from above
# If you have a parent, your dominations is the common dominators
# between all parents
if parent is None:
dominators[child] &= dominators[parent]
# You are dominator of yourself
index = mapping.index(child)
dominators[child][index] = True
if not post:
for (out_vertex,_) in self.graph[child].items():
stack.append((child, out_vertex))
for (out_vertex,_) in self.reverse[child].items():
stack.append((child, out_vertex))
for (vertex, ba) in dominators.items():
# If no Trues in bitarray, you have no immediate dominator
# because you are a root vertex. Else, you can find the
# most left True vertex excluding yourself
index = mapping.index(vertex)
ba[index] = False
if True not in ba:
dominators[vertex] = None
# Due to reverse, this is the actual index in the initial bitarray
dominator_index = ba.index(True)
dominators[vertex] = mapping[dominator_index]
return dominators
def __printOrderUtil(self, vertex):
# If already visit, we do not need to get order
if vertex in self.visited:
# Get out edges and sort them based on their weightage
out_edges = self.getOutEdges(
out_edges.sort(key = lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
# We continue dfs based on the largest weight
for (out, _) in out_edges:
def printOrder(self, output):
self.order = []
self.visited = set()
stack = []
# Create an order using DFS from the root
for root in self.getRoots():
# Write the order to a file
with open(output, "w") as f:
for vertex in self.order:
def exportGraph(self, output: str) -> None:
"""Export graph as a dot file and pdf file."""
dot = graphviz.Digraph(comment='Graph Representation of Orderfile')
for (from_vertex, to_vertices) in self.graph.items():
for (to_vertex, weight) in to_vertices.items():
dot.edge(from_vertex.__str__(), to_vertex.__str__(), label=str(weight))
def parse_args() -> argparse.Namespace:
"""Parses and returns command line arguments."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="merge_orderfile",
description="Merge Order Files")
help="A collection of order files that need to be merged together."
"Format: A file-per-line file with @, a folder with ^, or comma separated values within a quotation."
"For example, you can say @file.txt, ^path/to/folder or '1.orderfile,2.orderfile'.")
help="Provide the output file name for the order file. Default Name: default.orderfile")
help="Provide the output image name for the graph representation of the order files.")
return parser.parse_args()
def removeCycles(graph: Graph) -> None:
# Remove cycles created by combining order files
for cycleList in graph.getCycles():
# Get the sum of in edge weights for all vertices in the cycle
# We exclude the cycle edges from the calculation
# For example, cycle = [a,b,c] where cycle_edges=[a->b, b->c, c->a]
# in_edges(a) = [main, c]
# in_edges(b) = [a]
# in_edges(c) = [b]
# Excluding cycle edges:
# in_edges(a) = [main] = 1
# in_edges(b) = [] = 0
# in_edges(c) = [] = 0
inner_edges = [graph.getInEdges( for vertex in cycleList]
inner_weights = []
for inner_edge in inner_edges:
total = 0
for edge in inner_edge:
if edge[0] not in cycleList:
total += edge[1]
# We remove the cycle edge that leads to the highest sum of in-edges for a vertex
# because the vertex has other options for ordering.
# In the above example, we remove c->a
max_inner_weight = max(inner_weights)
index = inner_weights.index(max_inner_weight)
prev = index - 1
if prev < 0:
prev = len(inner_weights) - 1
to_vertex = cycleList[index]
from_vertex = cycleList[prev]
def addSymbolsToGraph(graph: Graph, order: list[str], weight: int = 1) -> None:
prev_symbol = None
for symbol in order:
if prev_symbol is not None:
for i in range(weight):
graph.addEdge(prev_symbol, symbol)
prev_symbol = symbol
def createGraph(files: list[str]) -> Graph:
graph = Graph()
# Create graph representation based on combining the order files
for (orderfile, weight) in files:
with open(orderfile, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
lst = []
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
addSymbolsToGraph(graph, lst, weight)
return graph
def main() -> None:
args = parse_args()
files = orderfile_utils.parse_merge_list(args.order_files)
graph = createGraph(files)
# Assert no cycles after removing them
assert(len(graph.getCycles()) == 0)
# Create an image of the graph representation
if args.graph_image:
# Create order file from the graph structure
if __name__ == '__main__':