blob: f5e4057f957a969d7fb6424a02758fb897c7ff47 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- DataflowEnvironment.h -----------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file defines an Environment class that is used by dataflow analyses
// that run over Control-Flow Graphs (CFGs) to keep track of the state of the
// program at given program points.
#include "clang/AST/Decl.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclBase.h"
#include "clang/AST/Expr.h"
#include "clang/AST/Type.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/ControlFlowContext.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/DataflowAnalysisContext.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/DataflowLattice.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/Formula.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/Logger.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/StorageLocation.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/Value.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/MapVector.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
namespace clang {
namespace dataflow {
/// Indicates the result of a tentative comparison.
enum class ComparisonResult {
/// Holds the state of the program (store and heap) at a given program point.
/// WARNING: Symbolic values that are created by the environment for static
/// local and global variables are not currently invalidated on function calls.
/// This is unsound and should be taken into account when designing dataflow
/// analyses.
class Environment {
/// Supplements `Environment` with non-standard comparison and join
/// operations.
class ValueModel {
virtual ~ValueModel() = default;
/// Returns:
/// `Same`: `Val1` is equivalent to `Val2`, according to the model.
/// `Different`: `Val1` is distinct from `Val2`, according to the model.
/// `Unknown`: The model can't determine a relationship between `Val1` and
/// `Val2`.
/// Requirements:
/// `Val1` and `Val2` must be distinct.
/// `Val1` and `Val2` must model values of type `Type`.
/// `Val1` and `Val2` must be assigned to the same storage location in
/// `Env1` and `Env2` respectively.
virtual ComparisonResult compare(QualType Type, const Value &Val1,
const Environment &Env1, const Value &Val2,
const Environment &Env2) {
// FIXME: Consider adding QualType to RecordValue and removing the Type
// argument here.
return ComparisonResult::Unknown;
/// Modifies `MergedVal` to approximate both `Val1` and `Val2`. This could
/// be a strict lattice join or a more general widening operation.
/// If this function returns true, `MergedVal` will be assigned to a storage
/// location of type `Type` in `MergedEnv`.
/// `Env1` and `Env2` can be used to query child values and path condition
/// implications of `Val1` and `Val2` respectively.
/// Requirements:
/// `Val1` and `Val2` must be distinct.
/// `Val1`, `Val2`, and `MergedVal` must model values of type `Type`.
/// `Val1` and `Val2` must be assigned to the same storage location in
/// `Env1` and `Env2` respectively.
virtual bool merge(QualType Type, const Value &Val1,
const Environment &Env1, const Value &Val2,
const Environment &Env2, Value &MergedVal,
Environment &MergedEnv) {
return true;
/// This function may widen the current value -- replace it with an
/// approximation that can reach a fixed point more quickly than iterated
/// application of the transfer function alone. The previous value is
/// provided to inform the choice of widened value. The function must also
/// serve as a comparison operation, by indicating whether the widened value
/// is equivalent to the previous value.
/// Returns either:
/// `nullptr`, if this value is not of interest to the model, or
/// `&Prev`, if the widened value is equivalent to `Prev`, or
/// A non-null value that approximates `Current`. `Prev` is available to
/// inform the chosen approximation.
/// `PrevEnv` and `CurrentEnv` can be used to query child values and path
/// condition implications of `Prev` and `Current`, respectively.
/// Requirements:
/// `Prev` and `Current` must model values of type `Type`.
/// `Prev` and `Current` must be assigned to the same storage location in
/// `PrevEnv` and `CurrentEnv`, respectively.
virtual Value *widen(QualType Type, Value &Prev, const Environment &PrevEnv,
Value &Current, Environment &CurrentEnv) {
// The default implementation reduces to just comparison, since comparison
// is required by the API, even if no widening is performed.
switch (compare(Type, Prev, PrevEnv, Current, CurrentEnv)) {
case ComparisonResult::Same:
return &Prev;
case ComparisonResult::Different:
return &Current;
case ComparisonResult::Unknown:
return nullptr;
llvm_unreachable("all cases in switch covered");
/// Creates an environment that uses `DACtx` to store objects that encompass
/// the state of a program.
explicit Environment(DataflowAnalysisContext &DACtx);
// Copy-constructor is private, Environments should not be copied. See fork().
Environment &operator=(const Environment &Other) = delete;
Environment(Environment &&Other) = default;
Environment &operator=(Environment &&Other) = default;
/// Creates an environment that uses `DACtx` to store objects that encompass
/// the state of a program.
/// If `DeclCtx` is a function, initializes the environment with symbolic
/// representations of the function parameters.
/// If `DeclCtx` is a non-static member function, initializes the environment
/// with a symbolic representation of the `this` pointee.
Environment(DataflowAnalysisContext &DACtx, const DeclContext &DeclCtx);
/// Returns a new environment that is a copy of this one.
/// The state of the program is initially the same, but can be mutated without
/// affecting the original.
/// However the original should not be further mutated, as this may interfere
/// with the fork. (In practice, values are stored independently, but the
/// forked flow condition references the original).
Environment fork() const;
/// Creates and returns an environment to use for an inline analysis of the
/// callee. Uses the storage location from each argument in the `Call` as the
/// storage location for the corresponding parameter in the callee.
/// Requirements:
/// The callee of `Call` must be a `FunctionDecl`.
/// The body of the callee must not reference globals.
/// The arguments of `Call` must map 1:1 to the callee's parameters.
Environment pushCall(const CallExpr *Call) const;
Environment pushCall(const CXXConstructExpr *Call) const;
/// Moves gathered information back into `this` from a `CalleeEnv` created via
/// `pushCall`.
void popCall(const CallExpr *Call, const Environment &CalleeEnv);
void popCall(const CXXConstructExpr *Call, const Environment &CalleeEnv);
/// Returns true if and only if the environment is equivalent to `Other`, i.e
/// the two environments:
/// - have the same mappings from declarations to storage locations,
/// - have the same mappings from expressions to storage locations,
/// - have the same or equivalent (according to `Model`) values assigned to
/// the same storage locations.
/// Requirements:
/// `Other` and `this` must use the same `DataflowAnalysisContext`.
bool equivalentTo(const Environment &Other,
Environment::ValueModel &Model) const;
/// Joins two environments by taking the intersection of storage locations and
/// values that are stored in them. Distinct values that are assigned to the
/// same storage locations in `EnvA` and `EnvB` are merged using `Model`.
/// Requirements:
/// `EnvA` and `EnvB` must use the same `DataflowAnalysisContext`.
static Environment join(const Environment &EnvA, const Environment &EnvB,
Environment::ValueModel &Model);
/// Widens the environment point-wise, using `PrevEnv` as needed to inform the
/// approximation.
/// Requirements:
/// `PrevEnv` must be the immediate previous version of the environment.
/// `PrevEnv` and `this` must use the same `DataflowAnalysisContext`.
LatticeJoinEffect widen(const Environment &PrevEnv,
Environment::ValueModel &Model);
// FIXME: Rename `createOrGetStorageLocation` to `getOrCreateStorageLocation`,
// `getStableStorageLocation`, or something more appropriate.
/// Creates a storage location appropriate for `Type`. Does not assign a value
/// to the returned storage location in the environment.
/// Requirements:
/// `Type` must not be null.
StorageLocation &createStorageLocation(QualType Type);
/// Creates a storage location for `D`. Does not assign the returned storage
/// location to `D` in the environment. Does not assign a value to the
/// returned storage location in the environment.
StorageLocation &createStorageLocation(const VarDecl &D);
/// Creates a storage location for `E`. Does not assign the returned storage
/// location to `E` in the environment. Does not assign a value to the
/// returned storage location in the environment.
StorageLocation &createStorageLocation(const Expr &E);
/// Assigns `Loc` as the storage location of `D` in the environment.
/// Requirements:
/// `D` must not already have a storage location in the environment.
void setStorageLocation(const ValueDecl &D, StorageLocation &Loc);
/// Returns the storage location assigned to `D` in the environment, or null
/// if `D` isn't assigned a storage location in the environment.
StorageLocation *getStorageLocation(const ValueDecl &D) const;
/// Assigns `Loc` as the storage location of the glvalue `E` in the
/// environment.
/// Requirements:
/// `E` must not be assigned a storage location in the environment.
/// `E` must be a glvalue or a `BuiltinType::BuiltinFn`
void setStorageLocation(const Expr &E, StorageLocation &Loc);
/// Returns the storage location assigned to the glvalue `E` in the
/// environment, or null if `E` isn't assigned a storage location in the
/// environment.
/// Requirements:
/// `E` must be a glvalue or a `BuiltinType::BuiltinFn`
StorageLocation *getStorageLocation(const Expr &E) const;
/// Returns the storage location assigned to the `this` pointee in the
/// environment or null if the `this` pointee has no assigned storage location
/// in the environment.
RecordStorageLocation *getThisPointeeStorageLocation() const;
/// Returns the location of the result object for a record-type prvalue.
/// In C++, prvalues of record type serve only a limited purpose: They can
/// only be used to initialize a result object (e.g. a variable or a
/// temporary). This function returns the location of that result object.
/// When creating a prvalue of record type, we already need the storage
/// location of the result object to pass in `this`, even though prvalues are
/// otherwise not associated with storage locations.
/// FIXME: Currently, this simply returns a stable storage location for `E`,
/// but this doesn't do the right thing in scenarios like the following:
/// ```
/// MyClass c = some_condition()? MyClass(foo) : MyClass(bar);
/// ```
/// Here, `MyClass(foo)` and `MyClass(bar)` will have two different storage
/// locations, when in fact their storage locations should be the same.
/// Eventually, we want to propagate storage locations from result objects
/// down to the prvalues that initialize them, similar to the way that this is
/// done in Clang's CodeGen.
/// Requirements:
/// `E` must be a prvalue of record type.
RecordStorageLocation &getResultObjectLocation(const Expr &RecordPRValue);
/// Returns the return value of the current function. This can be null if:
/// - The function has a void return type
/// - No return value could be determined for the function, for example
/// because it calls a function without a body.
/// Requirements:
/// The current function must have a non-reference return type.
Value *getReturnValue() const {
assert(getCurrentFunc() != nullptr &&
return ReturnVal;
/// Returns the storage location for the reference returned by the current
/// function. This can be null if function doesn't return a single consistent
/// reference.
/// Requirements:
/// The current function must have a reference return type.
StorageLocation *getReturnStorageLocation() const {
assert(getCurrentFunc() != nullptr &&
return ReturnLoc;
/// Sets the return value of the current function.
/// Requirements:
/// The current function must have a non-reference return type.
void setReturnValue(Value *Val) {
assert(getCurrentFunc() != nullptr &&
ReturnVal = Val;
/// Sets the storage location for the reference returned by the current
/// function.
/// Requirements:
/// The current function must have a reference return type.
void setReturnStorageLocation(StorageLocation *Loc) {
assert(getCurrentFunc() != nullptr &&
ReturnLoc = Loc;
/// Returns a pointer value that represents a null pointer. Calls with
/// `PointeeType` that are canonically equivalent will return the same result.
PointerValue &getOrCreateNullPointerValue(QualType PointeeType);
/// Creates a value appropriate for `Type`, if `Type` is supported, otherwise
/// returns null.
/// If `Type` is a pointer or reference type, creates all the necessary
/// storage locations and values for indirections until it finds a
/// non-pointer/non-reference type.
/// If `Type` is a class, struct, or union type, calls `setValue()` to
/// associate the `RecordValue` with its storage location
/// (`RecordValue::getLoc()`).
/// If `Type` is one of the following types, this function will always return
/// a non-null pointer:
/// - `bool`
/// - Any integer type
/// - Any class, struct, or union type
/// Requirements:
/// `Type` must not be null.
Value *createValue(QualType Type);
/// Creates an object (i.e. a storage location with an associated value) of
/// type `Ty`. If `InitExpr` is non-null and has a value associated with it,
/// initializes the object with this value. Otherwise, initializes the object
/// with a value created using `createValue()`.
StorageLocation &createObject(QualType Ty, const Expr *InitExpr = nullptr) {
return createObjectInternal(nullptr, Ty, InitExpr);
/// Creates an object for the variable declaration `D`. If `D` has an
/// initializer and this initializer is associated with a value, initializes
/// the object with this value. Otherwise, initializes the object with a
/// value created using `createValue()`. Uses the storage location returned by
/// `DataflowAnalysisContext::getStableStorageLocation(D)`.
StorageLocation &createObject(const VarDecl &D) {
return createObjectInternal(&D, D.getType(), D.getInit());
/// Creates an object for the variable declaration `D`. If `InitExpr` is
/// non-null and has a value associated with it, initializes the object with
/// this value. Otherwise, initializes the object with a value created using
/// `createValue()`. Uses the storage location returned by
/// `DataflowAnalysisContext::getStableStorageLocation(D)`.
StorageLocation &createObject(const VarDecl &D, const Expr *InitExpr) {
return createObjectInternal(&D, D.getType(), InitExpr);
/// Assigns `Val` as the value of `Loc` in the environment.
void setValue(const StorageLocation &Loc, Value &Val);
/// Clears any association between `Loc` and a value in the environment.
void clearValue(const StorageLocation &Loc) { LocToVal.erase(&Loc); }
/// Assigns `Val` as the value of the prvalue `E` in the environment.
/// If `E` is not yet associated with a storage location, associates it with
/// a newly created storage location. In any case, associates the storage
/// location of `E` with `Val`.
/// Once the migration to strict handling of value categories is complete
/// (see, this function will be renamed to
/// `setValue()`. At this point, prvalue expressions will be associated
/// directly with `Value`s, and the legacy behavior of associating prvalue
/// expressions with storage locations (as described above) will be
/// eliminated.
/// Requirements:
/// `E` must be a prvalue
/// If `Val` is a `RecordValue`, its `RecordStorageLocation` must be the
/// same as that of any `RecordValue` that has already been associated with
/// `E`. This is to guarantee that the result object initialized by a prvalue
/// `RecordValue` has a durable storage location.
void setValue(const Expr &E, Value &Val);
/// Returns the value assigned to `Loc` in the environment or null if `Loc`
/// isn't assigned a value in the environment.
Value *getValue(const StorageLocation &Loc) const;
/// Equivalent to `getValue(getStorageLocation(D))` if `D` is assigned a
/// storage location in the environment, otherwise returns null.
Value *getValue(const ValueDecl &D) const;
/// Equivalent to `getValue(getStorageLocation(E, SP))` if `E` is assigned a
/// storage location in the environment, otherwise returns null.
Value *getValue(const Expr &E) const;
// FIXME: should we deprecate the following & call arena().create() directly?
/// Creates a `T` (some subclass of `Value`), forwarding `args` to the
/// constructor, and returns a reference to it.
/// The analysis context takes ownership of the created object. The object
/// will be destroyed when the analysis context is destroyed.
template <typename T, typename... Args>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<Value, T>::value, T &>
create(Args &&...args) {
return arena().create<T>(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
/// Returns a symbolic integer value that models an integer literal equal to
/// `Value`
IntegerValue &getIntLiteralValue(llvm::APInt Value) const {
return arena().makeIntLiteral(Value);
/// Returns a symbolic boolean value that models a boolean literal equal to
/// `Value`
AtomicBoolValue &getBoolLiteralValue(bool Value) const {
return cast<AtomicBoolValue>(
/// Returns an atomic boolean value.
BoolValue &makeAtomicBoolValue() const {
return arena().makeAtomValue();
/// Returns a unique instance of boolean Top.
BoolValue &makeTopBoolValue() const {
return arena().makeTopValue();
/// Returns a boolean value that represents the conjunction of `LHS` and
/// `RHS`. Subsequent calls with the same arguments, regardless of their
/// order, will return the same result. If the given boolean values represent
/// the same value, the result will be the value itself.
BoolValue &makeAnd(BoolValue &LHS, BoolValue &RHS) const {
return arena().makeBoolValue(
arena().makeAnd(LHS.formula(), RHS.formula()));
/// Returns a boolean value that represents the disjunction of `LHS` and
/// `RHS`. Subsequent calls with the same arguments, regardless of their
/// order, will return the same result. If the given boolean values represent
/// the same value, the result will be the value itself.
BoolValue &makeOr(BoolValue &LHS, BoolValue &RHS) const {
return arena().makeBoolValue(
arena().makeOr(LHS.formula(), RHS.formula()));
/// Returns a boolean value that represents the negation of `Val`. Subsequent
/// calls with the same argument will return the same result.
BoolValue &makeNot(BoolValue &Val) const {
return arena().makeBoolValue(arena().makeNot(Val.formula()));
/// Returns a boolean value represents `LHS` => `RHS`. Subsequent calls with
/// the same arguments, will return the same result. If the given boolean
/// values represent the same value, the result will be a value that
/// represents the true boolean literal.
BoolValue &makeImplication(BoolValue &LHS, BoolValue &RHS) const {
return arena().makeBoolValue(
arena().makeImplies(LHS.formula(), RHS.formula()));
/// Returns a boolean value represents `LHS` <=> `RHS`. Subsequent calls with
/// the same arguments, regardless of their order, will return the same
/// result. If the given boolean values represent the same value, the result
/// will be a value that represents the true boolean literal.
BoolValue &makeIff(BoolValue &LHS, BoolValue &RHS) const {
return arena().makeBoolValue(
arena().makeEquals(LHS.formula(), RHS.formula()));
/// Returns a boolean variable that identifies the flow condition (FC).
/// The flow condition is a set of facts that are necessarily true when the
/// program reaches the current point, expressed as boolean formulas.
/// The flow condition token is equivalent to the AND of these facts.
/// These may e.g. constrain the value of certain variables. A pointer
/// variable may have a consistent modeled PointerValue throughout, but at a
/// given point the Environment may tell us that the value must be non-null.
/// The FC is necessary but not sufficient for this point to be reachable.
/// In particular, where the FC token appears in flow conditions of successor
/// environments, it means "point X may have been reached", not
/// "point X was reached".
Atom getFlowConditionToken() const { return FlowConditionToken; }
/// Record a fact that must be true if this point in the program is reached.
void addToFlowCondition(const Formula &);
/// Returns true if the formula is always true when this point is reached.
/// Returns false if the formula may be false, or if the flow condition isn't
/// sufficiently precise to prove that it is true.
bool flowConditionImplies(const Formula &) const;
/// Returns the `DeclContext` of the block being analysed, if any. Otherwise,
/// returns null.
const DeclContext *getDeclCtx() const { return CallStack.back(); }
/// Returns the function currently being analyzed, or null if the code being
/// analyzed isn't part of a function.
const FunctionDecl *getCurrentFunc() const {
return dyn_cast<FunctionDecl>(getDeclCtx());
/// Returns whether this `Environment` can be extended to analyze the given
/// `Callee` (i.e. if `pushCall` can be used), with recursion disallowed and a
/// given `MaxDepth`.
bool canDescend(unsigned MaxDepth, const DeclContext *Callee) const;
/// Returns the `DataflowAnalysisContext` used by the environment.
DataflowAnalysisContext &getDataflowAnalysisContext() const { return *DACtx; }
Arena &arena() const { return DACtx->arena(); }
LLVM_DUMP_METHOD void dump() const;
LLVM_DUMP_METHOD void dump(raw_ostream &OS) const;
// The copy-constructor is for use in fork() only.
Environment(const Environment &) = default;
/// Internal version of `setStorageLocation()` that doesn't check if the
/// expression is a prvalue.
void setStorageLocationInternal(const Expr &E, StorageLocation &Loc);
/// Internal version of `getStorageLocation()` that doesn't check if the
/// expression is a prvalue.
StorageLocation *getStorageLocationInternal(const Expr &E) const;
/// Creates a value appropriate for `Type`, if `Type` is supported, otherwise
/// return null.
/// Recursively initializes storage locations and values until it sees a
/// self-referential pointer or reference type. `Visited` is used to track
/// which types appeared in the reference/pointer chain in order to avoid
/// creating a cyclic dependency with self-referential pointers/references.
/// Requirements:
/// `Type` must not be null.
Value *createValueUnlessSelfReferential(QualType Type,
llvm::DenseSet<QualType> &Visited,
int Depth, int &CreatedValuesCount);
/// Creates a storage location for `Ty`. Also creates and associates a value
/// with the storage location, unless values of this type are not supported or
/// we hit one of the limits at which we stop producing values (controlled by
/// `Visited`, `Depth`, and `CreatedValuesCount`).
StorageLocation &createLocAndMaybeValue(QualType Ty,
llvm::DenseSet<QualType> &Visited,
int Depth, int &CreatedValuesCount);
/// Shared implementation of `createObject()` overloads.
/// `D` and `InitExpr` may be null.
StorageLocation &createObjectInternal(const VarDecl *D, QualType Ty,
const Expr *InitExpr);
/// Shared implementation of `pushCall` overloads. Note that unlike
/// `pushCall`, this member is invoked on the environment of the callee, not
/// of the caller.
void pushCallInternal(const FunctionDecl *FuncDecl,
ArrayRef<const Expr *> Args);
/// Assigns storage locations and values to all global variables, fields
/// and functions referenced in `FuncDecl`. `FuncDecl` must have a body.
void initFieldsGlobalsAndFuncs(const FunctionDecl *FuncDecl);
// `DACtx` is not null and not owned by this object.
DataflowAnalysisContext *DACtx;
// FIXME: move the fields `CallStack`, `ReturnVal`, `ReturnLoc` and
// `ThisPointeeLoc` into a separate call-context object, shared between
// environments in the same call.
// `DeclContext` of the block being analysed if provided.
std::vector<const DeclContext *> CallStack;
// Value returned by the function (if it has non-reference return type).
Value *ReturnVal = nullptr;
// Storage location of the reference returned by the function (if it has
// reference return type).
StorageLocation *ReturnLoc = nullptr;
// The storage location of the `this` pointee. Should only be null if the
// function being analyzed is only a function and not a method.
RecordStorageLocation *ThisPointeeLoc = nullptr;
// Maps from declarations and glvalue expression to storage locations that are
// assigned to them. Unlike the maps in `DataflowAnalysisContext`, these
// include only storage locations that are in scope for a particular basic
// block.
llvm::DenseMap<const ValueDecl *, StorageLocation *> DeclToLoc;
llvm::DenseMap<const Expr *, StorageLocation *> ExprToLoc;
// Maps from prvalue expressions and storage locations to the values that
// are assigned to them.
// We preserve insertion order so that join/widen process values in
// deterministic sequence. This in turn produces deterministic SAT formulas.
llvm::MapVector<const Expr *, Value *> ExprToVal;
llvm::MapVector<const StorageLocation *, Value *> LocToVal;
Atom FlowConditionToken;
/// Returns the storage location for the implicit object of a
/// `CXXMemberCallExpr`, or null if none is defined in the environment.
/// Dereferences the pointer if the member call expression was written using
/// `->`.
RecordStorageLocation *getImplicitObjectLocation(const CXXMemberCallExpr &MCE,
const Environment &Env);
/// Returns the storage location for the base object of a `MemberExpr`, or null
/// if none is defined in the environment. Dereferences the pointer if the
/// member expression was written using `->`.
RecordStorageLocation *getBaseObjectLocation(const MemberExpr &ME,
const Environment &Env);
/// Returns the fields of `RD` that are initialized by an `InitListExpr`, in the
/// order in which they appear in `InitListExpr::inits()`.
std::vector<FieldDecl *> getFieldsForInitListExpr(const RecordDecl *RD);
/// Associates a new `RecordValue` with `Loc` and returns the new value.
/// It is not defined whether the field values remain the same or not.
/// This function is primarily intended for use by checks that set custom
/// properties on `RecordValue`s to model the state of these values. Such checks
/// should avoid modifying the properties of an existing `RecordValue` because
/// these changes would be visible to other `Environment`s that share the same
/// `RecordValue`. Instead, call `refreshRecordValue()`, then set the properties
/// on the new `RecordValue` that it returns. Typical usage:
/// refreshRecordValue(Loc, Env).setProperty("my_prop", MyPropValue);
RecordValue &refreshRecordValue(RecordStorageLocation &Loc, Environment &Env);
/// Associates a new `RecordValue` with `Expr` and returns the new value.
/// See also documentation for the overload above.
RecordValue &refreshRecordValue(const Expr &Expr, Environment &Env);
/// Deprecated synonym for `refreshRecordValue()`.
inline RecordValue &refreshStructValue(RecordStorageLocation &Loc,
Environment &Env) {
return refreshRecordValue(Loc, Env);
inline RecordValue &refreshStructValue(const Expr &Expr, Environment &Env) {
return refreshRecordValue(Expr, Env);
} // namespace dataflow
} // namespace clang