Fixed the incorrect stride and slice height settings of OMX video port. am: 29279a6
am: 134d5f7

* commit '134d5f74e45d796b48419dd9b4bd93d0d2ee25a2':
  Fixed the incorrect stride and slice height settings of OMX video port.

Change-Id: Ia32ac9287a576123a2987577aafc420bf92fcd4c
diff --git a/base/src/portbase.cpp b/base/src/portbase.cpp
index a707876..2f1ec92 100644
--- a/base/src/portbase.cpp
+++ b/base/src/portbase.cpp
@@ -264,13 +264,9 @@
         OMX_S32 nFrameSize = getFrameBufSize(format->eColorFormat,format->nFrameWidth,format->nFrameHeight);
             temp.nBufferSize = nFrameSize;
-        if (overwrite_readonly) {
-            format->nStride = pformat->nStride;
-            format->nSliceHeight = pformat->nSliceHeight;
-        } else {
-            format->nStride = pformat->nFrameWidth;
-            format->nSliceHeight = pformat->nFrameHeight;
-        }
+        format->nStride = pformat->nStride;
+        format->nSliceHeight = pformat->nSliceHeight;