blob: 5d256632c90eb7c58b09f6a786ec7d9b65d288b9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Routine for sourcing Jim Tcl scripts. Jim Tcl doesn't have a find
# function. Therefore, Jim Tcl scripts don't use the idiom "source
# [find X.tcl]" commonly used in OpenOCD scripts.
proc source_jimtcl_script {jimtcl_script} {
set saved_pwd [pwd]
cd [file dirname [find $jimtcl_script]]
source $jimtcl_script
cd $saved_pwd
proc openocd_http_dir {} {
if {[info exists ::env(OPENOCD_HTTP_DIR)]} {
return $::env(OPENOCD_HTTP_DIR)
return [file dirname [file normalize [info script]]]
set argv {}
set argv0 openocd_bin_http
if {[info exists ::env(HTTP_BIN_PORT)]} {
lappend argv -p $::env(HTTP_BIN_PORT)
if {[info exists ::env(HTTP_BIN_IP)]} {
lappend argv -i $::env(HTTP_BIN_IP)
if {[info exists ::env(HTTP_BIN_VERBOSITY)]} {
lappend argv -v $::env(HTTP_BIN_VERBOSITY)
if {[info exists ::env(HTTP_NVDS_TOOL)]} {
lappend argv -n $::env(HTTP_NVDS_TOOL)
if {[info exists ::env(HTTP_ATM_ISP)]} {
lappend argv -s $::env(HTTP_ATM_ISP)
source_jimtcl_script [file join [openocd_http_dir] run_bin_svc_server.tcl]