blob: 66ba53428f87907d6bb3497b10a8c61802088a55 [file] [log] [blame]
* @file rc_ir.h
* @brief IR application part
* Copyright (C) Atmosic 2020-2021
#pragma once
* @brief IR initialization.
void rc_ir_init(void);
* @brief Send IR code.
* @param[in] address NEC address
* @param[in] cmd NEC command.
* @param[in] delay_ds Delay time to send.
void rc_ir_send(uint32_t address, uint32_t cmd, uint32_t delay_cs);
* @brief Stop repeat
void rc_ir_repeat_end(void);
* @brief Check universal IR key
* @param[in] atv_keycode Android TV keycode
bool rc_ir_check_uni_key(uint16_t atv_keycode);
* @brief Send Universal IR code data
* @param[in] key Universal IR key id
* @param[in] code Pointer of IR code data
* @param[in] size IR code data size
void rc_ir_send_uni_code(uint16_t key, uint8_t const *code, uint16_t size);
* @brief Clear all Universal IR code data
void rc_ir_clear_uni_codes(void);