blob: 60beed338eea0b72b13ab7eacc0e566e3f99df53 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Implementations for various PowerPC architectures.
use gdbstub::arch::Arch;
use gdbstub::arch::RegId;
pub mod reg;
/// Implements `Arch` for 32-bit PowerPC + AltiVec SIMD.
/// Check out the [module level docs](gdbstub::arch#whats-with-regidimpl) for
/// more info about the `RegIdImpl` type parameter.
pub enum PowerPcAltivec32<RegIdImpl: RegId> {
impl<RegIdImpl: RegId> Arch for PowerPcAltivec32<RegIdImpl> {
type Usize = u32;
type Registers = reg::PowerPcCommonRegs;
type RegId = RegIdImpl;
type BreakpointKind = usize;
fn target_description_xml() -> Option<&'static str> {
r#"<target version="1.0"><architecture>powerpc:common</architecture><feature name="org.gnu.gdb.power.core"></feature><feature name="org.gnu.gdb.power.fpu"></feature><feature name="org.gnu.gdb.power.altivec"></feature></target>"#,