blob: 0e27db0a661c8b1be1952db56bbc2a4c508cce16 [file] [log] [blame]
name = "futures-core"
version = "0.3.30"
edition = "2018"
rust-version = "1.36"
license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
repository = ""
homepage = ""
description = """
The core traits and types in for the `futures` library.
default = ["std"]
std = ["alloc"]
alloc = []
# These features are no longer used.
# TODO: remove in the next major version.
unstable = []
cfg-target-has-atomic = []
portable-atomic = { version = "1.3", optional = true, default-features = false, features = ["require-cas"] }
futures = { path = "../futures" }
all-features = true
rustdoc-args = ["--cfg", "docsrs"]